XBox Xbox Live

Don't trash the old one then.
Just send it to me =D =D =D .....

What I'd give for one of those?

D'you still have to pay a monthly fee even though your inactive?
I already bought the prepaid card, so I already paid $50 for it. so technically I'm not paying anything.

I could sell you the current one I have, then YOU could go get it fixed. XD
I have live. Tag is Kuro2001. I play gears o war alot, but i have some other games as well.
Cap'n Parka, the Hang 'Em High remake you're talking about is called Tombstone, and it's pretty sweet looking. It's big of course, and great for Team Snipers, but it's definitely worth the purchase if you play on Live.
I have XBL, my gamer tag is fugazze. And you guys need to get GRAW 2. it wasn't rated under an 8 by anything. It's such a good game you guys really need to get it.
Well i got my xbox live set up yesterday. The month free gold thing. I'll probably go on gears of war on it. Also Marvel Ultimate Alliance if anyone plays that. My gamertag i believe is vortex15.

What games if any do you play on XBOX live? I enjoy Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 2, MArvel Ultimate Alliance, and Halo 2.
GRAW is the only one I play nowadays. I want to play FFXI but I havent really got the time.
I tried FFXI at my friend's house. It was awesome! Other than that I usually play Halo 2. I don't really have money to buy more games.
What games if any do you play on XBOX live? I enjoy Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 2, MArvel Ultimate Alliance, and Halo 2.

GRAW II is okay. It's hard to get into it again after playing Call of Duty 4.

I play Halo 2, Halo 3, Gears of War, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, Perfect Dark Zero, GRAW II and Guitar Hero III online. Some more than others.

I'll be adding GTA IV to that list in the next few days. That game's multiplayer sounds pretty cool.
the good thing!!!

Yeah xbox life is pretty fun.

yeah I used to always use the chainsaw and suprisingly done well but I had to stop that because players would moan that it was unfair...

Always use the shot gun and frag grenades(so you can tag those bastards).

if you use those weapons I am pretty sure it will only be a matter of time untill you improve your ratio.

good , your idea is so romantic , continue , good thing wait for you , i have play it for many years ,good
Xbox live is like the best game in the biz. I love to play halo 3 because it's so easy to kill the other players. I usually play with my cousin over his house in call of duty 4 but he always kills me lol.
I played it for a while when Aztec first got it and then my brother-in-law played Halo 2 before H3 came out.

I've had my own Live accounts for almost 2 years now and it's amazing. Sure you get dumb-asses on here when playing online, but they can be easily avoided in so many ways.

Even though you have to pay for it, I say Xbox Live is the way to go when it comes down to Online Console gaming.
I am getting my X-Box 360 tomorrow and I have Xbox live... Who else gots ye ol' XBL and who wants to play some Gamege with moi?