PC WOW or FFXI online?

Wow is a lot more solo orientated than FFXI, which makes FFXI much more sociable, although just because your in a group with 5 other people to get XP, doesnt mean they talk to each other >.>

I was considering buying this seeing as I have WoW but I was wondering is there any point buying this if I have WoW and if anyone has both, can you please spell out the advantages and disadvantages. I apologize if this thread has been done before.
I played a little bit of XI and to be honest, it really is not that great. I got bored with it quite fast and there are a lot of assholes that play the game. WoW is so much better, so I would stick with that.

I also heard that they may be making XIV a MMORPG and that XI will just be shut down completely.
- FFXI has an epic story with tons of characters and cutscenes
- you can play all 20 classes on a single character
- PS2,PC,Xbox360/JP,NA,EU players all share the same worlds
-FFXI has a pretty mature community in comparison to other MMOs
- Luzaf (see my avatar and sig :P)

The one big thing to consider is FFXI will take a lot more time and effort to get stuff accomplished. It makes it much more rewarding, but if you dont have a lot of time for games then you'd be best sticking with WoW.

Also, you posted this in FFIX section :x
To be honest, I think that they both have their pro's and cons.

FF has pretty generic classes (White Mage, Black Mage, Thief), while the WoW classes are versatile.
Vana'diel is gigantic compared to Azeroth, even with Outland and Northrend included.

I think the WoW plots are very good, and apparently the FFXI plots are good too.

WoW has things like PvP, Dailies, Professions, Tiers, Raids, and lots of things to make it exciting even at the end-game. I don't know what FFXI has.
WoW Disadvantage: 1337 Nerds.

Also, people who say FFXI is unsoloable don't know what they're talking about, I know people who HAVE solod to 75.

I also heard that they may be making XIV a MMORPG and that XI will just be shut down completely.

If they were gonna shut it down, they wouldn't have released a new expansion, given us version updates every month with new things for jobs, weapons and other shit.

Can you minimize in WoW? That was one thing that annoyed me about FFXI is that if you wanted to have a quick check on a website or talk on MSN, you had to log out and then log back on which gets really annoying. Especially if you are in a party. I was told you could get a programme for it but was recommended not to as there was a possibility of being banned.

....FFXI Setup > Start In Windowed Mode.
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I have played both, WoW to a much larger degree. After playing WoW for 3.5 years or so, the game has lost much of what appealed to me.

So much of the game is now focused/balanced around pvp that it is aggrivating to sit through and read patch notes anymore. Pvp has affected the pve aspect of the game.

On the note of pvp, it is now focused around melee to be honest. It is as the nick name describes "World of melee-craft."

The game in and of itself is a huge grind in many areas. I am not saying that after 3.5 years FFXI wont be, but because of its scale it gives the impression that there is always something new and exciting.

The storyline in WoW is now muddled and lost. The lore is no longer really there to begin with, which happens when the storyline is lost.

Balance is a joke in pvp. This is troublesome since the game has such a large focus on this aspect now. I would say even moreso than the pve now. It is as people say and "e-sport."

So if you want to pvp then I would say go with WoW as the game is now focused on that aspect. If you want primarily pve then go with FFXI. FFXI provides more depth to the storyline which helps add to the pve aspect. The characters actually feel miniscule when you start out. This sounds bad but you actually feel like you are in another world.

After playing both I see WoW as the kids game with training wheels and FFXI as the "adult" game. Sounds weird when describing a game like this, I guess this shows how nerdy I am, but FFXI requires dedication and actually being played. Whereas WoW can be casually done and excelled in.

I tired my friends character for WoW. In the end I couldn't get into the game like FF. Like stated before, I find FF to be not only more for teamwork, but just for more hardcore players. It is much harder to get items in FF...you can play for many many YEARS and still not get an item you want. Which keeps you playing of course because you can't really 'beat' it.
Im glad you pointed out that FFXI has four. I have played both and i prefer FFXI over WOW. WOW is full of a bunch of little kids that are pains and FFXI has a more friendly enviroment and takes more than a week to master.
Someone already mentioned this, the people in WoW are a lot more ill-mannered. Alot are kids but then some of the adults have been just as appauling. I am not going to say that there has not been times that I have stooped to their level, but when in Rome...

While I play FFXI the groups I am in make me want to be polite. I feel weird if I am about to say something that would be considered an asshat. I was partying last night with another rdm, and he really was doing nothing and the pull was a difficult one so my heals could only be focused on the tank. Well he eventually died and the left the group as a result. People asked why and I said "He didn't heal himself once and got his ass killed and then left the group." I lol'ed when someone said that that was harsh, but the others in the group agreed.

The people in FFXI are so much more mature.

~She's a kick in a glass
i suppose a tiny upside to xi is that no one knows about it past people who are into that kinda thing anyway. every knows about WoW and most players are ridiculed (well the 15 year olds anyway). no one knows ffxi is like WoW and you can get away with talking about it in public without someone calling you a nerd
I play WoW,

and i must say, i am only lvl 46, and sick of it. The fact that you basically grind lvl by lvl is irritating, and looking for groups sucks if the server isnt new, cos there are fewer at your lvl.

Although i do enjoy it, i am slowly playing less and less. And a lot of people say the game only starts when you hit 70....so i dunno.

as for FFXI i cant say i have played it, i barely have enough time for 1 MMO let alone 2
Havn't played WoW...
I think personally FFXI looks and is better even though it is hard to level up sometimes and hard to get money, atleast it's a challenge. When your bored of leveling there is plenty more to do around.
You can change job whenever you wish and unlock new ones. It's got a good storyline from the beggining and as for the prices...
I've played FFXI for quite a while know and I didn't get bored of it. I don't think the prices are expensive because Yes, your first character costs around £10 but after that all other characters you buy are around 90p. Not that you need them anyway. Unless you want a mule character or just want to start the adventure all over again, theres no need too. Also, it was put up the other day that FFXI banned over 9,000 accounts that were found to be playing against the Terms of Service (RMT's).

Definatly, Definatly FFXI. :)
Ok... new poster here, and I couldn't resist jumping in on the topic I probably could contribute the most in.

I played FFXI from US Release until mid-2005, then WoW from 2005 until a couple of months ago, when me, my wife, and my best friend all went back to FFXI together. So... at least 3 years experience in both.

It is simple, to me. WoW is a MMOFragFest, and FFXI is a true MMORPG. WoW - you log in and immediately get into action. You can start fragging things solo or fragging n00bs in PvP within 10 minutes of logging on. Instances are a lot of fun, but 4 times out of 5 you finish them empty-handed. Dying is no sweat. Nothing, not even raid bosses, ever gets your heart rate up. Stories are rarely touching, funny, or honestly even worth reading. It is simply the best multiplayer hack'n'slash ever created. If you want to play a game online, you want to play it fast, and want to have an easy time.. WoW is the place to be.

FFXI... you can make an argument that the gameplay is primitive in comparison to WoW. So why did we all go back after 3 years? Even when we were playing WoW, we missed FFXI - but never went back because we believed it was still "too hardcore", plus the economy was destroyed by real-money traders.

Quite simply, it is the most immersive multiplayer experience ever made, imo. The cutscenes suck you in, and the ones involved with the actual storyline are true masterpieces. We burnt CDs of the music to listen in the car and on our computers. The stories all tie together and immerse you. Combat is 0% button-mashing and 100% smart gameplaying. Tough battles make your blood pump because of what is at stake - making a big progression in the storyline, or an hour's worth of XP. WINNING a tough battle or finishing a tough quest makes an entire night feel like a success, even though there's still a thousand things you still haven't accomplished in the game. The world is technically smaller than WoW's, but it feels much bigger.

Comparisons... WoW has a console that rivals that of an F-14 fighter pilot, while FFXI immerses you with a simple interface - your health, mana, TP, a small menu, and a compass. WoW is a frenzy of button mashing and clicking with the mouse, FFXI can be played -entirely- with the keyboard once you get comfortable with the controls. Aside from the 3-second voices when speaking to NPCs, races in WoW have almost no identity - especially when a full suit of armor makes it impossible to tell what you are at a glance. FFXI races all have extremely distinct personalities and looks. The step from PvP/5-man instances to raiding in WoW is a 40+hr a week commitment, around the clock, while FFXI raids are a bit shorter, more intense, and more sporadic, based on "sponsors" or availability of friends.

Dispelling rumors... re: the economy in FFXI - it is now FIXED, with the elimination of real-money traders. I sold all my gear for 6.5M 3 years ago when I quit (and kept the gil, just in case I came back) - I could buy it all back for about 1M now. That's a moot point, though, since the 3 of us started new characters from scratch (but I will admit I send a little money to help along here and there...). Looking for parties? All you need are 2 friends who play at the same time as you - a tank, healer, and dps/support can kill Tough mobs all day long for a respectable amount of experience when 6-person parties are scarce. Rude players? Hardly - if someone was rude, everyone would know about it in a day. It's like a small town, even though at least 2000 players are usually on at a time on most servers. Instead of being snerts, 15-year-olds have to resort to asking for help in FFXI, whereas in WoW they can act like they're the best, because honestly, WoW is easy to be good at. I also believe that 50-monster trains are gone, because the 3 things we've run away from in the few weeks we've been playing have eventually stopped giving chase. Those were the days....

FFXI is a grind, too - but a much more leisurely grind in terms of how active your eyes and hands have to be in the process. But, you can also be smart about it and plan doing quests/missions around the level that the stuff you'd have to clear out would be near your level - thus, you xp and get stuff done at the same time. It could definitely be a bit more challenging if you're playing all by yourself, though... but there ARE a few class combinations that can solo all the way up to 75. You'd just have to limit your expectations a little if you want to avoid groups.
i personally cant say anything about XI as its installing onto my 360's HDD as i type this, but i will say this, WoW is HEAVY soloing! at first i loved it, till i just got sick and tired of all the quests, lack of story line and all the little kids spamming in undercity! I got my warlock to lvl 37 and havent played it since, i also got a NE druid to 26. Like i said its heavy solo! Instances are fun but being in a group actually lowers the over all EXP! The graphics to me were gorgeous though, i loved the charecter designs and world design, and the classes and races are FTW! Many races to choose from, but in the end its a game that can just as easily be played offline as it is on! I want to group with people! and personally ever since i got EQOA for ps2 im now more into console RPGs. So ask yourself this, do you want to solo and PvP? or do you want to group with like minded people and PvE? I think thats what it boils down to! Also myself being a HUGE fan of all things FF i think its worth the 29.99 to at least try it out!
idk i dont really like MMO's the story is always so hollow and it get super boring. id rather just stick with the regualr RPG
idk i dont really like MMO's the story is always so hollow and it get super boring. id rather just stick with the regualr RPG

FFXI has a great storyline, not only for a MMORPG but as a game in general. (one of the better of all FF imo)
Also the question was "WoW or FFXI?""
haha this shouldnt be a problem
WoW is gay dude, its such an easy game, and theres a bunch a twelve year old running around everywhere, and everyones just a noob.
FF11 is better in so many ways, older and more matur people, better gameplay, its challenging in certain ways, but tons people would gladly help you out.
Just play it its awesome.
Why Final Fantasy 11 is better then World or Warcraft

So my friend and I have noticed a lot of contoversy between WoW and FF11. Now we both play FF11 and we both love it. Ive have tried WoW and my first reaction was " This is a piece of shit." We compared both games and found reasons why FF11 is much better. First off, all WoW is, is just killing stuff, grinding and doing quests, and raiding. The problem with that is theres no storyline, or missions to do, and that get really boring. In FF11, theres alot of missions to do and theres a whole storyline with each expansion pack, which keeps it very interesting, Now when it comes to the players, WoW has a bunch of 10 years old, noobs, and assholes running around everywhere that are annoying as hell. Whereas in FF11 theres people mainly ages 16 and up, and alot of the people are very friendly and gladly help out any player. Alot of people always say that in FF11 you always have to party, which isnt nessecarily true. I know people who have solo'ed to lvl 30 with no problem, and I have managed to solo a lot myself. But the reason why partying is good because you lvl up very quickly and its fun playing with other people, and its alot easier to get a party than people think, as long as your inr the area where you should lvl then you have a high chance of gettin an invite. I even get invites when i dont have my seeking party sign up. In WoW, you can solo throughout the entire game, and thats is just really boring. Theres a reason why its an online game, so you can interact with other people in it and play with them, not so you can just play the whole game by yourself and not even talk to anyone, you might as well just play something like Fable. But I do understand WoW doesnt revolve aorund money, and FF11 does, which is a good thing, but the economy in FF11 is getting restored and is almost back to normal. The thing i love about FF11 is that characters are lvled by jobs and ot an overall lvlm which is good because if your done lvling a job or if you dont like it you dont have to make a new character you just jobs and thats it. Unlike WoW where if you dont want the job you would have ti make a new charcater. WoW does have alot more players, but its such an overated game. FF11 doesnt have as many players but has a very good folowing. The gameplay in FF11 has a better setup, and you dont even need a mouse to play. In WoW you always have to keep your hand on the mouse and that tends to cause carpel tunnel. Also WoW has no auto run so you have to keep moving your character. Now one more thing, in WoW when you start the game you get a quick cutscene and then it throws you in the game without telling you anything, I had no idea what to do when i tried it, and had to figure everything out which is also very very annoying, and that made me hate the game even more. Now in FF11 it doesnt tell you everything in the begging, but it does show tell you where to go at first. and when going into the game, theres a whole manual on the game that will tell you everything you need to know. Also high level players randomly invite you to their linkshell, and you can ask them anything you need to know. Another aspect about FF11 is the sub jobs which helps out alot.

Theres a bunch of other things we could talk about but I'm just going to sum it up. WoW is just an easy, simple, and boring game, its the same repetetive thing, just killing things an lame ass quests. FF11 is lots of fun, challenging and theres tons of things to do along with a whole storyiline and tons of support from other people. I know that some people would agree with me and others will spam me telling me I'm full of shit or im just ingorant. But if you actually studied both games, then you would come to this realization.
The problem with that is theres no storyline, or missions to do, and that get really boring. In FF11, theres alot of missions to do and theres a whole storyline with each expansion pack, which keeps it very interesting

You kidding me? The storyline does an AMAZING job leaving off from the events of Warcraft III, but I guess you wouldn't understand that without actually having played it.

Now when it comes to the players, WoW has a bunch of 10 years old, noobs, and assholes running around everywhere that are annoying as hell.

Now you are just being stereotypical because you had one or two bad experiences. There are noobs everywhere on the internet, and you are just going to have to face that. The only reason you find more is because WoW is far more popular than FFXI and thus more people, including noobs, are going to be found playing it.

Whereas in FF11 theres people mainly ages 16 and up, and alot of the people are very friendly and gladly help out any player.

I've found MANY people who were willing to help me out in this game, almost everywhere I went people were giving me advice, and being friendly, so I don't know where you are getting these statistics from, but I'm just thinking you are being a little bit biased here.

But the reason why partying is good because you lvl up very quickly and its fun playing with other people, and its alot easier to get a party than people think, as long as your inr the area where you should lvl then you have a high chance of gettin an invite. I even get invites when i dont have my seeking party sign up.

I've had the same experience in WoW, because partying is very essential when doing any of the instances at your level, and it also depends on what class you pick. Sure a hunter may be able to play through most of the game by itself, but a priest is highly dependent on team play.

In WoW, you can solo throughout the entire game, and thats is just really boring. Theres a reason why its an online game, so you can interact with other people in it and play with them, not so you can just play the whole game by yourself and not even talk to anyone, you might as well just play something like Fable.

Sure you could play through the whole game yourself, but that would mean missing out on almost all the dungeons and getting good gear for your level. Just because you can either play the game by yourself or with other people doesn't make it worse, I'd actually say it's a plus because it suits the individual playing the game.

But I do understand WoW doesnt revolve aorund money, and FF11 does, which is a good thing, but the economy in FF11 is getting restored and is almost back to normal. The thing i love about FF11 is that characters are lvled by jobs and ot an overall lvlm which is good because if your done lvling a job or if you dont like it you dont have to make a new character you just jobs and thats it.

Sure that's a plus, but it also goes back to the individual. If you don't think you will like a class just try it out, you may be pleasantly surprised.

FF11 doesnt have as many players but has a very good folowing. The gameplay in FF11 has a better setup, and you dont even need a mouse to play. In WoW you always have to keep your hand on the mouse and that tends to cause carpel tunnel.

First of all, I don't see how using a mouse is a higher risk of causing carpal tunnel than using a keyboard, both of them require wrists down. Secondly, I'd consider that a HUGE improvement over just using the keyboard. That's boring.

Also WoW has no auto run so you have to keep moving your character. Now one more thing, in WoW when you start the game you get a quick cutscene and then it throws you in the game without telling you anything, I had no idea what to do when i tried it, and had to figure everything out which is also very very annoying, and that made me hate the game even more.

The beginning of WoW is SO easy to figure out, if you can't, just read the instruction manual, that's what it's there for.

I know that some people would agree with me and others will spam me telling me I'm full of shit or im just ingorant. But if you actually studied both games, then you would come to this realization.

So far all I've seen is a one-sided biased report on your preference, and so I don't really think how your points are valid, but no I'm not going to spam you or anything, because it's your choice. I just don't think you want to give WoW the time of day and nothing anyone says is going to change your mind.