Why is this forum called Costa Del Sol?

It just...is. :wacky:
I'm not sure many, if any, of the forums are named after a specific place for a reason...it's just random names I guess. :wacky:
Chewing gum causes stomach ulcers. The act of chewing causes the brain to send messages to your stomach to start making acid for possible digestion. Of course, nothing is swallowed, so all this fresh stomach acid just sits there.
And you also lose energy as a result of wasted saliva being produced, since the amylase in your saliva can't break down the gum but you're causing your brain to constantly attempt to do so.

So the benefits of gum are welllllll outweighed. xD
Why is Final Fantasy called Final Fantasy leik srsly.

There is nothing Final about it. It's got Fantasy, but Final? :gasp:
Why is this forum called Costa Del Sol?

Why are you called zitanier? :wacky:

Anyway, this forum is called Costa del Sol because it's the fun hangout spot for people to come and just chat nonchalantly about whatever they wish to chat about it. Kinda like how you can just go and hang out and Costa del Sol and have fun there as well in FFVII, you know? Not to mention it also hangs off of Gaia which is the name of the planet in FFVII.
How did the name of canned meat come to mean the name of sections of forums full of unrelated shizz and what not :wacky:

No, seriously, how?! :gasp: