Original When You Can't See the Sun...


Baby, I'm a badfish.
Feb 16, 2008
Discussion Thread

The lights gently flickered, noiselessly, as Freddy crept through the empty room. Moments ago, the scientists were involved in a heated discussion. Science wasn't his best subject, back in high school, but when he had heard "foreign spacecraft" it caught his attention.

"Foreign spacecraft? Tell me you mean the Russians or somethin'." He said to Dr. Wesson, who had been arguing with Dr. Astrid Beauro.
"Unfortunately, I don't think that's the case," Dr. Beauro answered for him. "This is far more advanced than anything we can make, even anything we've thought of."

That was what Freddy kept thinking of. When the ship shook violently, the walls lit up with a lavender glow, as if they came too close to the Sun itself. Suddenly, Freddy felt nauseous and he collapsed to his hands and knees. The room spun extravagantly, and everything closed to black.

He awoke, stood, and decided to find General Murray. General Murray brought three privates with him on this exploration to help keep everyone's head level. Remind them that though they were the furthest people from Earth, they still must abide by the law. As he made his way out of the room, he heard something strange. Something like the sound of a lion's roar echoing off of steel walls, through steel rooms, through a dead silence.

Private Freddy Verome pulled out his rifle.


Helene had been the first to notice the ship. She contacted the scientist, Astrid Beauro, as she specialized in elements and physical space matter.
At first, the scientists thought it may have been something simple, in a strange situation. Light refracting from a distant star, shining eerily across condensed gas, but that answer didn't put anyone's thoughts to rest.
Soon enough, they received signals from it and realized that it was a combination of condensed Carbon and Nitrogen, so solid as to protect itself from the vacuum. None of them had thought that possible before. Apparently it was.
Now Helene sat up from her unconscious position on the floor. Looking about, she saw the two who had been in the room with her. Lady Allison was still unconscious, or had gone to sleep, and ...
"No..." Helene said quietly. She crawled across the floor, looming over her husband. "Alfred, wake up." There was a pool of blood around his head, and when she felt around, she felt a bump. He must've have hit something as he fell. "Alfred!" She creamed. "Please, please wake up!" Helene pulled his body close to her own and began to cry, repeating his name, screaming it just above a whisper. Her voice gave out, and she didn't hope he'd awaken, for when she held his hand, the only warmth came from the tear drop that had hit it.
She fell asleep holding him close, and awoke just as cold as when she'd gone to sleep.


The unrecognized craft came near and fired on the ship. Sixteen people were on board and when they shot at them, panic struck each and every being within. Nobody had expected this. The lights flickered continuously, the back up generator pushing itself to the limit as every shot made contact. Their accuracy was uncanny, and the fact that they had weapons nagged at the back of Dr. Wesson's mind. 'Why have weaponry unless you knew there was something hostile. If they'd been watching us...then they'd know we weren't. Who else is out here?'
The lights stopped flickering and the ship was dark. Dr. Wesson could still hear the generator and knew they all at least had heat. The firing ceased and everything was silent.
"Hello?" Dr. Wesson called out, helplessly. "Is everybody okay?"

Moving silently through the vacuum of space, the alien ship approached their own. Particles of light spiraled out from the foreign spacecraft and entwined around the ship. As the American Space Explorer was boarded, unknown beings made their way into human terrain. They didn't know what to expect was on the subdued ship, and the people didn't know what to expect of their assailants.

As Dr. Wesson slowly crept along the wall of the room he'd been staying in, hand over hand finding his way through the dark, he heard loud noises and what sounded almost like a lion's roar. It seemed to come right out of a horror movie. Instead of feeling frightened, worried about what he was about to see, Dr. Wesson thought of his family. This could be a huge scientific finding, and a lot more money would be put into space exploration and the like. A lot of money that could help his two children through schooling. A lot of money that could help his wife become what she's always wanted to be.

But Dr. Wesson can't help if he dies here. Insurance doesn't cover intergalactic war.


Sara was confused when she woke up. She was in a cramped area without light and began to panic. "Where the hell am I?" She shouted. She couldn't spread her arms out fully, hitting a wall on both sides. "Where the fuck am I?" She said even more loudly. Then she became completely quiet when she heard a soft groan. Then, and it wasn't until then, that she remembered what had happened. And it wasn't until she remembered feeling the ship shake and the room grow hot, and the pitch black supply closet grew bright with lavender.

She smiled to the man as he came nearer. He introduced himself and she returned the nicety. His name was Jerome and he seemed to speak with his eyes. After getting to know each other over the past several years on board, they considered themselves a couple. He was very shy, and she liked that. He didn't even ask her out, she had done that. It had taken a long time, but it got lonely, and they became best friends.
Unfortunately, private relations were preferred not to be partaken in while aboard. They were being paid quite handsomely, and this was a job, and they were to treat it as one. Therefore, when the two got a little further into their relationship, they needed to do it without the knowledge of others on the ship.
In the supply closet, Jerome had started waking up, and she immediately was pacified, knowing that he would be there for her.
"Sara, are you okay?" He said as he got to his feet. "And let's get the hell out of this closet..." They were both surprised to see that the lights were off outside of the closet. The closet itself had no light, but the hallway lights never went out.
"I think there's something bad going on..." Sara said. Jerome pulled her close and held her tightly as they heard a terrifying roar. It came from the jungle itself. "If the lights are out on the ship," Sara said, "Then what do you do when you can't see the sun?"
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December 2nd, 2369 550 hours EST

Stalking silently through the halls, Private Freddy Verome pulled his visor down over his face, setting the night vision. Looking down the hallway, with his rifle on the ready, he crouched down and began to slowly step along. Over the intercom he heard the words, "Security breach. Autolock Set." Only the members of the ship knew the passcode to get through it assuming they hadn't forgotten. Freddy hadn't, and as he approached the next room, he typed in the code. As each press of the keypad beeped, he grimaced for fear of whatever was inside knowing he was coming in.


Unfortunately for Jerome, he had forgotten the code. He stood alone outside of his bed quarters, shivering lightly. He worried about the fact that the ship would slowly be losing its air supply, and that he couldn't get to his things. He had told Sara to wait in the closet, as after hearing the roar, she was far too frightened to start wandering around.
"Did it end with 6 or 9, dammit?" He said aloud to himself, trying different combinations over and over again. Suddenly, it clicked open, and the door creaked loudly. A grin of satisfaction crossed his face as he stepped into the room. "Too bad the lights still ain't on."
As he rummaged through the cold and black room, he found a titanium telescope. When closed it was about 8 inches long, and when extended, about 18 inches. After pulling it to its full length, he held the thinner end, ready to defend himself should he encounter anything...
Anything. Turning quietly, he began to head back out of the room, when the door slammed shut. "...the hell?" he whispered. "Is someone there?" Receiving no answer and the room remaining just as quiet, he walked over to the door, ready to put the code back in. Searching for the keypad in the dark, a sufficient light appeared in the room. He smiled and said, "Heey, that outta help." As he finished putting in the code, he heard the roar again, only this time it sounded a hell of a lot closer.


General Murray and Private Gomez stood attentively around Katelyn Harrison. "Iz all of zees necessary?" she asked, her German accent coming out. It only showed when she got too excited, or frightened, or upset. The two soldiers nodded their heads simultaneously.
"Ma'am, you heard that noise. Nothing aboard this ship should have made that noise. If you don't mind me saying, I think we're fucked." General Murray nodded toward the door. "Gomez, open it and check the rooms along Wing Delta, understood?"
"Yes sir. And if I find anyone?"
"Human? Bring 'em on back, we'll protect them. Anything else...Shoot without hesitation. And soldier, if you see Devies or Verome, have them search Alpha, Beta and Gamma wings, along with yourself. If you don't...Then don't bother."
Private Mercury Gomez entered the passcode and quickly looked down both sides of the hallway. After seeing everything as safe, he went left out of their views. Shouting after him, General Murray said, "I'm closing this door. Ain't nothin' getting in here unless they have that code!"


Dr. Wesson swung his right fist blindly into the dark. He struck only air. He heard the roar again, even closer, and struck a second time. He started to back up against the wall, creeping backward and hoping to find the room he had come from.
Instead He froze in fear.
Right before him sat some beast standing tall on four pointed, insect-like legs. It radiated a small amount of light, and its body was black with decorative patterns of fur in rings along each limb. It cocked its foreign and unrecognizable head backward, something Dr. Wesson wasn't aware was possible, and then it leaped with the sound of a lion's roar. He threw his arms up to protect himself, and felt pain as its front legs forced themselves through the tender flesh of man. The pointed ends of its two front legs had gone completely through each of his arms, and as it tried to pull away, it pulled Dr. Wesson down on top of it. It screeched and brought its dull rear legs up and over its body, then tried to pry the human from it. As the alien realized it was stuck, it began to garble in some homophonic manner, making strange noises that sounded like nothing on Earth.
As Dr. Wesson suppressed his pain, the room got brighter. The beast didn't just radiate light now- it shone. It was almost blinding to look at, the it had gone quiescent. Breathing shallowly, Dr. Wesson looked at his arms, each throbbing with pain, blood soaking his white clothing and the beast's fur was matted down where it had made contact with him. It was still garbling, softly now, and they both sat timidly, making no movement.
The creature's thoughts were only of how to pry this bipedal sapient from its front legs, whereas Dr. Wesson's mind ran rampant, trying to think of how to set himself free, how to injure the being, maybe even kill it. Even some of his mind was studying it- was it a mammal or an insect? It seemed capable of breathing in their atmosphere so it must be carbon based. Chemical makeup? Food diet? Lifespan? Dr. Wesson noticed its odd, rectangular mouth, that slightly protruded from its face. It had hardened-looking gums, and no teeth, an herbivore? Dr. Wesson was taking deeper breaths now, and he realized he was helpless. Only one thought came to mind, and it wasn't very good.


Lady Stanford sat up, dizzy and lethargic. She looked about and saw Helene, sitting on the floor, covered in blood, caressing her husband's face.
And it all came back.
As the room shook, Helene fell to the floor. On her hands and knees she looked up at Lady Allison with fear in her eyes. Allison herself was more focused on not falling as well, and Helene's husband, Alfred was sitting up from the top bunk of his bed, with panic in his eyes.
"Did we hit something?" he shouted over the noise. Allison shook her head furiously and retorted, "Something hit us." Confusion spread across his face momentarily, but soon the room grew hot and violet. Allison's head pulsed. Breathing became troublesome. She watched as Alfred tumbled from the bed, his head colliding with the titanium bedframe and his body falling limply the rest of the way. Helene seemed to have already gone unconscious, and Lady Allison noticed small gray speckles on the outside of her vision. As she focused on them, the rushed inward, and everything went black.

"Helene," Allison said softly. Helene's head jerked upward, she looked startled and as she stared at Allison, she carried an expression on her face as if she didn't recognize her.
"Helene..." She said again, even more quietly this time. Allison watched as Helene stood up and slowly approached her. Allison saw the front of Helene's beautiful dress soaked through with blood, her face ruined with tears and mascara and her husband's death. Helene stopped in front of Allison, and the two women hugged tightly, as Helene sobbed into her shoulder. All Allison could do was shush her like when a mother shushes her newborn, and pray that she would make it through this experience.


Dr. Astrid and Dr. Yamamoto had been in the laboratory, watching through telescopes the moment it happened. Arthur Doyle and Sir Phillip Frankel had been in the room adjacent, with similar structures, but separate technology for studying the foreign object. The shock she felt as it suddenly began moving at them at speeds she couldn't have expected was atrocious. She didn't see anything, but the monitors started beeping, lights started flashing, and all of the machinery started crashing. Warnings about ultraviolet rays being sent at them in massive quantities.
"It couldn't be..." Dr. Yamamoto said quietly. Astrid looked at him, confused, as she realized he knew more about what was happening than she did. Anger in her voice, she said, "What couldn't be?"
He turned to her and feebly said, "The Japanese space exploration, seventeen years ago claimed that they saw foreign ships, but when they sent back images, they looked empty, except for what looked to be condensed hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. When we saw this, I knew it must be the same, but I couldn't accept that it could have been...anything like this," he paused for a moment, and Astrid heard a low hissing. Before she could identify it, he continued, "They're aliens."
Astrid felt light headed, but she knew it wasn't just because of what he told her. "Do you hear that? She said, "It sounds like the air is leaking from the room. We need to get out of hear and seal it off.
The two of them ran from their telescopes and headed for the security door, when Dr. Yamamoto stopped. His face had an expression of pain on it, and the room began to glow with a vibrant lavender color. She dropped to her knees and closed her eyes, knowing what was coming. She heard Dr. Yamamoto collapse in a much less procedured manner and covered her ears. She knew they were too near to the radiation. She knew if she opened her eyes she'd die, so she cried as she felt the pressure against her head and listened to her colleague scream in pain and beg for help less than a foot away from her.

When she woke, she saw the horrific remains of Dr. Yamamoto Mitsugishu, his eyes literally melted, blood dried and foamed from his mouth, blood crusted along his ears. Astrid tasted the blood, and after thoroughly searching herself, found nothing that could kill her. No irregular heartbeat, she didn't bleed from her ears. The worst that could happen now, would be going home and hearing she had acquired cancer, and she couldn't be bothered to give a damn about cancer at a tie like this.
She briskly walked to the door that connected their lab with Doyle and Frankel's, but when she looked through the glass on the door, she saw everything was gone. Where the telescopes had been in their room, now was a large hole in the wall, leading directly into the vacuum of space. Moving back toward her own telescopes, she saw millions of dollars worth of equipment floating in space- but the bodies were nowhere to be found.
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