Help Strength balancing

Sep 6, 2011
So I don't know how it works out for you guys when you play but Squall is always so powerful. I think it's mainly because I always keep Ifrit junctioned to him and 100 of whichever spells raises his strength the most. I've tried to get Zell at least nearly as strong but it seems impossible. It would probably help if I got the Ergheiz though (final weapons/gloves/whatever). I was just wondering if anyone out there has made other characters as badass if not more than squall.
If you equip the stat bonus abilities on them they get stronger in that stat. I know that when Zell has Siren, his mag stat goes through the roof. Same when I give Ifrit to Squall. You can't really equalize it. Some people try to define classes for the characters but I don't see much point in that.

Once you get Devour though, you can bring everyone to their max stats. It takes a awhile but its possible.
Zell can be much more overpowering than Squall if you abuse/utilize his limit break.
That aside, I think they made him so strong because he's supposed to be your party leader. Then again, everyone's very similar in VII and VIII being that anyone can more or less do just about anything.
Eh, only under very rare circumstances. If you watch the video, look how quick this guy is putting in the commands. 5 miniseconds for most of them. Roughly that's 12 moves per second. Then he's set it up do Zell has the max 12 sec time for his limit break. So 144 attacks per limit break. Additonally he's only using Heel Drop and Booya, the most damaging moves that aren't limit breaks.

So unless you've got this sort of skill with inputing the commands, Squall's is still better.
Base stats, using the boost strength ability. But you could try and balance them out just be junctioning the magic differently, or getting them similar magic.
I think Squall is just naturally stronger in strength than anyone else in the party. I never actually attempted to try and utilize one of the other part member's strength, so I don't know. Anyway, I took advantage of Squall's strength by keeping Squall on low health all the time, after you obtain the weapon, "Lionheart". Just spam his limit breaks all the time ;). Killed Omega with the limit break, Lionheart, that way.