Sephiroth a Psychopath?


lol, it may call me a Noob, but i'm not
Apr 4, 2009
California, US
Well, we all know Sephiroth. But have you ever think outside of the box? We see that he does not have a Girlfriend in any games, he seems Emo, he kills a lot of people without feeling bad for it. What does that tell you? He is a Psychopath!
Well, yea It's obvious he went insane after visiting Nibelheim and reading about his past.

With all the killing and the omnicide n' all that shiz.

Actually, he's pretty much accepted as a lot of things, psychopath being one of them.
From a psychological perspective: HELL YES.

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What does that tell you? He is a Psychopath!


Sephiroth is a maniac and we all know. I don't even think you have to "go outside the box" to get this fact. He fuckin crazy, yo.
I'm not entirely sure if Sephiroth would classify completely as a psycopath... His origin was probably world-shattering for him. Plus the fact the because of that, his state of mind was constant turmoil, allowing Jenova to easily twist and warp his view on everything. So, he's a psycopath if only because of his actions, is what everyone says. Personally, I think he's just misguided and slightly insane--the kind of insanity where they don't think they are.
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Sephiroth has no girl friend...

I think because he is too busy, although he is friendly in crisis core, but actually his arrogance makes him has few friends.

and ... there is no any girl in SOLDIER, Sephiroth has no chance to meet a girl EVERY DAY ... 8D

Maybe he thinks he don't need any friend...XD
I think anyone would be a little distraught after finding out that his real parents were out of a test tube. Not to say that he didn't have something wrong with him before. Sephiroth reminds me of someone who has High functioning autism such as myself. (Aspergers)
Harly dont provoke them:wacky:

Sephiroth is not so much a Psychopath as you guys think.

Yes he kills indiscriminately but its all towards an end he sees as being justifiable, his scope is of the scale when it comes to the number of people he is willing to kill for his goals.

If you look further inside the box you start to realise that Sephiroth cannot be judged by normal human standards, simply because he removed himself from such standards. We need to understand that Seph is not driven by petty revenge or monetary gain.

He wants to Become a god and will sacrifice countless numbers of people to do it:hmph:

Psychopath doesnt cut Im afraid.
I think Sephy want to suicide, when he found Cloud can hurt him, he never fought Cloud seriously at the original story, if not so, Cloud was killed by Sephiroth at the begnning of the game (several times XD).

Sephy is still kind after knowing some piece of the fact, just as his mother Lucrecia; he didn't want to destory the Plant in reality , he selected someone to kill him, and took away the final jenova's cell at AC to avoid another "Sephiroth".