Need help with FF4 octomammoth


New member
Nov 2, 2020
So i cant seem to beat this fuck because my HP/mana are way too low. Can't you fucking leave the cave? How the fuck do i leave the cave? All i want to do is grind more and heal but i cant leave the cave and it feels like im soft locked, destined to keep losing to this fucking idiot. Im getting really frustrated and if someone could help me leave thatd be great.
:) Not sure which version you're playing, but looks like there should be a save point somewhere within the cave according to this map I found. I believe it's through the wooden door on the first square?


I don't recall much about IV anymore but but hopefully that save point can help you out a bit! If not I'm sure someone else who is more familiar with the game can help you out in a bit more given time!

Also welcome to the forums!
Im playing the 3d version on steam. That map doesnt look like the one im at. I think im a little bit farther past this part. The only 2 rooms i can seem to go to are the one with octofucker and the one right before.
Hmm, I'm not sure how to assist beyond this since I haven't played the 3D version, but hopefully someone else can answer!

I looked at a quick let's play in that area and see what you mean. When was your last save? Is it possible to reload from your last save-point and backtrack to the previous dungeon to where the save circle was? Or are you worried about progress? :(

Your levels are fine (11).. Here is an excerpt from Actions guide:

Hit up Darkness on Cecil and have him attack constantly. Once Darkness wears
off, you can hit it again or just have Cecil attack normally. I suggest you use
Thunder with Tellah and keep Rydia on permanent Cure duty (especially with
Cecil using Darkness). Since Octomammoth is weak to both Dark and Lightning,
they will both cause major damage.

If you need to, have Tellah stop casting Thunder and switch to Cura, especially
if you need some team healing.

Octomammoth's HP can be "seen" through its tentacles. As its tentacles go away,
you can determine how much HP Octomammoth has left. Once Octomammoth drops to
2-3 tentacles, he will hit for significantly more damage than before.

Once Octomammoth starts hitting harder, just have Cecil attack normally (you
might not want to hit Darkness again) and Tellah and Rydia use their Cure-type
spells. If your team is at full health, Tellah can cast a Thunder spell.

Just keep up your HP and you'll be fine. Octomammoth went down faster for me
than I thought he would.

No Idea about the leaving part.
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You can leave the cave, iirc. If you go back to the previous area from the lake where the octomammoth is, there should be an entrance at the top of the screen that takes you back to the world map. You have to follow the path and walk through the water to get the exit.