Let's Play Spyro (PS4)! [120%][FIN]


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent

Hey folks, here's the opening to a brand new series! This time around we're going to be playing through the Spyro remaster for PS4! If you haven't heard about our Spyro, he's a dragon who likes to take part in 3D platformers, most notably from back in the PS1 days.

Oh! I forgot to mention that this will be a 120% run! That's as high as the percents go for this game!

The companies involved in creating and distributing this game are surprisingly nothing to with me; I'm just playing and adding my commentary to this series. The companies are actually: Activision and Toys For Bob and it's running on the Unreal Engine.

Here's the opening:

Thanks for watching! We'll hopefully be kicking this series off tomorrow and I'll try and make sure it stays as a daily series as often as possible.

See you in a bit! :)
Episode 1 - That's One Gnasty Gnorc!

Hey there folks, Spyro has decided to go on holiday! It may be in his own hometown but let's not break his positive outlook on life :).

So, on his first day, he's decided to check out the Artisan World! He does love a good sheep, does our Spyro, so he feels right at home! Within this place, there's plenty of grass for him to laze about in when he checks out the Stone Hill.

Spyro also decides to give his wings a good workout in Sunny Flight! It's nothing strenuous and allows him to relax and see the sights :).

At the end of every day comes the darkness though. But with a nice bonfire, there doesn't need to be anything scary here. Dark Hollow is nothing to have nightmares over.

Thanks for watching! We'll see what else Spyro decides to do tomorrow ;).
I haven't had time to purchase and play Spyro Reignited yet so I may have to see some of it via you!

It looks really good.
I haven't had time to purchase and play Spyro Reignited yet so I may have to see some of it via you!

It looks really good.

:lew: I wholeheartedly think that you should, Dangorio! I've only played the 1st game so far but it's enough of an improvement over the original so that you never have to play any other version other than for nostalgia :).


Episode 2 - In The Name Of Animal Cruelty

Hey there folks, today Spyro decides to have a look at the Town Square (as any good tourist should!). Those bulls sure like to dig, huh?

He also meets Toasty and gives him a warm welcome. Good on you Spyro. Good on you.

I think Spyro is a bit bored of this world now. Next time, he's gonna head on over to the 2nd hub world and see what that has to offer.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 3 - Red Dead Peace

Hey peoples, Spyro has popped on over to the land of Peace Keepers! He thinks that a full moon is an ingenious way to attract more tourists.

Looking around the Dry Canyon, he doesn't particularly like the sand getting stuck under his scales. However, there's a nice Cliff Town in the middle of it all with soup-serving women. Very strange, he thinks, but when in Rome!

Thanks for watching! See you soon! :)
Episode 4 - In The Coldness And The Night

Hey folks, Spyro thought the area would be nothing but desert, but boy was he wrong! He finds out that there are some Ice Caverns nearby to cool off with; I'm sure he was pretty darn grateful for those ;).

Spyro also decides that he'd like a nice, cool breeze under his wings in Night Flight. Getting to burn some fairies while he's at it is such a nice bonus too :).

Finally, he goes to meet the boss of the peace keepers: Doctor Shemp! "What an odd fellow", he mutters to himself.

Thanks for watching! Onto world 3 next time! :)
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Episode 5 - Caves Of Magical Wonder

Hey folks, another day another area for Spyro to explore! Today he decides to head on over to Magic Crafters, where the weird and wonderful sights make him incredibly nauseous. "How can butter not really be butter?", he asks himself as he visits the local supermarket.

Other than the supermarket, he checks out Alpine Ridge, which is a little bit like tilting your head left and right repeatedly without a toilet nearby. Our Spyro decides to leave here as quickly as possible.

That leads him into the High Caves. Spyro may be scared shitless of spiders, but he gets a kiss off a fairy and feels braver than ever! Burn the bastards, Spyro, burn 'em good! ;)

Ha thanks for watching! See you soon for more of the wacky, magical world of Spyro! :)
Episode 6 - Blow Harder!

Hey there folks, today Spyro is checking a bit of two areas in one go!

Whilst hanging around the same area, he hangs around with the wizards for a bit longer in Wizard Peak, expecting them to help him fly with minimal effort. Lazy days. Since they don't fancy doing that though, Spyro will just go for a glide by himself, via the Crystal Flight!

Then he ends up meeting Blowhard. He should Blow Harder. I mean seriously, eat a Snickers or something.

Spyro is just dead bored of this place now. He waddles off to Beast Makers, the land of...dull swampiness. Terrace Village is no fun. At all. He leaves there promptly.

Thanks for watching! More of the swamp is coming next time! ;)
Episode 7 - Misty Blue

Hey folks, today Spyro decided to spend the day in the bog. The Misty Bog, you sicko! He doesn't much like swamps and things of that nature but now and again you need to do something you aren't particularly fond of. It helps you appreciate the things you enjoy more, y'know? Our Spyro is ever so deep...

He also heads out for a Wild Flight. This one is stressful, he thinks. Almost to the level of throwing a wiimote through a TV screen and blaming it on not wearing a strap so you don't look stupid. Almost to that level.

Thanks for watching! Spyro sees some tree tops in the distance so he decides to quit while he's ahead for the day. See you soon! :)
Episode 8 - Where Treetops Glisten

Hey folks, today Spyro climbs around on the Tree Tops. "Well this is confusing as shite", he says to himself. He's not wrong.

He takes his frustration out on Metalhead who isn't in much of a position to fight back. Another innocent bystander bites the dust.

Spyro is bored of the swamp now (and who can blame him?). It's time to head up into the clouds to the magical world of the Dream Weavers! Ok, so he visits the most boring place in the world (Dark Passage) but give it time. Spyro has a good feeling that things are going to get much better...

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 9 - Spyro the Dreamwalker

Hey peoples, it seems Spyro is having a day of rest and dreaming of better things.

His head is up in the clouds as he mentally visits the Lofty Castle; chasing fairies was always one of his favourite pastimes. He nearly has a nightmare too though but the Haunted Towers aren't as scary as they sound...unless you're afraid of the Tinman?

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 10 - Jaques In The Box

Hey there folks, Spyro is still sleeping. Such laziness in one so young. Back in my day...

Today, Spyro dreams of flying through the snow and ice in Icy Flight. "It's odd that I'm liking this dream", he thinks, "I don't normally like the cold".

He also seems to have conjured up a living Jack in the box called Jaques. Of course, Spyro has to chase him down and kill him off. It's just manners.

Woop! I think our Spyro is waking up! Thanks for watching! See you next time for the next world! :)
Episode 11 - World Of Gnastiness

Hey folks, Spyro has come to the last location of his holiday: Gnasty's World :(. It's a pretty muddy looking place too, with not much colour to speak of. Still...got to make the most of time away from the house, huh?

First up, he checks out Gnorc Cove! It's a bit explosive here. I mean, Spyro likes his fireworks but these bangs aren't quite the same :/.

Other than that, he goes to Twilight Harbor, which isn't as prettiful as it sounds. This ain't no Kingdom Hearts town! The cogs and gears turn in our Spyro's head and he decides drowning in the muddy waters isn't worth it. He leaves.

Thanks for watching! We'll be wrapping things up next time! :)
Episode 12 ~Thanks For Watching!~

Hey there folks, here comes the end of Spyro's holiday!

Today he meets Gnasty Gnorc. He breathes a bit of flame and never hears from his new mate again. Some people can be so unforgiving!

Spyro also finds a secret stash of cash in the form of Gnasty's Loot! L-L-Lucky!

Thanks for watching the series! I hope you enjoyed :). The next series is going to be a more niche game from the PS1 era that was a bit unliked for being different from the original game in the same series. Still...I swear there are positives to take out of it! :p

Thanks again! See you soon! :)