
Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
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Jun 26, 2008
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FFF’s recipe contests have been very popular as a recurring Birthweek event.

You can see the former entries in these galleries:

The event has now returned with a festive twist!

What do you do?
Simply cook a meal, prepare a light snack, a cold meal, or a dessert, and arrange it in a way which turns it into a Final Fantasy themed dish. You must then take a photograph and give a name to your dish which fits into the Final Fantasy universe. You can then eat your entry if you like.

But please make it Christmas-themed in some way! A loose connection is fine.

Use this basic template for submitting your dish:
Name of dish:
Recipe: (list of ingredients and particular details of preparation if you wish to add them)

Be creative! You can use any edible ingredients that you wish in order to make and arrange your meal. It might mean merely tweaking your standard lunch and giving it a strange name, or you could go crazy and create something truly unique. Think outside the box!

Submit all entries via Private Message to Dionysos.

After submissions have been received people will vote on their favourite dishes.

  • Try to avoid identifying yourselves in any images.
  • You can pretend that some ingredients are a Final Fantasy item if you wish (i.e swap chicken/turkey for chocobo).
  • Be safe! Don't choke on your food or poison yourself.

Deadline = December 21st.

If people do not submit on time then Six will roast you all, slice you up, and then plop you into her soup for consumption. And she'll be telling you off the whole time too. I'd be scared, personally, so I wouldn't submit late if I were you.

All participants will be rewarded with EXP for entry, but the winner/s will gain extra EXP.

Post any queries below.


Good luck, and be prepared to interrupt me to say- "That's it! I've come up with a new Christmas recipeh!!!"
There is still time to enter this competition!
Ten days left before we close for voting.
Only a handful of days left to send me your recipes!

Deadline is 21st December!

If you plan to eat a meal, sandwich, or even a packet of crisps, do consider if you can reimagine it as a Final Fantasy foodstuff! I'll accept anything!