FFVI Favourites and Worsts List

Favorite Character: Mog
Favorite Male Character: Edgar
Favorite Female Character: Relm
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Angel Brush
Favorite Desperation Attack: Star Prism
Favorite Magic: Cure
Favorite Esper: Cait Sith
Favorite Random Monster: N/A
Favorite Boss: Chadarnook
Favorite Area: Esper World
Favorite Place: Miranda
Favorite Method of Transportation: Chocobo
Favourite Cutscene: N/A
Favorite Music: Dancing Mad
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Cyan
Worst Male Character: Cyan
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst desperation attack: Tsubame Gaeshi
Worst Esper: Catoblepas
Worst Magic: Confusion
Worst Random Monster: Wolf
Worst Boss: Lightning Whelk
Worst Area: Zozo
Worst Place: Beach House
Worst Method of Transportation: Figaro Castle
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: Zozo's Music
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Terra
Favorite Male Character: Sabin
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favorite Desperation Attack:????
Favorite Magic: Ultima of course
Favorite Esper:Cactuar cause it has a fantastic moustache ^^
Favorite Random Monster:ummm Kefka
Favorite Boss:Obviously kefka
Favorite Area N/A
Favorite Place: Kefka Tower
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: when kefka destroys the world
Favorite Music: kefka theme/ Dancing Mad
Favorite FMV:N/A

Worst Character: UMARO
Worst Male Character:UMARO
Worst Female Character:MOG
Worst NPC character:Cid cause he looks like a banana
Worst Weapon:Gladius
Worst desperation attack:
Worst Esper:Alexander
Worst Magic: Berserk
Worst Random Monster:none
Worst Boss:The snail/ earth dragon cause its a dino not a dragon >.>
Worst Area:none
Worst Place:ZOZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Worst Method of Transportation:walking
Worst Cutscene:first one
Worst Music: Celes Theme
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Shadow
Favorite Male Character: Shadow
Favorite Female Character: Relm
Favorite NPC character: Interceptor
Favorite Weapon: The Striker
Favorite Desperation Attack: Cyan's Back Blade
Favorite Magic: x - Zone
Favorite Esper: Phantom
Favorite Random Monster: Outsider
Favorite Boss: The Phantom Train
Favorite Area : The Phantom Forest
Favorite Place: South Figaro
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Blackjack Airship
Favourite Cutscene: When Shadow traps Kefka between the Gods of Magic
Favorite Music: Battle to the Death (Boss Music #2)
Favorite FMV:N/A

Worst Character: Gau
Worst Male Character: Gau
Worst Female Character: Celes
Worst NPC character: Ultros
Worst Weapon: the player's fists
Worst desperation attack: Relm's Star Prism
Worst Esper: Stray / Cait Sith
Worst Magic: Berserk
Worst Random Monster: Typhoon / Chupon (Colosseum)
Worst Boss:Ultros
Worst Area:Eboshi / Ebot's Rock
Worst Place:Kefka's Final Throneroom
Worst Method of Transportation: walking
Worst Cutscene:During the search for Gau's shiny treasure.
Worst Music: Gau's theme
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Locke
Favorite Male Character: Locke

Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character:
Favorite Weapon: Valiant Knife
Favorite Desperation Attack: Mog's, from what I remember
Favorite Magic: Meteor
Favorite Esper: Bismark
Favorite Random Monster:
Favorite Boss: Kefka
Favorite Area: World Map 2
Favorite Place: none
Favorite Method of Transportation: Blakjack
Favourite Cutscene: :starwars:
Favorite Music: Opera Overture
Favorite FMV: none

Worst Character: Umaro
Worst Male Character: Seriously, guys.
Worst Female Character: Urg. How soes gender matter. It's Umaro too.
Worst NPC character: Kefka
Worst Weapon: ... Dirk.
Worst desperation attack: They'r all terrible.
Worst Esper: Midgarsormr
Worst Magic: protect
Worst Random Monster: Slagworm
Worst Boss: tentacles
Worst Area: Veltd
Worst Place: house of the mad man in Khlinghen (because of soundtrack)
Worst Method of Transportation: Foot
Worst Cutscene: Kefka killing Leo
Worst Music: that battle song for Ultros in the theatre
Worst FMV: the intro one.
Favorite Character: Sabin (useful everywhere, and funny!)
Favorite Male Character: Sabin
Favorite Female Character: Celes (Terra was annoying emo, and Relm was kid. Also absolutely useless, but Relm gets a vote for being mouthy.)
Favorite NPC character: Leo
Favorite Weapon: Assassin: Random instant kill ftw!
Favorite Desperation Attack:
Favorite Magic: Vanish-Doom FTW!
Favorite Esper: Uhm... Kirin. Regen for full team = <3
Favorite Random Monster: I would have to say... the Zombones, just because they come up like "RAWR IMA KILL YOU!" "Pff. No. *uses revivify*" "*death*
Favorite Boss: Ultros, just because I can kill him really easily without Vanish-Doom.
Favorite Area: Urgh.... Phantom Train, just because it scares the hell out of Shadow. Dude's gotta crack sometimes.
Favorite Place: Veldt
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Falcon
Favourite Cutscene: Sabin having his ass handed to him after the first Ultros fight. Epic.
Favorite Music: Shadow's theme, The Unforgiven (check it, most notable appearance of it is after Kefka poisons Doma and Cyan goes on a rampage), Relm's theme.
Favorite FMV:
Favorite Relic: Running Shoes: instant haste = heart. Plus, it gives you immunity to slow and stop since it keeps Haste on you at all times.

Worst Character: Cyan (emo dude needs to stop being emo.)
Worst Male Character: Cyan
Worst Female Character: Ugh... Fuck it, Rachel for being a bitch to Locke after losing her memory(don't care if she's NPC)
Worst NPC character: Uhm... Gonna have to say Gestahl there.
Worst Weapon: Dirk.
Worst desperation attack: None.
Worst Esper: Stray. ROT IN HELL!
Worst Magic: Break. It never fucking works.
Worst Random Monster: The bastard rock creatures in the collapsing house, the one Celes rescues the child from? Yeah, they cast Break on you when they die, it works, they die, and it still counts as Game Over. Cheap-ass bitches...
Worst Boss: Cranes coming out of Vector. THEY WOULDN'T FUCKING DIE! *stab*
Worst Area: The Floating Continent. Gets on my nerves.
Worst Place: Jidoor. Waiting forever to get Golem and ZoneSeek in the AH.
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking without Sprint Shoes. Such a bitch until I got Sprint Shoes. Then I was happy.
Worst Cutscene: Celes attempting to suicide. That made me sad.... Then pissed me off when I found out I could have avoided it :rage:
Worst Music: Erm, I normally wouldn't say anything, but Kefka's theme needs to be stabbed.
Worst FMV:
Worst Relic (you got a best, now a worst): I would say... Hyper Wrist, since I have no clue what Vigor does...
Favorite Character: Celes.
Favorite Male Character: Setzer. Or Edgar.
Favorite Female Character: Terra.
Favorite NPC character: ---
Favorite Weapon: ---
Favorite Desperation Attack: ---
Favorite Magic: Cure.
Favorite Esper: Bismark.
Favorite Random Monster: ---
Favorite Boss: The final boss- Kefka.
Favorite Area: ---
Favorite Place: ---
Favorite Method of Transportation: Chocobo.
Favourite Cutscene: The coin toss.
Favorite Music: Terra's theme.
Favorite FMV:---

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character: Sabin.
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon:
Worst desperation attack:
Worst Esper:
Worst Magic:
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Method of Transportation:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Terra, Relm
Favorite Male Character: Edgar and Locke, it's a tie!!
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Ultros... lol
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Desperation Attack: huh?
Favorite Magic: Cure I guess
Favorite Esper: Cait Sith :P
Favorite Random Monster:
Favorite Boss: Kefka, Ultros
Favorite Area: Narshe (I like snowy places ^_^)
Favorite Place: Esper World (whoa oh oh it's magic!)
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Opera scene, Terra has a flashback of Maduin and Madonna in the Esper World
Favorite Music: Terra's Theme, Aria di Mezzo Carattere, The Decisive Battle, Dancing Mad.... this game has the best soundtrack
Favorite FMV: The opening FMV

Worst Character: Cyan and Umaro, ugghh...
Worst Male Character: Cyan
Worst Female Character: Celes
Worst NPC character: GESTAHL!!!! I hate him!!
Worst Weapon: Dirk, knife, whatever
Worst desperation attack:
Worst Esper:
Worst Magic:
Worst Random Monster:
Hades Gigas kept killing my party :(
Worst Boss: None, Zozo was tougher than any other boss for me X_X
Worst Place: ZOZO!!
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: When Kefka poisons the water and everyone dies, I don't like Cyan, but still I felt bad for him.
Worst Music: The Phantom Train, Gogo's Theme, What? (Dumb title, annoying song)
Worst FMV: Not many options, huh? The ending FMV. (I didn't play the SNES version)
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Favorite Character: Cyan
Favorite Male Character: Cyan
Favorite Female Character: Celes
Favorite NPC character: Biggs
Favorite Weapon: Atma
Favorite Desperation Attack:N/A
Favorite Magic: X-Zone
Favorite Esper: Tritoch
Favorite Random Monster: Trilobite
Favorite Boss: Ultros
Favorite Area: Floating Continent
Favorite Place: World of Ruin
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Ending
Favorite Music: Aria Di Mezzo Carratteer
Favorite FMV:N/A

Worst Character: Relm
Worst Male Character: Gau
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Drill
Worst desperation attack:N/A
Worst Esper: Alexander
Worst Magic: Fire 1
Worst Random Monster:N/A
Worst Boss: Chupon
Worst Area: River
Worst Place: World of Balance
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene:N/A
Worst Music: Narshe
Worst FMV:N/A
Favorite Character: Terra
Favorite Male Character: Locke
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character:Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Ragnorak
Favorite Desperation Attack: Havnt seen one yet :/
Favorite Magic:Blizzaga
Favorite Esper: Odin
Favorite Random Monster:Cactuar
Favorite Boss:Kefka
Favorite Area: Dino Forrest
Favorite Place: Narshe/Coliseum
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Music: Terras Theme

Worst Character: Gogo
Worst Male Character: Gogo
Worst Female Character:Gogo
Favorite Character: Sabin
Favorite Male Character: Sabin
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Illumina
Favorite Desperation Attack: Only one ive done is Sabin's
Favorite Magic: Life 3
Favorite Esper: Odin
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rex
Favorite Boss: All 8 Dragons
Favorite Area: Esper World
Favorite Place: Phoenix Cave
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Music: Wild West

Worst Character: Umaro
Worst Male Character: Umaro
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Dagger
Worst Esper: Stray
Worst Magic: Confusion
Worst Random Monster: Wolf
Worst Boss: Lightning Whelk
Worst Method of Transportation: Figaro Castle
Worst Music: Phantom Forest

Favorite Character: Gogo
Favorite Male Character: Shadow
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite NPC character: Leo
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok (though I never used it)

Favorite Desperation Attack: None (the only one I've ever used is Sabins)
Favorite Magic: Osmose
Favorite Esper: Ragnarok (used a lot more lols)
Favorite Random Monster: Shadow (JK)
LV 80 Magic
Favorite Boss: Chadarnook
Favorite Area: Veldt
Favorite Place: Narshe
Favorite Method of Transportation: Chocobo (why not?)
Favourite Cutscene: None
Favorite Music:
Favorite FMV: None

Worst Character: Oldie I mean Strago
Worst Male Character: Strago
Worst Female Character: there is none.

Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Dirk
Worst desperation attack: IDK
Worst Esper: Catoblepas
Worst Magic: any enemy only skill.

Worst Random Monster: Gurad
Worst Boss: Lightning Whelk
Worst Area: Zozo
Worst Place: Beach House
Worst Method of Transportation: Figaro Castle
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: Spinich Rag
Worst FMV: ???
Favorite Character: Overall? Relm
Favorite Male Character: From most to least: Sabin, Gau, Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Locke, Gogo, Umaro, Cyan, Strago
Favorite Female Character: From most to least: Relm, Mog, Celes and Terra
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Interceptor
Favorite Desperation Attack: not sure
Favorite Magic: Doom
Favorite Esper: Shoat
Favorite Random Monster: FossilFang: I managed to get his special attack with Gau on the Veldt, now I'm casting sandstorm on enemies and killing them without breaking a sweat :D
Favorite Boss: Kefka, Ultros
Favorite Area: Kefka's Tower
Favorite Place: Figaro Castle
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Opera and when Edgar and Sabin have the coin toss and recall the memory of their parents.
Favorite Music: Celes, Terra, Relm, Kefka, Emperor Gestahl, Decisive Battle, The Ending Song
Favorite FMV: n/a

Worst Character: Strago
Worst Male Character: Cyan
Worst Female Character: nope
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Setzer's Slots, only because I can usually only get one attack out of it if I'm lucky...
Worst desperation attack: ...
Worst Esper: Stray
Worst Magic: Imp
Worst Random Monster: The ones that explode on someone in your party(pipsqueak, bomb, etc)
Worst Boss: Welk
Worst Area: Mt. Koltz
Worst Place: Zozo
Worst Method of Transportation: Vector Mines
Worst Cutscene: Anything involving Ghost Train
Worst Music: I agree that FFVI has the best music, nothing is worst!
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Sabin
Favorite Male Character: Sabin

Favorite Female Character: Celes
Favorite NPC character: General Leo (Ultros being a close second)
Favorite Weapon: Hawkeye (Just love how you can hit with it and throw it, plus it looks cool)
Favorite Desperation Attack: Will get back to this (only seen Cyan's so far)
Favorite Magic: Ultima!
Favorite Esper: Haven't tried them all yet, but at the moment Midgardsormr
Favorite Random Monster: Will get back to this
Favorite Boss: Chadarnook
Favorite Area: Jidoor and Zozo area (WoB)
Favorite Place: Either Phoenix Cave or Phantom Train or Daryl's Tomb or Zozo (the first time), it's hard to pick
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship (don't mind which one), or maybe even Teleport!
Favourite Cutscene: Will get back to this
Favorite Music: Terra's theme is awesome, but it got overkilled a bit, so others I love are Magic House, Gogo's theme, Another World of Beasts, and some others
Favorite FMV: Will get back to this

Worst Character: Gau
Worst Male Character: Gau
Worst Female Character: Relm (I don't dislike her, but the other two choices are Terra and Celes, both of whom I adore)
Worst NPC character: That stupid old man who keeps thinking you're his repairman
Worst Weapon: Will get back to this
Worst desperation attack: Don't know yet
Worst Esper: Haven't tried them all yet, but the ones seemed to be the least useful so far were Cait Sith and Fenrir (this esper puts the legendary wolf of mythology to shame)
Worst Magic: Tornado or Quake, because it hurts you too (Ironic since Midgardsormr is my fave esper at the moment)
Worst Random Monster: Will get back to this
Worst Boss: Will get back to this
Worst Area: Solitary Island (that place is too depressing)
Worst Place: Narshe caves (they're just too confusing) or that River where you meet Ultros for the first time
Worst Method of Transportation: Don't have one
Worst Cutscene: Will get back to this
Worst Music: Will get back to this
Worst FMV: Will get back to this
Favorite Character: Shadow (fave in FF series)
Favorite Male Character:Shadow

Favorite Female Character:Terra (fave female character......too hard to pick out of her an Yuna)
Favorite NPC character:Ultros
Favorite Weapon:Shadows Dog
Favorite Desperation Attack:N/A
Favorite Magic: not sure :hmmm:
Favorite Esper:Bismark
Favorite Random Monster:N/A
Favorite Boss:Ultros (whenever he popped up)
Favorite Area:N/A
Favorite Place:Figaro Castle
Favorite Method of Transportation:airship (except when Deathgaze pops up)
Favourite Cutscene:SPOILER ALERT:----------------when Celes nearly commits suicide :sad2:..........and also I'd like to mention the opera scene.
Favorite Music:Terra's theme
Favorite FMV:the intro/opera

Worst Character:Strago (as a postive thing he's one of the best wrst character in the FF series)
Worst Male Character: Strago
Worst Female Character:sorry im just not gonna pick one
Worst NPC character:Sir Siegerfield
Worst Weapon:none
Worst desperation attack:none
Worst Esper:Siren
Worst Magic:none
Worst Random Monster:none
Worst Boss:Welk
Worst Area:world of ruin (fucked up the whole world)
Worst Place:Zozo (when i first went there i got stuck for hours)
Worst Method of Transportation:Walking
Worst Cutscene:Whenever Shadow leaves the party
Worst Music:none
Worst FMV:none
Favorite Character: Locke
Favorite Male Character: Locke
Favorite Female Character: Celes
Favorite NPC character: Lone Wolf
Favorite Weapon: Lightbringer
Favorite Desperation Attack:None
Favorite Magic: Curaga
Favorite Esper: Crusader
Favorite Random Monster: The two types in Dinosaur forest
Favorite Boss: Ultros & Typhon

Favorite Area: Dinosaur Forest
Favorite Place: The Phantom Train
Favorite Method of Transportation: The Falcon
Favourite Cutscene: Locke saving Celes at the end
Favorite FMV: The ending scene aboard the Falcon

Worst Character:Strago/Relm
Worst Male Character: Strago
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Healing Rod
Worst desperation attack: none
Worst Esper: Carbuncle
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Random Monster: The Ninja's that use Disappear
Worst Boss: Whelk
Worst Area: none
Worst Place: Zozo/ Fanatics tower
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: Kefka killing Leo
Worst Music: The music on the Veldt
Worst FMV:none
Favorite Character: Terra
Favorite Male Character: Locke
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Siegfried
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Desperation Attack: Spinning Edge (Celes)
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Esper: Ragnarok
Favorite Random Monster: Tonberry
Favorite Boss: Atma Weapon (epic battle)
Favorite Area: The Velt
Favorite Place: Vector
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: The opera scene
Favorite Music: Terra's theme
Favorite FMV: n/a

Worst Character: Relm
Worst Male Character: Setzer
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: The guy who wants cider in South Figaro
Worst Weapon: chocobo brush
Worst desperation attack: none
Worst Esper: Cait Sith
Worst Magic: Imp
Worst Random Monster: Peeper
Worst Boss: Vargas
Worst Area: serpent Trench
Worst Place: Zozo
Worst Method of Transportation: none
Worst Cutscene: I can't think of any...
Worst Music: Umaro's theme
Worst FMV: n/a
Favorite Character: Celes
Favorite Male Character: Locke
Favorite Female Character: Celes
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: -
Favorite Desperation Attack: Never used it
Favorite Magic: SpamUltima!!
Favorite Esper: Ragnarok
Favorite Random Monster: Cactrot
Favorite Boss: Atma Weapon
Favorite Area: Kefka's Tower
Favorite Place: Kohlingen
Favorite Method of Transportation: Falcon
Favourite Cutscene: Opera
Favorite Music: Celes' Theme
Favorite FMV: -

Worst Character: Gau
Worst Male Character: Cyan
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: Gestahl
Worst Weapon: -
Worst desperation attack: -
Worst Esper: -

Worst Magic: Cure
Worst Random Monster: Behemoth
Worst Boss: Doom Gaze
Worst Area: Phantom Train
Worst Place: Zozo
Worst Method of Transportation: Foot
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst Music: -
Worst FMV: -
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This looked fun, figured I'd try it out.

Favorite Character: Terra
Favorite Male Character: Edgar
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Ultros
Favorite Weapon: Lightbringer
Favorite Desperation Attack: Riot Blade
Favorite Magic: Ultima (I realize this is getting pretty generic.. :P )
Favorite Esper: Odin, or Siren
Favorite Random Monster: Stray Cat! (that's what they're called in the GBA version anyway)
Favorite Boss: In the GBA version, Omega Weapon. I felt so accomplished. Ultros normally.
Favorite Area: World of Balance? If that's what this means.
Favorite Place: Figaro Castle/Odin's Castle (that's what i'm calling it)/
Favorite Method of Transportation: Walking
Favourite Cutscene: ooh, that's way too hard. I like Edgar hitting on ladies scenes though :P
Favorite Music: Edgar/Sabin's Coin of Fate theme/Terra theme
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character: Umaro
Worst Male Character: Umaro
Worst Female Character: well, there's only three playable females.. Celes I guess though.
Worst NPC character: Now this is tough... Emperor Gestahl, maybe. Or Bannon.
Worst Weapon: The damn healing rod... I always forgot I had it equipped.
Worst desperation attack: None, really.
Worst Esper: Cait Sith
Worst Magic: Not sure, one of the ones I didn't use probably!
Worst Random Monster: Magitek Facility Monsters
Worst Boss: ...That Magitek Facility boss.
Worst Area: Magitek Facility
Worst Place: Cart Ride in Magitek Facility
Worst Method of Transportation: Magitek Facility Kart (...See a pattern here? :P)
Worst Cutscene: The one(s?) centered around Umaro.
Worst Music: If I don't like it, I don't really remember it. :\
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Kefka, Celes & Edgar
Favorite Male Character: Cyan or Sabin
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Interceptor (Shadow's dog) ºwº
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Desperation Attack: Tsubame Gaeshi and Moogle Rush xD
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Esper: Odin and Ragnarok
Favorite Random Monster: Zone Eater
Favorite Boss: I dunno... Phantom Train?
Favorite Area: World of Balance
Favorite Place: Opera House
Favorite Method of Transportation: Setzer's ship
Favourite Cutscene: Any scene with Kefka on it.
Favorite Music: I love the whole soundtrack, but Aria di Mezzo Carattere stands out.
Favorite FMV: —

Worst Character: Umaro (I don't get the whole Strago hate though, he was a most useful character whenever I put him on my party).
Worst Male Character: Umaro... it's male, i guess.
Worst Female Character: —
Worst NPC character: Vargas... what a bitch he was.
Worst Weapon: —
Worst desperation attack: None, I guess. Haven't seen all of them yet.
Worst Esper: Cait Sith
Worst Magic: I mostly never used Protect, though I know it was useful from time to time.
Worst Random Monster: The fucking bears that stole gil from you on Mt Zozo
Worst Area: —
Worst Place: Cult's Tower
Worst Method of Transportation: Uhm... walking? I mean, Terra and Celes wore heels on their costume design, no?
Worst Cutscene: I don't think I hate one.
Worst Music: None.
Worst FMV: —

I'm not much of a hater, I see. :P
Favorite Character: Sabin
Favorite Male Character: Sabin
Favorite Female Character: Terra
Favorite NPC character: Kefka
Favorite Weapon: Chainsaw (Though technically a Tool, you can't ever go wrong with a chainsaw)
Favorite Desperation Attack: Riot Blade
Favorite Magic: Ultima (When you absolutely, positively have to destroy everything within eyeshot.)
Favorite Esper: Odin
Favorite Random Monster: Cactaur
Favorite Boss: Ultros, Magic Master
Favorite Area: Phantom Forest
Favorite Place: Vector
Favorite Method of Transportation: Blackjack (A floating casino. I approve.)
Favourite Cutscene: Kefka's apocalypse after he moves the statues.
Favorite Music: The Mystic Forest
Favorite FMV: The Opera

Worst Character:
Umaro (I like Umaro, there's just no real characterization there.)
Worst Male Character: Umaro
Worst Female Character: Relm
Worst NPC character: Uhh... the traitorous rich guy from South Figaro. Way to sell your own people out dude.
Worst Weapon: Dirk (Wins out of default I suppose.)
Worst desperation attack: Couldn't really tell you.
Worst Esper: Zoneseek (It's useful enough, though you can learn it's spells via other Espers. So it wins this category)
Worst Magic: Antdot/Poisona (Nothing really too special. Antidotes are cheap and Remedy/Esuna cures poison and more.)
Worst Random Monster: Brainpan (His self satisfied smirk says it all.)
Worst Boss: Rizopas (Completely irrational choice. I picked it since he kept killing me when I first played the game back in 1995. I should have leveled up more...)
Worst Area: Phoenix Cave (Never liked this place for some reason.)
Worst Place: Uh, um, the collapsing house in Tzen was never really my favorite place in the game.
Worst Method of Transportation: None, they all well decent.
Worst Cutscene: Didn't think there was one.
Worst Music: None, I liked them all.
Worst FMV: Can't think of one.