

(C)loud (S)trife
May 30, 2008
Ive just been playing final fantasy 7 (FF7) for the first time in years, looking back the game was so great and graphics rocked, until the PS3 and XBOX 360 (got both) now the game looks naff, graphics all fuzzy and blured. But the games story line doesn't change great great game long live the best Final Fantasy there lived
Ehh the graphics don't bother me, I don't think Ive ever picked it up and thought omg ew fuzzy and blurred. Looks fine to me. And graphics are bound to improve over time, you will probably look back ina few years time and think the exact same thing when you have a PS52 about the Xbox and PS3 *Shrug*

Only thing that's ever tickled me, pretty much from day one, is the characters looking blocky with their big arms :wacky: But the graphics never have and I doubt ever will, bother me
gra[hics never bother me,if a game was completey made of slides of pictures drawn by a 3 year old and the story was still wouldnt bother me
I noted when I played it a few weeks ago that the characters look like lego figurines, and laughed. But what really made me laugh was when my brother asked if when they die, do they split back into lego blocks.
I noted when I played it a few weeks ago that the characters look like lego figurines, and laughed. But what really made me laugh was when my brother asked if when they die, do they split back into lego blocks.
this is funny,but,yeah,compared to todays graphics,youll find alot of faults,but,other aspects will let you forget them
I do agree that when I first played it back in 97, I thought the graphics were the greatest, but now playing it, they're pretty cheesy, though the story line and the fighting system is great so that makes it easy to look past the graphics, and I have to say that with present day graphics, I don't even care about the story line so maybe it's a plus that I'm not so awed with the graphics..
The thing is, even at release, FFVII's graphics weren't good. As I've mentioned before, Alone in the Dark from 1992 for the DOS had better graphics overall, it was just a much shorter, less-recognized game.
Yeah, the graphics weren't the greatest, but I think plot is what counts the most for this game. I mean, crappy graphics + horrible plot = FAIL. But, FFVII wan't like that. It's a very recognized game, and I don't think it would have ended up so highly praised by so many people if it was lousy. I love the characters, I love the story, so grpahics don't really matter.
what really made me laugh was when my brother asked if when they die, do they split back into lego blocks.
