
  1. Dionysos

    SPOILERS Spiran timey wimey stuff

    Prince Oberyn Martel mentioned this in Discord the other day, got me thinking, and he gave me his endorsement to go and make a thread about it. The Yevon temples are often decorated with cult statues of the High Summoners who have defeated Sin in the past. This allows Yevon-worshipping Spirans...
  2. HRBN

    Summoner Showdown!

    Which Summoner shall triumph? Rydia of FF IV or Yuna of FF X? Rydia: Abilities- Summon Eidolons Black Magic Yuna: Abilities- Summon Aeons White Magic
  3. HRBN

    The Best Summoner

    Who do you think is the summoner? Final Fantasy IV - Rydia Final Fantasy IX - Eiko Final Fanatsy IX - Garnet Final Fantasy X - Yuna WARNING! Do not base the best summoner according to the game's popularity. You will choose them according to their individual abilities. ENJOY! :)