Yaoi Master Gavin

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  • I've figured you out! After spending my whole night on YouTube, being the sad motherfucker I am, I finally came to the conclusion that you are indeed none other than...

    Shane Dawson!

    If you are indeed Shane, (all signs point towards "yes") you owe me a spot in a commercial, as well as over 25 boxes of Peeps Marshmallows! :edd:
    :( I shouldn't be reading about food right now. It sounds really good, though. I think I'd like it more thick than soupy.
    Woah! You blew my mind already. Using bacon as seasoning? What did you use it on?

    *checks Amazon to see if it's sold in bottle form*
    I felt.... Like an idiot. :( This was almost as bad as when I ripped my whole nail off when it got stuck in the chair. :sad3:
    I wish I could say something macho, like, "I broke my nose while rescuing a dog from a burning building". Unfortunately, I must have scratched my nose while I was asleep, because I woke up from my nap with my arm covered in blood. :(
    Not Christmas spirit though! It'll never be out of date. It's one of the few things left that makes everybody happy! (Then again, the current financial situation out here, as well as Black Friday, might disagree with that.)
    That's a good point. I guess we'd have to put a strongly worded "viewer discretion is advised" warning before the video plays. Lies. In December, you were too overtaken by Christmas spirit to be this sadistic. You were a bundle of joy back then.
    ... Somehow, you ended up being my best friend. You've gotten much more sinister since back in November/December. No, that would violate YouTube's terms and conditions. >_>
    Are you sure? If so, go for it. :)

    That's a cool idea. Maybe your character will be discussing controversial things. :hmmm:

    Your thoughts? I'm sure Yaoi isn't something that's widely accepted, so that'll be very interesting to hear. :)
    Wow... I read that as "I didn't say I would be a part". My brain must be programmed for disappointment. Needless to say, I'm very happy right now. XD

    Now to figure out what you're gonna talk about... :hmmm:
    Lmao :D

    Ugh.... I really don't know anymore. Nobody has submitted anything except for Greeny, and when it seems like things are starting to get on a roll, somebody stops it. It's really frustrating. :(
    LMAO! That happened with our cable guy. He didn't hook up anything proper, or show my parents how anything worked. So they got mad, and then the cable guy got mad, and it just turned into one big clusterfuck. :D
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