which version should I get?


ShinRa Guard
Jun 25, 2008
I'm thinking about getting Final Fantasy XI and I was wondering what you all think is the best version to have. I have a PS2, PC, and I'm getting a 360 in two weeks for B-day, so I don't know which one to buy.
It doesn't matter to much. I personally liked the PC version the most. The 360 graphics aren't as great as you'd think. Its all up to your own personal taste I guess. Weather you like to play on a T.V or computer screen.
for the PS2 one you'll need an old model PS2, and have to get the PS2 HDD.

So I'd go for 360 or PC.

and make sure you get Vana'diel Collection 2008 ($29.99)

its the same game no matter what you play on.
get 360 i have it and its the best option if u want voice chat with your friends or other people on 360, plus its cheaper then ps2, and goodluck finding the ps2 expansions, and the HDD is 100$ ANNNNNND it uses the old ps2 models, pc is cool too but i prefer to sit in bed and play lol im lazy! consoles ftw! wewt! i mean if you grind for houuurssss like most of us, a pc chair gets really uncomfy after a few hours.
I dunno, I guess its just a personal experience (maybe I had a good chair.) But I always felt more comfortable sitting in the chair. (This is coming from a guy that once played for 50+ hours straight, only getting up to go to the bathroom.)
I've always been a console person, but this is the only game I've ever played that I preferred on the computer.