What the heck's up with the chat?

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It works, because I was talking to some random people yesterday. I just find it too different and less appealing, I probably wont go on it as much.

I suppose this thread is kinda useless then, sorry >_< ^_^
Yeah I have noticed a lot of issues with this new chat system recently and so I have got the old chat back up and running temporarily until Chris is done fixing the new one. I don't even know if y'all like the new IRC one and if you prefer the old one, then please do tell.
The old one is way better definatly.
I think we should stick with the old one as it looks better and is easier to use.
Truthfully, I would vote for the old one. It was more attractive, easier to use and simpler to navigate around.

However, if I learned how to USE the IRC, I might vote different :lol:
I'll have to agree with you guys too but like I've said, the old chat room consumes a lot of bandwidth and usage but because it's using iframes and a bit of AJAX. If I see any issues with the chat again like lagging up the server or anything, I'm afraid I'll have to remove it and get the IRC one. Though I have contacted the author of the old chat to get those issues worked up. I hope he'll release it anytime soon! :)
Instead of making another thread, I just added to this one.

The chat has something wrong with it again. I tried to go on, and it either comes back with a blank, white screen, or a message saying to "refresh" or log out again, etc.
It is not up yet. When it is a link to it will be at the top of the index screen along with the journal and quizz links.
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