The White Shinobi

The Illusive Man

Controlling You because I can.
Oct 24, 2008
who knows
Name – Sameus Tang

Title – The White Shinobi

Alignment – Lawful Neutral, always puts the honor code of the Shinobi before anything else.

Race – Human

Gender – Male

Age – 17

Appearance – Standing at 5ft 8in and a slender yet toned build, Sameus is not the most physically dominating person. He never takes his ninja hood off, except when attending relgious occasions in the temple, In which he possesses cute features for a man, a short button nose and bright blue eyes, with short wavey blonde hair that sits just below the neck line, he normally has to pull his fringe back when putting his hood on as his fringe normally drapes in front of his eyes while unmasked giving him a somewhat brooding appearance.

Attire – Temple wear is normally a white cermonial gown that flows below his ankles, held in place by a black sash tied loosely around his waist, common of those that are members of the White Lotus Society.

Outside the Temple his identity is to be kept secret at all times, being a son of a High Priest and a Shinobi, he cannot remove his mask unless specifically ordered to by an elder as doing so would be seen as a mark of disrepect. His outside attire is composed of a full pure white silken ninja gi, complete with matching Tabi boots and fingerless gloves, the only differentiation in colour is the black brow guard, shin pads, armguards and chestplate. He also carries a scabbard tied onto the right of his belt, and a shoulder slung pouch that contains a three-part staff. Below his right wrist is a special device he designed himself that contains a Kunai tied to a high tension steel wire of which he uses for scaling heights.

Armour – Classical Ninja molded Brow guard, shinpads, chestplate and armguards, these are designed to be less restrictive of movement and afford Sameus some protection against slashing and stabbing weapons, but they do little to stop crushing weapons or heavier two handed weapons.

Personality – Appearing somewhat aloof and goal oriented, Sameus is actually quite clueless about the outside world having spent his whole life in the temples under the cruel teachings of his Father. He has not a clue about women as they are a forbidden fruit in the Shinobi way of life, and although there are female Shinobi's they are treated as equals and seen merely as Collegues or Rivals, not as objects of desire or lust. Sameus is a loyal companion however and takes betrayal and lies very seriously, to the point where he would begin to become obsessed with anyone he may have seen to have broken his trust. Deaths and Injuries of friends or family usually bring about swift revenge as Sameus will stop at nothing to settle the score.

First Impression – Appears somewhat of an enigma to those that do not understand the way of the Shinobi, and can be seemingly mistaken as arogant and proud. Often underestimated by larger opponents, Saemus uses this oversight to his advantage, as despite the code of honor they must adhere to, most Shinobi's...especially those of the White Lotus Society are extremely dirty fighters and wont even reconsider when sticking a knife in your back or kicking dirt in your eyes while your down.

Strength – Sameus like all Temple trained warriors is quite strong for his size, he can take a blow and dish out in kind, although brute strength isnt his forte and he cant exactly go around lifting boulders at his whim, but he has no trouble deflecting blows with his three part staff, often using the oppnents own brute force against them.

Vitality -- Built to endure, built to survive no matter the odds, Sameus is the kind that if you knock him down, he will get back up and try again. His inner chi allows him to push through pain and transform it into a vengeful and powerful retalitory strike. However overdoing it may force his body to just simply collapse and give in, no matter how much he attempts to keep his mind focused away from the pain.

Speed – Extremely fast, as with all those that are trained in the art of the Shinobi, able to quickly dodge and deflect blows within the blink of an eye, Saemus can often use this advantage well against the slower, clumsier opponents, his blows being that of flowing water, seemingly mocking the opponent as each blow falls short, however his human limitations mean he can only achieve the speed of an olympic athelete and quick inhuman opponents will always be at the advantage, no matter how hard Saemus pushes himself.

Stamina – His inner chi allows him to push past the levels of fatigue that most normal humans could only dream of achieving, sometimes however pushing himself too far may cause his body to give up on him, leaving him a helpless sitting duck, stuck in a body that simply wont budge. Running comes as second nature, able to run for a few miles without hardly breaking a sweat, Fighting against larger opponents can take its toll however as there physical dominance would force Saemus to work harder, and the harder he would have to work, the more tired his body would become.

Reflexes – Excellent, Shinobi's are trained to hone there senses and react to any situation, its not uncommon for Sameus to hear the whistle of an arrow and pluck it from the air, or even hear the crunching of leaves behind him and quickly rolling away from a blindsided blow, However Sameus is once again limited by the fact that he is still just a human, and cannot achieve a state of reflexes equal to that of elven heritige.

Fighting Style – Shinobi's follow a strict code of conduct that must be adhered to at all times, this code of conduct although brief and somewhat...flexible in certain areas mean Sameus cannot use weapons against unarmed opponents, he cannot harm innocents and he MUST fight with honor against those trained in the arts of Bushido. The innocents rule is somewhat flexible in the fact that anyone carrying a weapon, civilian or otherwise may be deemed as a threat and if a Shinobi's identity is at stake, all bets are off. Its not uncommon for a Shinobi, even one such as Sameus to abuse this rule in order to gain an upper hand, often claiming "They made a threat to expose my identity and attack the temple" a good 60% of the time, this is nothing but a false claim.

Weapons – Kunai w high tension steel wire: This device is usually attached below Sameus'es right wrist, of which he can use like a grappling wire, clicking a hidden preasure switch with his middle fingers on his palm, the Kunai launches out and either digs in, or coils around an object, target it is fired at, and once this switch is release, Sameus can reel himself upward....or in the case of an impaled or ensnared opponent...he can reel them in.

Three part staff: a chinese traditional weapon that is somewhat difficult to master, Sameus'es Father forced him to master the weapon as young as 8, the particualar three part staff Sameus carries has hook points at each end, similar to scorpion tails of cast iron, they can be used to tear at flesh. The staff itself is made from solid seasoned oak and is stringed together with a steel wire through the centre, and cuffed at each head with steel rings, making the staff somewhat versitile, but difficult to break.

Chinese Sword: Unlike most Shinobi's, Sameus chose to master the Chinese sword, prefering its fluid and flexible motion over the rigid blade of most swords, The blade is made of thin Chinese steel and has a flexible motion to it, able to bend in an unorthodox motion flicking like that of a snakes tongue allowing for mocking and superficial cuts and gashes. The edge of the blade however is razor sharp, and if the blade is brought rigid after a flex upon an artery or such, it will very likely leave a mortal wound.

Abilities – Force of will: Sameus using his inner chi, manages to maintain his composure, block out pain and push beyond the boundries of fatigue, in order to achieve this state, Sameus needs to concentrate for a moment, requiring no interuptions leaving him exposed as he tries to bring body and mind into one, however pushing too hard can force Sameus'es body to seemingly give up, leaving him a sitting duck unable to do anything while his body recovers from the overstress it has endured.

White Lotus Style Martial Arts: An ancient chinese style of martial arts that is rarely trained to anyone due to it containing many often forbidden blows such as the infamous five point palm heart exploding technique, only those that are of the same blood as the current White Lotus high priests may be trained this deadly art, and useage of some of the forbidden blows must be kept to only life or death situations...lucky for Sameus his line of work often puts him in these situations and he has had plenty of practice with the deadly art....including the five point palm heart exploding technique!

Weapons Master: All those trained in the art of the Shinobi are expected to hold mastery over many of the conventional weapons of the world, swords, nunchaku, tonfa, the list goes on. If it can kill, Sameus can use it, and use it better than most individuals...However as part of the code, firearms are expressley forbidden in Shinobi law, guns are seen as both an insult and a betrayal of the highest degree. As such Saemus has never seen, nor used a firearm in his entire life.

Magic – Shinobi's are granted an elemental path to follow, to assist them in there lifes work. Saemus was granted the element of Air, of which features four different spells, of which he may use any one in a given conflict.

Gust: This spell grants a favorable wind upon the Shinobi that calls upon it, allowing them to move quicker and with more ease, this control even makes the wind switch direction as if to be following the Shinobi around.

Tornado: This spell encases the Shinobi in a wall of speeding air, making them harder to see, and much harder to hit as the unforgiving wall of wind batters opponents away who are foolish enough to try and enter the whirling maelstrom.

Doppleganger: The wind swirls around the Shinobi and creates a virtual doppleganger composed entirely of air, this doppleganger will mirror the moves of the Shinobi, but merely is a distraction as it cannot inflict harm.

Wind blast: The Shinobi calls upon the element of air to push his opponents away with a strong gale, this is an excellent way to create breathing space and is the only spell that may be used twice in a battle.

Other Skills – Five point palm heart exploding technique:- this is one of the ancient forbidden blows and may only see usage when the Shinobi is put in immediate Mortal Danger, The Shinobi attempts to strike 5 seperate pressure points upon the body in rapid succession before palm striking directly at the heart. This technique is severely difficult to pull of and requires total focus and concentration, even the slightest mistake or distraction would mean the blow would fail. Succession however, would lead the victim to a painful death, as the next five steps....would see them meeting there grizzly demise.

History – Saemus Tang, was born the son of the High Priest of the White Lotus Society Pai Ma's Tang, and as such was immediatley thrust into a world of training, discipline and mastery over body and soul, as his birthright means he would become the next High Priest upon his fathers passing. From as soon as he could walk, his Father began his training in the cruel arts of the White Lotus, forcing him through many painful and rigerous tasks in order to achieve a higher state of mind than most. Saemus rose to the challenge, mastering many deadly weapons and the various animal forms under the White lotus martial arts regamine as early as 9 years old. Upon his 11th birthday, Pai Ma's enrolled Saemus into the Shinobi school, seeing that the life of the Shinobi would be a perfect way for Saemus to not only become a highly proffcient practioner of the various martial arts, but he would learn first hand the dangers that he would face in later life as a High Priest. Sameus once again rose to the challenge, earning himself the title "The White Shinobi" showing an excellent blend of the art of the Shinobi and his own White Lotus martial arts style of fighting. He has spent his entire life in training and dedicating himself to the quiet, tranquil life of the temples...on his 16th birthday, Sameus was given his first real taste of the real world when he was given his first contract, A Mafia boss that had dishonored the White Lotus by tearing down a statue in Hong Kong. Sameus got his first taste of fear as he met fierce opposition from the gun wielding bodyguards of the mafia boss, despite the odds, Saemus overcame the bodyguards and took the head of the boss back to his father in the temple as an offering. He would continue to recieve increasingly dangerous contracts and now travels the world seeking those that have dishonored the White Lotus in order to settle the matter how ancient the grudge!