summoner questions


Jul 6, 2008
ok first off i hear the japanese have more summons then us or better versions of ours, is this true? also i would absolutely LOVE to know if they are ever going to make more aeons available?or avatars as we know them as. and one more thing, when did smn job release? what year/expansion just curious, im near 30 and i will be killing leeches very soon lol!:yuna:
SMN was released with Rise of Zilart it was the same time the game first shipped to America. The Japanese have the same amount of Summons as the US and EU players, everybody is equal and gets the same game content.

Nobody is every sure when we get new content of the game, everything is always a suprise. So there is no indecation of getting a new summon any time soon. Everytime I new mob is released people search the files and rumors buzz about on a constant bases.
SE has confirmed that there are new avatars otw, sooner or later.

1UP: The Summoners want to know when you guys are going to start revealing more stuff about updates to Summoners. And will Astral Flow ever be better than the Level 70 blood pacts at higher levels? Basically Astral Flow isn't as good as some of the level 70 blood pacts that some summons have, like with Leviathan's Spinning Dive.

MG: First of all, as for new avatars, new summons, we can't say much yet. But we can say that there will be new summons, and yes, I said that in the plural. As for these new type of avatars that will be released. They will be a little bit different from the ones that already exist. They won't be as ability-based, or ability heavy. For example, the ones that we have now, they have like six or seven abilities per avatar. The new ones won't have as many.

As for why Astral Flow isn't as powerful as some of the Level 70 blood pacts, it's that Astral Flow is area-of-effect. It doesn't matter how many monsters are in the area, it'll be the same damage to the monsters in the effect range. Whereas the level 70 blood pacts are just for one target, so that's where the difference comes in.