Hi Ladies & Gents,
With the announcement of the Star Ocean 1 Remake (PSP Version) coming to PS4, I'm getting excited about the series again, I've never really talked about it on here so I thought I'd make a thread for discussions releated to the series.
S.O. Opinions:
1. I played Star Ocean 1 on the PSP and really enjoyed it, if a little forgettable... but still a solid JRPG experience!
2. I didn't really enjoy Star Ocean 2... (SHOCK!), I can appreciate it, but the games mechanics are just to messy for its own good. While I like the idea of the PA (Private Action) system, the problem is it isn't intergrated into the game very well making the player have to go out of their way to activate them by revisting places - sometimes even when they just visited them, which is very unnatural. What also annoys me is that this very unaccessible system is important for even unlocking characters! I just feel that to enjoy this game you really have to have your nose stuck in a guide - Which I generally try and avoid. Not to push faouritism, but Final Fantasy IX seemed to have took this system and with it's Active Time Events and made it flow naturally into the game - with added little cutscenes to where we see out party explore the area or other characters in scenarios within the location usually, it just expands the locations presence so much more. I did enjoy the story to a point, but I think the gameplay frustrations sort of took over for me.
3. I've never actually beaten Till The End of Time - A title I seems to be taking too literal
I have gotten very far into the game but there is a problem late into the game that ruins it for me - No, it's not the one your expecting! Late into the game enemies start taking away your MP... which in any other game would jsut mean that you can't cast magic, not in SO3! If an enemy Zaps all your MP your character falt out dies! The pure sutpidity of this ruined my enjoyment of the game - Which up to that point would have easily been in my top 10 JRPG experiences! But the idea MP and act as HP too just is flawwed and as soon as enemeis suddenly exploited this, I hated it!
As for the rest of the game, I did enjoy it, I've always liked Star Oceans concept of a race of people with advanced technology being forced to live within a more under developed environment. I also really enjoyed the characters in this one, they're all very different and burstign with charisma, also the games Voice Acting was... okay.
4. Yet to play it, I do own the PS4 version and hope to get around to it...though I would like to beat SO3 first
5. I have beat this one! Firstly it is very clear this game was not up to industry standard, I'm Aware of that... but I still actually enjoyed it! They intergrated the PA system much better in this one and I enjoyed a lot of the scenes from them most off all - it's a simply mechanic which really fleshes out the party members very well. Combat felt very similar to SO3 (Minus the MP flaw) and it was cool to have so many party members in battle. Once again I felt the story was a bit forgettable... but I can't say i was dissapointed in general.
I really like the idea of Star Ocean, basically being a sort of Star Trek for JRPGs - Sure thee is Mass Effect for normal RPG's which is great but it's not the same. But I find often there is one big flaw that ruins the game for me or they've just come across as a bit forgettable at times. I still have a lot fo foundness for the series though, despite all that, I have enjoyed many hours into them and like the feel of the combat system, which while action based, still feels like a JRPG.
Curious to what you think on the series
With the announcement of the Star Ocean 1 Remake (PSP Version) coming to PS4, I'm getting excited about the series again, I've never really talked about it on here so I thought I'd make a thread for discussions releated to the series.
S.O. Opinions:
1. I played Star Ocean 1 on the PSP and really enjoyed it, if a little forgettable... but still a solid JRPG experience!
2. I didn't really enjoy Star Ocean 2... (SHOCK!), I can appreciate it, but the games mechanics are just to messy for its own good. While I like the idea of the PA (Private Action) system, the problem is it isn't intergrated into the game very well making the player have to go out of their way to activate them by revisting places - sometimes even when they just visited them, which is very unnatural. What also annoys me is that this very unaccessible system is important for even unlocking characters! I just feel that to enjoy this game you really have to have your nose stuck in a guide - Which I generally try and avoid. Not to push faouritism, but Final Fantasy IX seemed to have took this system and with it's Active Time Events and made it flow naturally into the game - with added little cutscenes to where we see out party explore the area or other characters in scenarios within the location usually, it just expands the locations presence so much more. I did enjoy the story to a point, but I think the gameplay frustrations sort of took over for me.
3. I've never actually beaten Till The End of Time - A title I seems to be taking too literal

As for the rest of the game, I did enjoy it, I've always liked Star Oceans concept of a race of people with advanced technology being forced to live within a more under developed environment. I also really enjoyed the characters in this one, they're all very different and burstign with charisma, also the games Voice Acting was... okay.
You can't really talk about Star OCean 3 without talking about the plot Twist... it has put many people off the game and I can certainly undertand why but I must say I thoguht it was really cool! You could even say it was before it's time with how Anime/RPG's has stretched the concept of living in a digital world. I think the concept being underplayed until the reveal was very compelling, even if it did sort of undermine the evens of before. Sadly i jsut didn't enjoy the little of what I played after that due to the gameplay mechanics.
4. Yet to play it, I do own the PS4 version and hope to get around to it...though I would like to beat SO3 first

5. I have beat this one! Firstly it is very clear this game was not up to industry standard, I'm Aware of that... but I still actually enjoyed it! They intergrated the PA system much better in this one and I enjoyed a lot of the scenes from them most off all - it's a simply mechanic which really fleshes out the party members very well. Combat felt very similar to SO3 (Minus the MP flaw) and it was cool to have so many party members in battle. Once again I felt the story was a bit forgettable... but I can't say i was dissapointed in general.
I really like the idea of Star Ocean, basically being a sort of Star Trek for JRPGs - Sure thee is Mass Effect for normal RPG's which is great but it's not the same. But I find often there is one big flaw that ruins the game for me or they've just come across as a bit forgettable at times. I still have a lot fo foundness for the series though, despite all that, I have enjoyed many hours into them and like the feel of the combat system, which while action based, still feels like a JRPG.
Curious to what you think on the series