Soul of Sunara - A book series I am writing.


New member
May 27, 2022
Hey all.
So a bit of backstory before I get into the details of this book series that I am writing (and procrastinating WAY too much on).

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A few years back I was in high school and I was REALLY ambitious about what I was hoping to do when I got out of school.
My goal back in the day was to enter videogame design in some fashion. I was pretty good at coming up with stories and even game-design elements.
Alas, I am now in my mid-twenties and that ambition was stunted a bit by a hearty dose of reality.

BUT that does not mean I am giving in on my creativity, no no no!

You see, I recently found a lot of my stuff from when I was in school while helping my mother clean out some storage places for moving house. My old room still had a lot of my stuff in storage. Plenty of it was tossed, other stuff was kept... as well as my Creative Writing notes!
So I started digging about in my creative writing notebook and, well, I had a hard time translating my terrible handwriting (knuckles lock when holding small objects, so my handwriting never developed beyond the calligraphy talent of a seven-year-old).
FORTUNATELY however, I was able to decipher my handwriting enough to log into my old gMail account and access my Google Drive I used for schoolwork.

And after reading through my creative writing folder, I found a lot of ideas for videogame designs, sequels, even original ideas.
One of these stood out among the rest : Final Fantasy: Crystal Soul.

FFCS was my idea for a FF title, possibly even being the FFXVI title had I sent the idea to Square Enix and somehow got hired on the spot in-spite of my lack of experience.
Basically the premise was something that was a bit different than the usual fare of Final Fantasy games. And I had even come up with a combat system with a unique magic system which directly involved crystals themselves. I had always found it strange in other FF games that the Crystals we encounter in the environment or story held magical power of some kind, but we never used crystals to perform magic. I also managed to make it central to the plot a little for this game idea.

Having found this old collection of documents from 2015, I had re-read them and realized that since it was highly unlikely for me to propose this to be a Final Fantasy game, why not just tweak a lot of it and make it my own thing?
I only had to make some adjustments to the world building here and there and change the name.

So now I am writing it as a book series that I call -
Soul of Sunara

Who knows, It might be popular enough to turn into a videogame down the line, bringing the whole thing in full circle?

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I don't want to spoil much of the story itself, but I can give you the setup at least.

Twin goddesses, Sunara and Verana, set out to create a work of art like their siblings.
What is art to the gods?
Creating a solar system and filling it with life of course!
The theme of their project was duality. Two suns at the center of the solar system, and for every planet in orbit there would be an equal one orbiting on the opposite side of the stars.
All was good and well as the twin sister goddesses crafted their masterpiece.
But this would not come to last.

Sunara created Suna, a planet named in her likeness. Meanwhile Verana did the same and created Vena.
Sunara was gifted at molding and breathing life into her creation, crafting elegant biomes and beautiful creatures.
Verana on the other hand was less fortunate.
Her hands were unable to mold life as perfectly as her sister.
Frustration grew within Verana.
An argument between the sisters broke out.
An argument that escalated until Verana lashed out. An act she immediately regretted.

Verana was the more powerful of the two sisters.
Her strike was mightier than Sunara could withstand.
In a single blow, Sunara's soul itself was shattered!
As the remains of her sister rained down upon Suna, Verana realized what she had just done.
And so Verana wept tears of remorse, regret, and sorrow.
Tears that would form a Miasma upon her beloved sister's world.
A Miasma that drains at Sunara's life creations and spawns Monsters where the fog grows thickest!

But all was not lost or forsaken.
Sunara was shattered, but not slain. Even the gods cannot kill one another.
Her shattered remains became like crystals. The smallest of which can fit in the palm of your hand.
The largest of which pierce the sky, taller than mountains and monolithic.
Each piece of Sunara's shattered soul still shines with her divine essence.
And though she was scattered across a continent, she still had some means of altering that which her light shined upon.
The wild creatures of the world would escape from the Miasma, finding sanctuary within the aura projected by Sunara's greater pieces.

And from these wild beasts, Sunara would reshape them into forms that resembled her likeness.
She would grant them the ability to walk upright. The ability to think and create.
And in time, she would bless their souls to be attuned to the elements her shards represented.
And so were born the Tsunda, the Ozel, the Aveii, the Varden, the Felidu, the Pyocyo, the Regadan, the Uralden, and the Lagonians.
Each race born in the light of one of Sunara's greatest of fragmented shards.

Each stone granting the peoples an element of magic that which they can wield as their own - their Birthlight.
Those born under Ruby Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of Fire. (Pyromancy - Fire, Lightning, & Explosive Combustion)
Those born under Topaz Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of Stone. (Terramancy - Stone, Sand, Dirt, & Metal)
Those born under Emerald Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of the Sky. (Aeromancy - Wind, Weather, and Pressure)
Those born under Sapphire Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of Water. (Hydromancy - Water, Ice, and Steam)
Those born under Amethyst Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of the Mind. (Umbramancy - Deception, Status Effect, Illusion, & Summon)
Those born under Diamond Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of Life. (Vitamancy / Necromancy - Flesh Magic. Arbormancy - Plant Magic)
Those born under the Heartstone Birthlight would have their souls attuned to The Essence of Reality. (Wyldmancy - Gravity, Space, Time, and Physics.)

With this magic, the peoples created by Sunara would do what they can to complete their task and banish the Miasma that pollutes the air and brings about the monsters.
An order given by Sunara herself to those who wish to heed it.
She does not wish to have her sister's tears to linger and bring harm to her creation.
She does not hold hatred towards her sister for her mistake.

As for the main character?
Samuel is a Human from Earth.
He was curious about an anomaly he encountered while on a hike.
This anomaly was a rift that connected Earth to Suna. A rift that closed soon after he was flung into this new world.
As a Human, Sam is something quite odd to be seen in this world, an alien if you would.
I mean, he cannot even use magic like his companions will.
And now he must take up arms to defend himself from monsters and villains as he tries to find a way to open such a portal again and return home.

But will Sam be willing to pay the toll for a ticket back home?
After all, the anomaly he fell into was just a chaotic burst of magic, a bit of chance.
What will it cost for him to open a portal on purpose?

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And there is the premise.
A Human from our world is Isekaied to a world where magic exists and must work with a colorful cast of characters to journey across the continent of Sulres and find his way home.
At least that is his initial goal until the story develops more as the chapters progress.

And the magic of the world is somewhat of a mix between Avatar The Last Airbender where people can bend the world around them to an extent, while using crystals that are of the same element as their magic to amplify their skills and abilities.

And that was the gist of what I kept over from when I had this be a Final Fantasy title originally... well, without spoiling the story itself anyway.

Whaddya guys think?
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