FIN Let's Play Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped! [PS4][FIN]


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey folks, today we're kicking off Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped! We'll be going for every collectible, but probably not gold relics on each stage; I just can't put myself through all that again :/.

And so, it's time for Crash to take another holiday! This time, he had to bring his sister Coco along but that's alright. Crash doesn't seem too good with tigers anyway lmao.

For his first day, our Crash decided to check out a medieval village (which was a wee bit too realistic for his liking), did a bit of scuba diving, visited some dinosaurs (he didn't question it) and had a play fight with Tiny the massive tiger.

Coco, on the other hand, couldn't be arsed with any of that. She befriended a tiger of her own and rode along a bloody long wall. She also went jetskiing for a wee bit (is that the name of it when you're on a boat? Bah!).

Thanks for watching! See you soon for more of their relaxing holiday!
Episode 2 - Dingodile's Love For Flames

Day 2 of Crash and Coco's holiday is here!

Crash decides to go back to medival times again...even though he disliked it the first time. He's such a sadist! He also heads on over the streets of Agrabah and explores the tombs of ancient Egypt! This is one hell of a messed up place lmao! He also hangs out with his pal Dingodile, who for some reason wants to roast him. That darn Dingodile! ;). Oh yeah, he tries a motorbike too. It's shit.

Meanwhile, Coco goes back to playing with Pura on the chinese wall. She's ever the traditionalist lmao.

Thanks for watching! More coming soon! :)
Episode 3 - Double-Headed Mutations!

Hey peoples, today Crash is taking on the dinosaurs once again, going scuba diving against the currents, climbing around in Agrabah and driving in the night! He's also meeting some mutated, 2-headed men in medival times; never again, he says! Finally, he finds and uses a mysterious red gem...

Thanks for watching! See you next time for the boss of world 3! :)
Episode 4 - Creator Of Time

Hey folks, Crash is back at it with his 4th day of holidays! Exploring tombs is his idea of fun this time around, since he does it twice (three times if you count him revisiting an old stage). He gets a bit too wet in the traps of Tomb Wader though so he isn't going back again ha. He has a nice change after that by going into the future and being zapped etc; a day in the life of a crash dummy lmao.

Coco on the other hand does a bit more ski-boating (yeah, I still haven't figured out what the word for that is lmao) and destroys a few blimps in her plane. I bet she knew there were people in them...bloody murderer, she is! :gasp2:

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 5 - Too Hot! Hot Damn...

Hey folks, Crash is going about things a bit differently today, in that he just wants to hang around the futuristic place for a bit. He also gets on his bike again, but this time there's a stunning orange backdrop to it all :). However, Coco is the one having all the adventures this time around...

Coco meets a lovely chap by the name of Dr. N. Gin and thinks she'll dismantle his machine for parts. She also goes ski-boating again (the very worst stage in the game, for sure...).

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 6 - The Main Game Ends!

Hey peoples, today we're finishing off the main game! There's still the bonus/secret stuff to go but for now...

Crash decides to go back to Agrabah again, flies into a few blimps, makes friends with a few light bugs (fireflies?) and meets his old arch nemesis; no rest for the wicked eh?

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit for some post-game stuff! :)
Episode 7 - Cloister Of Time Trials

Hey folks, it's time for us to check out a few secrets and take on a good chunk of the time trials, for those all important relics! The relics actually give you something amazing in this game: new stages! More on those later ;).

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 8 - One More Time

Hey peoples, the rest of the time trials for the standard 5 worlds are here! This will give us access to everything the secret world has to offer next time, which will be the last episode! Closing in on the end already :s.

Thanks for watching! See you again in a bit! :)
Episode 9 - ~Thanks For Watching!~

Hey there folks! Today, we're taking on all of the secret world in one extra long, final episode! There's the odd other bit of bonus stuff too, such as a secret ending, but I'll leave you to check that out ;).

Thanks so much for checking out this series! It's been nice to do a quick, short series for a change :).

Next up we've got a much longer LP; we're going back to JRPG land! Really looking forward to this one...I'm actually surprised that I haven't made a series of it already lol. I can't wait to get started :D.

Thanks again for watching! Catch you in a bit! :)