Let's Play Crash Bandicoot 2! [PS4][All Gems][FIN]


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Crash Bandicoot 2

Hey peoples, welcome to a brand new miniseries! Crash Bandicoot 2 is gonna be about a week long (give or take) and will include collecting all of the gems but not the relics; collecting all the relics once is more than enough :wacky:.

Just in case you didn't know: Crash Bandicoot 2 is a 3Dish platformer focusing on humour and some challenging sections.

Crash 2 was made by Activision and Vicarious Visions, but was originally made by Naughty Dog. None of this game was made by me :p.

Here's the Youtube playlist if you fancy checking the series out over there:

Here's the opening too, ready to start us off tomorrow :):

I hope you enjoy what's to come! See you in a wee bit! :)
Episode 1 - Ripping Open The Game!


Ok, Crash is knackered again. He needs another holiday. This time he decides to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and help Cortex out at the same time. Nothing strange going on there! :p

Anyways, today he decides to: take a walk through the turtle woods, check out some snow which he has never seen before, go for an exhilarating ride on a jet ski, play a bit of whack-a-mole and run away from some boulders (he just can't seem to get away from those boulders huh?). Oh, he also meets up with a mate he met a while back: Ripper Roo. Looks like he's doing well for himself with his degree and...top hat lmao.

Thanks for watching! See you again for world 2! By the way, there's still more of world 1 to go but we can't do it quite yet :).
Episode 2 - Polar's Deadly Experience


Hey peoples, here's what Crash wants to do today! He decides to: explore some ice caverns, find some secrets while riding his new favourite toy (the jet ski), he befriends a little polar bear (and kills it multiple times) and plays with some boulders once again (they love throwing those at him in this game lmao).

Thanks for watching! See you next time for some more of world 2! :)
Episode 3 - The Way Of The Komodo


Hey folks, Crash is back to his usual holiday antics! Today, he decides to: play in the snow again (he loved it last time!), go down to the sewers (hey, it's his holiday :/), have a friendly swordfight with the Komodo Brothers and go for a jet ski ride again.

As you can see, there's not so much to do on this vacation so he repeats a lot of activities throughout :s.

Thanks for watching! See you tomorrow for more of world 3! :)
Episode 4 - Bears...Everywhere!


Hey peoples, today Crash decides he wants to play with tonnes of bears including some especially giant ones! He also plays in the sewers, probably in the hopes to find more bears. Plenty of secrets are found in this episode too, which wraps up a few older stages and provides us with a new one ;).

Thanks for watching! See you tomorrow! :)
Episode 5 - Diggin' And Hangin'


Hey peoples, here's what Crash is up to on day 5 of his holiday: he is checking out some ruins, jumping up and down in glee with Tiny Tiger, hangin' out in the sewers, collecting fireflies in the dark and doing some excavating with Mario look-a-likes ;).

Thanks for watching! More of world 4 is coming tomorrow! :)
Episode 6 - Cold. Hard. Crash.


Hey folks, I got a bit carried away with this episode lol. Still, much progress! ;)

Anyways, today Crash decides to: go back for a bit of excavation, torture himself in the cold, explore some more ruins and kill himself due to his bee allergies. He also meets Dr N. Gin for a bit of play war ha.

Thanks for watching! See you tomorrow! :)
Episode 7 - He Pissed On It


Hey folks, Crash is checking out the last world today! Or...most of it. He tends to like playing with the pistons in another of the hard stages to get the gem on. He also goes flying with his brand spanking new jetpack...twice! Finally, he returns to his firefly mates, which lighten up his life ;).

Thanks for watching! The last episode of Crash 2 is coming tomorrow! :)
Episode 8 ~Thanks For Watching!~


Hey peoples, Crash's 2nd holiday is coming to an end :(. He decides to spend his last day following a path of gems on Spaced Out and taking down some mighty evil villain who popped up with his cocktail from time to time :s.

We also check out the secret ending and credits. All of which is thanks to the gems :).

Thank you so much for checking out this series and my channel if you're new! We'll be moving onto a longer series next, for the first time in a wee while. It'll be a sequel to a series we've done already and will be a PS4 game. Thanks again! See you around! :)