Dae Vs. Nyte

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Supa Ninja
Nov 9, 2007
Good question.

The sun beamed from the afternoon sky. A feastive Day in the city of Arkadia. The crowd that packed the coliseum was restless, they cheered and chanted the names of the fighters the came to see. The sound from the coliseum rumble through Arkadia's busy street. Nyte stepped in the arena as his name was announced of the loud speakers. "Our next fight is our very own young Champion of the Arkadia, Nyte! " The crowd roared when he finally reached the center. Nyte was a normal sized young man, 5'8, 20 years old. he had been fight since he was able to walk. That was the way of the Arkadian fight, it had been a way of life for thousands of years. Nyte waved to the people in the crowd then folded his arms waiting on his opponent.
The crowds cheered hero. "Our challenger, " the announcer said, "is a solder from Chylomba. Part of the Royal family, has never been defeated." The bulwark that was part of the stone wall around the coliseum began to raise. After it had been opened a young woman about 22 years old with black hair walked out. Her armor gleamed by the sun of Arkadia. She had confidence in her walk. Her skin was medium dark. Her eyes were a peircing green. She was considered in some circles beautiful. "Dae Vendega." the announcer ended. "Boooooooooooooooooo!" the crowd yelled. She ignored it. They through food and objects at her but she blocked them with her shield. Even when she did that she did it with regalness. Dae walked until she got about 10 ft from her opponent. She raised her face with confidence and started him in the eye.

Nyte stared back at the young woman, she was attractive indeed but that didn't effect Nyte at the least. The Referee came to the middle. and explained the rules. The announcer repeated for the audience.

"The fight is decided if one the fighters dies of is no longer able to continue fighting. Neither combantant is allow outside of the ring and will be disqualified if they leave. Fighters are allowed to use weapons with blades, no firearms for the safety of the spectators. Finally, if any of the fighters is asisted in any way, that fighter forefits the match."

Nyte agreed to the terms of the fight and got ready.
the Crowd grow quiet before the match started. Nyte drew his sword and removed his coat, he didn't have a sheild he didn't need one. Nyte was too fast to block attacks, he simply evaded any offense that came his way.
" Hope you're ready for me, Dae. We'll see how tough you really are!"
Dae nodded at the rules. She looked up at the sky. "Be with me," she murmured. She through off her cloak which, with the wind as it was, flew into the crowd. They cheered. She took two steps back and removed her long blade katana. She kissed the flat of the blade and read the inscription. "Hope your ready for me, Dae. We'll see how tough you really are," he said mockingly. She didnt bother to respond to him. Dae looked at him trying to anticipate what his move would be. She put her shield down. She only used it to block the garbage that was thrown at her.

Dae looked into his eyes. She walked slowly towards him. Then she started to run. She jumped up and came down upon him with her Katana.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Nyte grinned at the sight of Dae comming down at him. He stared at her as her blade got closer, he stood there until the last second when Dae was sure her blade had landed. Then without warning he moved when she was just inches away. He juked and spun around to kick her legs as she landed, sending her steight into the ground. "C'mon you're gonnahave to do better than that." He taunted as he raised his blade to strike her where she was.
Dae almost embarrassed herself by falling face forward to the ground. She had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy. She caught herself with her free hand, and with all the strength of her training, she managed to kick herself into a handstand and gracefully landed on her feet. The crowd cheered. "Your move." she said as she turned around. Her heart was pounding hard, and her blood pumped with with adrenalin. Dae took a deep breath, and waited for the Arkadian to make his move.
With his blade ready he chareged at her " Take this! " as he begain to swing his blade at her face. " You won't look so pretty when I'm done with you." He laughed as he continued to attack with his sword.
Dae saw the sword come at her. She parried his attack with her sword. But his sword swung in such a way that her missed her by a hair. She then took a stride and let her katana rip through the air, with a flick of her wrist.
Nyte was inpressed at the way Dae was able to avoid his attack. " Not bad." He said with a smirk."Let's see how you handle this." Nyte then jumped back and throw a dark tornado in her direction. His energy was intense the Tornado was small but it's aura was strong enough to be visible.
The small storm Roared as it head streight at Dae.
It was totally unfair. "No magic," she said calmly. Obviously this young warrior wanted to fight and kill her....with no regard to the rules. "Stupid little man." Chylombans and Arkadian didn't like each other but this was taking it too far. Didn't he know who she was, what she was capable of? She watched the impeding storm come her way. Her mouth curled slightly. The storm came and swept her up swing her round and round. But she caught herself in it and started running on the tornado she used the ithe gravity and pull to make her run off the tornado and straight towards Nyte. She saw him prepare himself. Just when she was about to strike she trasported behind him still coming at the speed she was when in front of him. She saw the light of her blade about to pierce his beautiful back.
Nyte was cought off guard. The armor covering his back was light, it privided little protection aginst Dae's blade. The impact from the attack slammed Nyte to the ground, his wound was deep. "Aww! I was careless!" He said gribbing his should where the blade went through his back. The crowd grew silent for a few moment. Nyte quickly picked himself up and raised his sword to continue the match. The crowd aplauded as Nyte stood ready as the blood slowly covered his back. " It'll take more than that to put me down, Chylomban" He said with a smile.
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"Words are worthless." Dae said with confidence. She was quiet inpressed with his recovery. He still had that wound she gave him. She could play on that. She got herself ready. "Throw something better at me Arkadian!" Dae roared.
" You asked for it. " Nyte said as he came at her. He spun his blade round and pointed the tip at her. Nyte's aura increased and his sword begain to glow. " Let's see if you'll survive this...." Nyte picked up some speed as he charged and positioned his body for a horizontal slash.<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Dae saw him coming. She sighed. He was coming at a fast speed. Her green eyes looked into his eyes. He was picking up enormous speeds. If he hit her she would be split in two. Her country, Her people and her Aunt, the law of Chylomba would be angry and dishonor her. There was only one way out. As soon as he was soon as he came within 10 ft. she jumped high resulting in a front flip. Coming down she was behind him ad kicked him in his back. "I'm sorry." Dae said lowly.
The kick to the back threw off Nyte's balance. He fell face first to the grown. His face was badly scared from the fall, he quickly cought himself and got to his feet. " Not Bad." Nyte said with a smile. " Now, its your turn..." Nyte redied his sword getting into a defensive stance. " Come at me, Chylomban! "
Dae saw his face in the ground. The crowds got quiet. "Listen Arkadian. We are not as weak as you think we are." she said. He got up and said, "Come to me Chylomban." She took a breath and walked towards him slowly. Her sword dragged the ground, as she walked towards him. Suddenly she started to run. Her sword was going like fire. Her eyes was going from green to red. "Ahhhhhhhh!" she yelled.
Nyte waited for the last moment. The very last second that Dae swung her weapon Nyte evaded it so easily. As he side stepped and let Dae pass he got his sword ready and struck Dae across her back. He knew the damaged he inflicted was minor but he still kept his back to her. He slipped into deep though. What would be the outcome of this battle if they were both trying. Nyte had no intention of killing her, however he had made no plan on dying today either. " My path is uncertain..." he said staring at his blade. " guide me..."
"Omph!!!" she yelled as she got stabbed in the back. She stabbed the ground to hold her balance. "Don't dishonor us Daesyana. Kill him." she heard her aunt's voice echo in her head. Dae stood up straight. "I can't." she said to aunt back. "You're weak." she heard the craggy old voice. She turned towards the Arkadian. She nodded and prepared for him.
Nyte kept his back to her. He stayed where he was, thinking. Then he finally spoke. " Seems like I'm not the only one you're fighting...." He smiled at his accurate observation. " Why bring your troubles to the battlefield? It is most likley to get you killed than anything else." He finally truned to her. " If you put them aside maybe then you could stand a chance aginst me."Nyte raised his sword and pointed the tip at her. " If you allow your feelings to cloud your mind in battle you may as well lay down and die. First you must face yourself before your ready for an opponant...." It seemed to Nyte that she had been trained, but not tought to leave her emotions off the field. No real fighter can fully function this way.
"You taunt me? You know nothing of me. Do not presume you know who i am." Dae said getting up. She wiped the blood from her mouth, with the back of her hand. " This blade, is a blade of my family. And since you had the balls to cheat, i did the same." She pulled out her other sword and flipped it into the air. "I will not hold back my hand." She caught it by the hilt. It had a red tint to it. She then pointed the blade towards him. "Come on, if you are brave."
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