Best server for me? english 360 ver


Jul 6, 2008
Ok im now on like the second hour of instalation on my 360! wich is understandable considering it's the original game and all four expansions plus updates and such, so while im siting here :eek:uttahere: annoyed and having read the manual 20 times, what is the best server for me? as the title suggests i speak english obviously, so im looking for a heavy eng population and lots of noob freindly peoples! and preferably those that dont hate on console users!! i have a pc! yes i game on it, and yes the graphics card sucks so, here i am, anyways! anyone who can inform me of some of the best servers, i would be much obliged! thanks!
I have only played this game on one server as I'm sure just about everyone has, which makes it hard to compare them to one another. The $25USD fee to switch servers is pretty heavy so people just stick to the one they started on.

I can vouch for the server I'm on though, Unicorn. Plenty of English speaking players and a friendly atmosphere. I do find that the environments are rather quiet, most people just get on with what they want to do. I'm not sure if this is just the Unicorn server or the game in general.

I have heard that the Carbuncle server is pretty friendly, although I wouldn't base my decision on server choice based on that if I was you :P!
I've seen most of the servers out there, having my friends who wanted me to help their job so gave me their ID. And overall I'd have to highly recommend the Phoenix server. Its not overpopulated like most the servers, its the most down to earth pack of people, and for the most part everybody is friendly and helping one enough out. Out of all the servers it is known to have the least drama.