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  1. The_Oathkeeper

    Ok, a different verses type question.

    Base Vincent or Chaos Vincent? If we're talking Base Vincent, then Cloud takes this, but not without a pretty decent fight from Vincent. However, the fact remains that Vincent's primary weapon is a handgun, and those haven't proven very effective against Cloud in the past. Cloud has, overall...
  2. The_Oathkeeper

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Yes, as a matter of fact it would be nice if you tried to actually support your arguments instead of calling BS on someone who provided solid evidence for himself. Especially considering, you know, the fact that I'm 100% correct. And...Yeesh...This is the longest post I've ever responded to...
  3. The_Oathkeeper

    FFIX remake?

    But didn't they already remake I, II, V, and VI? Hell, I, II, and VI were remade multiple times. Anyway, I have to say that I'm a bit opposed to the idea of a Final Fantasy IX remake, but certainly not because I dislike the game. On the contrary, as pretty much anyone here can tell you, it's...
  4. The_Oathkeeper

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    ...I apologize, good sir, but you will have to kindly excuse me for one moment. I will reply to your post just as soon as I vent out some of this nerd rage. ... GRRRCLOUDDIDNOTBEATSEPHIROTHINAFAIRFIGHT!!! ... *shakes fist* Okay...sorry about that. Now, then, to phrase the above message...
  5. The_Oathkeeper

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    Not necessarily...In fact, I'm...not really sure how you came up with that answer. He performed the most impressive feat with the least amount of help. All of the Final Fantasy protagonists had parties to aid them when they fought the final battle. However, the average Final Fantasy party is...
  6. The_Oathkeeper

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    I've been wondering about this for a while, actually. A lot of the FF heroes are pretty vague in terms of what they can and can't do. Some of them have implied abilities that, though they sound impressive on paper, never actually show up in the games themselves. Really, part of me wants to...
  7. The_Oathkeeper

    Last anime you watched

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. That was... ...the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. *searches for words* I-It may very well be the coolest thing in the history of the universe. I mean...I just-...*energetic hand gestures* It was so...I don't know how to describe... It was...
  8. The_Oathkeeper

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Crisis AVALANCHE, which consists of eight people, not just Cloud. Well, the first time, Cloud cheapshotted him and then got a burst of adrenaline that allowed him to throw an extremely weakened Sephiroth into the Lifestream. The second time, it was a joint effort. Yes, Cloud did play a large...
  9. The_Oathkeeper

    Would you rather have the power of....

    Let's see...At first glance, Time Kompression would probably make you the most powerful, seeing as how you'd be absorbing the entirety of existence. I imagine the end result would be a genuine god. Not a demi-god like most Final Fantasy antagonists are trying to become; a true, "I Bend Reality...
  10. The_Oathkeeper

    This is not FAIR!!!

    Yes, but the decision is not entirely in Nomura's hands. And, even if there were a number of Americans who wanted FM+ to come to America, it probably wasn't a very large percentage. At least it wasn't a large enough percentage of American Kingdom Hearts fans to warrant a release over here...
  11. The_Oathkeeper

    Fan Service

    The problem with fanservice isn't really the fanservice itself, though. It's only an issue when the fanservice gets in the way of the character's personality or development of a character. I'll use Tifa as an example. She has tremendous sex appeal, but as you yourself have admitted, she also...
  12. The_Oathkeeper

    This is not FAIR!!!

    Re-releases. Serious business. Anyway, to answer the original complaint and thus throw myself into the fray, the American gaming market and Japanese gaming market are different in a few key ways. That isn't to say that one is superior or inferior, just that they're...well, different markets...
  13. The_Oathkeeper

    Best To Worst FF

    You know, you're absolutely right. I'll revise my list with your suggestion in-mind. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll also be justifying my list with the paragraphs you've come to expect from a quality Oathkeeper post. 1. Final Fantasy IX- I honestly consider this game to...
  14. The_Oathkeeper

    KH Ruined FF characters

    Not even that would be entirely necessary, though it's certainly a good idea in itself. They literally put Vivi in the absolute worst role possible. He couldn't use magic and wasn't in a position to ask questions about the nature of life, both of which were pretty much the two reasons why he...
  15. The_Oathkeeper

    KH Ruined FF characters

    No problem. I'm always up for a discussion. It's not so much his clothing or general attitude that really bothered me. His attire is so similar to that of his FFVIII counterpart that a few minor differences really don't matter at all. It was mainly the fact that they turned him into pretty...
  16. The_Oathkeeper

    KH Ruined FF characters

    I didn't think they were handled that poorly. Of course they could've been handled better, but all things considered, I think Nomura did a reasonably good job considering how different the KH universe is from the FF universe. Yeah, some of the characterization was a bit weak, but remember...
  17. The_Oathkeeper

    Funny FFVIII Videos.

    Yes, as far as mini-games go, Triple Triad wasn't bad at all, and one or two games every now and again would certainly be tolerable. However, if you're not into the idea of drawing Magic from monsters, you'll have to play literally dozens of games to outfit your characters with some decent...
  18. The_Oathkeeper

    Kingdom Hearts VS Kingdom Hearts II

    I'm a bit torn on this particular issue. On one hand, Kingdom Hearts II had much better gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking for the difficulty; as far as KH2's challenge goes, I was sorely disappointed. However, there's really nothing wrong with the core combat in the game. It's...
  19. The_Oathkeeper

    Best To Worst FF

    Let's see...I'll probably just deal with the main series, as well. I won't include FFXI because it really can't be compared to the rest. It's an MMO, after all, so it would be judged based on altogether different criteria. 1. Final Fantasy IX 2. Final Fantasy VII 3. Final Fantasy IV 4. Final...
  20. The_Oathkeeper

    Still confused about something...

    Huh. Didn't notice this reply existed. Alright, time to revive this baby. But Roxas didn't exist yet. Yes, there probably is some sort of connection between Ven and Sora/Roxas, but Roxas is still a Nobody. He wasn't supposed to exist at all. There was no way Terra could've orchestrated the...