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  1. S

    The Place of IX in the Final Fantasy series.

    I rank it very highly because I think it is a perfect blend of old and new elements. They really hit the nail on the head with what they were trying to do. The story may be a bit simplistic compared to the other PSX titles but it was engaging and kept me interested throughout. The characters...
  2. S

    FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

    Absolutely love it. Great characters, great story, great blend of old and new elements, etc. My second favorite Final Fantasy game next to Final Fantasy VII (though not by much).
  3. S

    Anything to appreciate for an old school Final Fantasy fan?

    I love Final Fantasy I-X. X-2 was enjoyable but kind of stupid. I hated XII and it didn't even feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. Is there anything to appreciate for an old school Final Fantasy fan in FFXIII?
  4. S

    The Spoon that killed FFVIII { still editing !}

    Even though I find the draw system annoying, I generally liked Junction. My main beef with Final Fantasy VIII is the characters. Squall and Rinoa are the only remotely interesting protagonists and both got on my nerves a lot. The rest are just annoying, underdeveloped, and/or boring. I still...
  5. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Atheists don't say that they know that there is no god. Atheists say that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of a god so they therefore do not believe in it. I've already said this several times in the thread, would you be agnostic towards the boogeyman or any other mythological...
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    It's cool to say that this game is overrated nowadays

    The only thing about FFVII that hasn't aged well is graphics. Even then, I still love the "bad" polygonal designs.
  7. S

    You're going to sit there and tell me that some kid on his smartphone is more of a social hazard...

    You're going to sit there and tell me that some kid on his smartphone is more of a social hazard than a religious nutjob who's going to bomb Comedy Central Studios if South Park depicts Muhammad? Religion has been a virus that has plagued humanity with countless human atrocities for thousands...
  8. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Yeah, you're twisting my words. I wasn't implying that all believers suffer physical and social damage. I was trying to say that I get into debates hoping to convince people to discontinue their support of religious organizations that cause physical and social damage to people in general. I...
  9. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are consumed by the individual. It's their choice to put potentially harmful substances into their bodies. That's a little different than Christians having an over-arching say in whether or not gay people can get married. I don't even know what you're on about with...
  10. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Debating and perhaps convincing people not to support ideas that cause physical and social damage to human beings makes it worth a try. Sure I poke fun at what people believe every now and then but I'm mainly here to present my case towards something I feel strongly against. You brought up a...
  11. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Guardian angel? Come on. I know we're on a Final Fantasy board but you should learn to distinguish between fiction and reality. Sorry if I'm being snide but I can't help but chuckle when people say stuff like this. It's like a cinematic view of reality.
  12. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    ^This guy. I always say that as long as people refuse to keep their religion(s) to themselves, it's important to stay outspoken about it. That isn't to say that I walk out on the streets telling random people that their religion is a lie but I'm willing to stand my ground whenever a debate...
  13. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    You never thought that any of those things you experienced were just a coincidence?
  14. S

    Anime Recommend me anime

    I've seen Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam, Blood+, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I thought the latter, in particular, was excellent so maybe recommend me something along the lines of that.
  15. S

    Does God punish masturbation?

    I really wish I was afraid of doing as I please with my body.
  16. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Fair enough. I'd still argue that Buddhist teachings themselves are generally more self-improving than other religions (as they typically don't preach intolerance and blind servitude). I don't support tyrannical institutions in any case. Well once again, what makes the concept of a supreme...
  17. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    Well yeah, there are different sects of Buddhism. I'm only arguing that it can be healthy and self-improving though I suppose you can use Buddhist exercises without the "Buddhist" tag and get the same results. It certainly still goes on which has been made exemplary through the amount of...
  18. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    I'm an anti-theist as well. I think you're a little off on the Buddhist point though. Buddhism is an immaterial and largely personal philosophy that can actually be applied to atheism. It's not concerned with status and, even if it was, everything taught in Buddhism are suggestions rather...
  19. S

    Why are you an atheist or agnostic?

    I am an atheist because I have never been given any good reason to believe a god exists. I am an atheist because I think that there is nothing more evil on this planet than religion. It's something that I refuse to support or try and justify. I am an atheist because I support continued...
  20. S

    Tolerance: Does religion have it?

    Religion doesn't encourage tolerance but I'm sure there are religious people out there that tolerate other religions just fine. Not many though.