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  1. x-fakesmile-x

    You just gotta scream?

    Nicely said! ^^ You're right about them being better leaders too. I never thought about how the depressing ones would be kinda hard to stick around with. ^^; Oh, and I haven't played IX, so I can't judge... damn. Soon though! ^^
  2. x-fakesmile-x

    Huh? MISSING? Where are they?

    Oh dear, you have Kingdom Hearts, but no Crystal Chronicles? Shame... Or, am I wrong? O_O Am I just stupid and not seeing a link?:wtf:
  3. x-fakesmile-x

    Not always happy, but always smiling

    LOLOL Nice reply! XD Huh. I think it has to do with Tidus ignoring his emotions. He tells everyone else to let them out, but in being a hypocrite, he keeps most of his in. He doesn't want to be a burden to everyone else, so he keeps a happy mask on his face. That's what I think at least...
  4. x-fakesmile-x

    Lack of Closeness

    I think that the characters chemistry is terribly realistic. They didn't interact too much during the game, so why would they begin to connect? I don't get it. It kind of like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda and Link are never really close, but they know they have to work...
  5. x-fakesmile-x

    You just gotta scream?

    Aw, really? Huh. I've never met anyone that hasn't like Tidus... And you're very wrong about Bartz, I believe. Didn't his father AND mother die? I could've sworn they were even BURIED together, but my memory's horrible. I personally would have one side or the other, not characters in the...
  6. x-fakesmile-x

    You just gotta scream?

    You're right! I forgot about Vaan! (Oh, and I WAS only talkin' about main cast...) Good eye! Possibly. And yes, I agree with the happy thing. I enjoy all of the happy characters though... but I think most of the horrible events that occur to them change their overall happiness. XD Oh...
  7. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    See? ALL of my characters use black, white, green, arcane, and time magicks. they also all have the techniks. thats only because i purposly run around collecting license points though. XD so i guess all of my mains are master class. :) wow. that IS a bad side. huh. well, ALL of my...
  8. x-fakesmile-x

    You just gotta scream?

    Has it struck you as odd that Tidus and Bartz are the only happy, optimistic main characters in ANY of the Final Fantasy games? (Actually, I'm not too sure about Zidane, but he seems happy too.) I mean, where is the happiness in these people? VII and VIII are the worst for this. Cloud...
  9. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    ah, i see. cool beans. i never did like penelo... i think it's because shes missing the -pe at the end of her name. XD
  10. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    OH MAH GAWD. That sucks some major bum. Woah. I would've given up too. But, you're right. It IS hilarious. I thought you were going to say it froze! XD Your people have jobs? Well... i guess mine KINDA do. Fran is my black magick, ashe is mah white, vaans the strict attacker. they all...
  11. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    Agreed. They DO look cool, and the whole zodiark thing is kick-ass, but they're pretty useless. Except for the whole 'gaurd the useful parts of Dalmasca' thing. Exspecially Belias. He guards Giruvagen.
  12. x-fakesmile-x

    It's time...

    A very good idea indeed. I can't recall the countless amount of times that I've done that to a gmae. I did the same with KH... Very sad day indeed. You use the asme people my friend does! ^^ I use Vaan Ashe and Fran. Hawtness. XD x-fakesmile-x, please DO NOT double post. Double posting is...
  13. x-fakesmile-x

    It's time...

    heh heh. it seems a lot of people gave up near the same point! im JUST after phon coast. I can finally start playing again. I lent my PS2 out to a friend for like 2 months. (she hadnt played Kingdom Hearts yet...) Yeah, there most likely IS another for Yazmat (or however you spell it...)...
  14. x-fakesmile-x

    More characters?

    Oh my gawd. I was thinking of DragonBall Z fighting games the whole time. You're right there too. Those games are waaaaaay too cluttered. Way too. The thing I'm worried about is people running out of moves. For example, try putting Zack and Cloud (hoping you've played VII) and try to make them...
  15. x-fakesmile-x

    More characters?

    Do you think adding more characters is good or bad? I think it would get kind of crowded if they started to add new characters in the sequels (if there ARE sequels...) and they also might run into eachothers fighting styles. Ideas? Thoughts?
  16. x-fakesmile-x

    Vaan's chest

    That's a really good thesis! Or is it fact? And also, FFXII was by a different art director altogether. Tetsuya Nomura did FFX and all of the other ones (not shure about XI, XIII, or XIV). This art director did the works for Tactics. ^^ Justsoyaknow.
  17. x-fakesmile-x

    It's time...

    Woah. I guess I should get on those sidequests. -_o I haven't really paid any attention to them... OR the marks. My friend Wade beat that guy. Said it takes like, 3 or 4 hours. O_O No patience for that mah friends. I TOTALLY agree with you. This is the only game really that I have found...
  18. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    Woah. Way to steal! ^^ I would feel that I'm leaving the others out if I did that... usually, It's Vaan that summons 'cause he just has too much Magick all the damn time. So I get rid of it by summoning espers. :D Thanks for da reply though!
  19. x-fakesmile-x

    Espers? Does it matter?

    I was just wondering if it REALLY mattered on who your espers are attached to... Currently, I have. 1. Belias - Vaan 2. Mateus - Ashe I was just wondering if they do better on different people or whatever... Also, what are some of the combos YOU have come up with? ^^
  20. x-fakesmile-x

    It's time...

    Huh. Long game. That's the same thing for me. All of my... what are they called... those bounty things... anyway, are incomplete. My job board is almost complete though. XD I currently after Giruvegen... at that tower place. I don't really think I'm even NEAR being finished... *Sigh...*