Search results

  1. Dragon Mage

    What Is Your Message Alert Sound?

    And explain why you have it as your alert/sound. Mine is the Reaper horn from Mass Effect 3. I chose it mainly because I can hear it from the far side of the house and I've kept it since it has occasionally startled my parents when it goes off.
  2. Dragon Mage

    Welcome Back Shenorai

    It's good to have you back, Shenorai. Still keeping up with DragCave I hope?
  3. Dragon Mage

    Fourth of July

    Happy Independence Day.
  4. Dragon Mage

    Aliens and Religion

    I am researching for a short story I am writing, which will briefly address the conflict between the existence of aliens and how it undermines religion, namely Christianity. I read many articles -- most not worthy of note -- and found many curious reasons as to why the existence of alines would...
  5. Dragon Mage

    Thanks no more

    The 'thanks' and 'like' feature is not to be found. Is this a bug on my end or a change in the forum? I could not find mention of this elsewhere.
  6. Dragon Mage

    Your Anime Identity (Name Chart)

    Alright, so, what are you? I'm a Chibi Alien.
  7. Dragon Mage

    Automatic Logout When Still Being "Remembered"

    I, as others, are automatically being logged out of the forum if I close the tab or window or shut down the computer. Even when I have Firefox remember my username/password, and even when I have the 'remember me' box checked, this is happening. This is becoming increasingly irksome. I am using...
  8. Dragon Mage

    Best Part About Winter/Christmas is....

    List the things you love most about winter and/or Christmas! For me, the best things are.... 1. My kitty's winter coat grows in and he's extra fuzzy! 2. Christmas is here which means the christmas songs on ALL THE STATIONS will be gone soon! Truly a thing to celebrate. Continue~
  9. Dragon Mage

    Christmas Tree vs. Holiday Tree

    Alright folks, sound off. Do you think it should be called a Christmas Tree or a Holiday Tree? In this modern age, one person can take offense at a sign called "Christmas Trees for sale" and force the owners to change it to Holiday Tree. Do you think this is right? Does it matter? Are some...
  10. Dragon Mage

    The Color Purple

    Alright folks, sound off: Is purple a "girl" color? Why, why not? I never thought of it as a "girl" color. It's always been the color of royalty for me, baby! What do you guys think?
  11. Dragon Mage

    Wicked 3:31 long commercial with amazing CGI

    I saw this commercial this morning and was like WTF? Link. I kept watching just to see what it was about. Never seen a commercial like this when it wasn't during the SuperBowl. Needless to say, I think it's one of the best commercials I've ever seen, if only because of the beautiful CGI and...
  12. Dragon Mage


    Okay, so, I didn't find it anywhere in the FAQ's so I'll ask a really quick question: In User CP, where all infractions are listed, there's a column "Post" that lists where the offense occurred. My question: What does "Private" mean? I've gathered that a "Profile" is something that happened...
  13. Dragon Mage

    Happy Birthday, ElvenAngel!

    ElvenAngel! Happy birthday to one of the most amazing people I've ever met and my sister from another mother! ELEVENANGEL! Here is your present, you amazing person! On the 3rd of October, this dear friend of mine is turning another year younger! Because she's amazing like that. :busta: Let...
  14. Dragon Mage

    Original IMPROV POETRY

    I came up with this off the top of my head one day. 100% on the fly and stunned ElvenAngel with it xD. Here it is for you all to enjoy, at her insistence! I'll take this time to tell you a joke, about a good fellow named Arthur B. Cloake. He was good-standing chap, with clothes absent of nap...
  15. Dragon Mage

    Happy Birthday, Moonchild!

    Happy birthday to Moonchild, my fellow break-down-and-analyze obsessed friend. ^_^
  16. Dragon Mage


    So yeah. Ever since I saw AC, I wanted that FF victory fanfare for my phone. Anyone know where I can get it? I've got a verizon phone. In case if you were wondering, yeah, I am really bored and yeah, I really don't have a life. :wacky:
  17. Dragon Mage

    Fan Fiction In Vino, Vertas

    This is a Cloti oneshot crack fic. If you want to see Cloud and Tifa get roaring drunk, this is for you. Please comment, even if it's just a word or two. I never tire of feedback. Thank you and enjoy. I will rep anyone and everyone that reads and posts some feedback here. In Vino, Veritas...
  18. Dragon Mage

    Happy Birthday, Fusionist!

    Here's a happy birthday to my good friend, Fusionist! :woo: Have wild, righteous fun today!
  19. Dragon Mage

    Help FFXIII: Mission 13 -- wtf?

    The Cie'th stone for this mission is on top of a huge rock, which requires chocobo access. Having no chocobo's, I went to mission 14, knowing I could access the feathery steeds after that mission. Much to my dismay, I cannot get mission 14 until I complete mission 13. Yet I cannot get to the...
  20. Dragon Mage

    Help FFXIII: 6th mission -- won't complete?

    So, on the 6th mission you get kill shit for dead l'cie, I've killed about 30 Munchkin Maestro's yet it consistently seems to think that I have not completed the mission. Any idea why? What can I do to complete this mission? :brow: Rep to everyone that helps me out, and cookies of your choice.