Recent content by inori

  1. inori

    Which FF Character-Theme do you like the most?

    Auron's theme! Not only is he an amazing character, I feel his theme really represents him well. I also like Yuna's theme, as well, even if it is a slowed down version of Suteki da ne...
  2. inori

    Do you actually like Eyes on me?

    I love Eyes on me! I'm not sure if it's just nostalgia, but every time I listen to it I get warm and fuzzy feelings. I really love Laguna and Julia's moment in the game and the music fits it perfectly.
  3. inori

    Are we just going to ignore the adorable hug Kinoc gave Auron?

    I just thought that they've obviously have some "past" between the two, and there was kind of a tension between the two when they caught up (maybe I picked up the wrong vibes) so I thought it made sense that he didn't reciprocate the hug. I remember it got me thinking, who is the guy? What's his...
  4. inori

    Brother is quite possibly the greatest

    Ha, I was just thinking this the other day while playing X-2. While his crush on Yuna is not that apparent in X, it is in X-2, and at points its annoying. I mean... it's his cousin! It's just creepy to think about. It seems it was meant to be some sort of comedy relief but it's hard to find it...
  5. inori

    [V4] What's Your Mood?

    Mood: Tired but content. Fun day shopping with boyfriend. Quite a successful day in the way of purchases. However, all the walking around has taken it right out of me! Shop 'til you drop, as they say. Currently all snuggled up in bed, listening to the wind and rain outside, finding my way...
  6. inori


    Thanks all for the welcome! :) Unfortunately haven't been as active as I would have liked, got caught up with family stuff. Kirito, こちらこそ よろしくおねがいします :) If you ever need a hand with Japanese feel free to ask me!
  7. inori

    FFX-2 Second time's the charm? Who else thought X-2 was better replaying in HD?

    Sort of necro-ing a thread here but, I also am really enjoying it! I first played it when it came out, and I enjoyed it enough to get to the final chapter, however was young at the time and couldn't really appreciate the dress-spheres, which to me felt like glorified dress-up. Flash forward how...
  8. inori


    Hello there! I just joined today. I'm on a replay of FFX-2 and figured I'd go join a FF community to accompany my play through. I find myself googling a lot of stuff so figured if I joined a forum I could look stuff up here and/or ask, whilst of course talking about my favourite game series! I...