What Are Your Hobbies?


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May 17, 2019
Bulba Garden
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake
The last few topics on this were really old and I'm sure some of you have new hobbies or haven't posted them yet.

So what are your hobbies you can think of right now? Is it something you do in your spare time or perhaps do professionally? Do you profit from it in some way? Or is it just for fun in your spare time? Post samples if you're able to, I'd love to see them all!

Additionally are there any hobbies you were really into that you've since dropped? What for and do you miss it?


I tend to bounce around on hobbies. I've tried my hand at various things and realized some were just not for me (Like knitting!) While I've got a few hobbies I feel like I'm just 'okay' at them.

In my spare time I like to write fanfiction stories. It's really just for myself since I don't think I'm very good, but I enjoy writing a good story. I like to look back after a while and re-reading what I've written. I think it's a great creative output when I'm feeling inspired but don't want to put my energy into anything else.

I also enjoy graphic things. I like restoring photos that have been torn or damaged. I didn't realize I liked this until I had to repair some baby photos for some yearbooks at work. A lot of people didn't like it but I found it rewarding when you could compare before & after. Additionally I like to create things, but again I'm just kind of 'okay' at it. Signatures, wallpaper, etc.,

Drawing is something I'm not exactly good at but I really like to doodle when I'm having to listen to something in the background. Sometimes when I'm on the phone I'll doodle while talking to my mom. I like to put these into Photoshop and re-drawing them in my spare time. I haven't done this in forever though and would like to work on it more!

I collect things too - mostly tiny things. Anything that looks out of proportion just amuses me and I find it really cute!

Needle Felting I started nearly 3-4 years ago. Now that I'm off work I would really like to pursue this more. If you're unaware, needle felting is using a special barbed needle that you use to stab roving wool repeatedly to sculpt into something. It's very time consuming but therapeutic (as long as you don't stab yourself! Ouch!) I think a lot of people like to do 2-D artworks but I like making little figures. Also soap felting is a thing now?? Anyway, I attached some samples of what I've been doing with needle felting if you're interested. I'd like to make more Pokemon and/or Final Fantasy related items next :-) My cats love them so I'd really be interested in selling them in my spare time as cat toys!

I hate candy corn, but I made these for my sister's baby shower since it was Halloween themed.

Cookies & Flan Pudding!

Lastly, I recently started painting rocks. We have a local community that paints rocks and hides them around town with information on the group on the underside. I can see myself doing this! I've only made a few things though, but it was a lot of fun! I don't have any photos at the moment but I've got a really cute Poliwag rock magnet I made and some diglet rocks that rest in my (recently deceased) plants. c:

I tried knitting, but it wasn't for me. I was in band and gave up the flute 😅 I tried to make little figures with clay but that's also a hobby of the past.

My husband is artistic but he is mostly music-inspired. Couldn't draw to save his life! Lol! But I'm looking forward to seeing if anyone else has similar or drastically different hobbies!
I've worked with felt before, but I had never heard of needle felting. The cookies and flan are really cute! ^_^

I tried knitting, but it wasn't for me.

I tried this too, but I kept forgetting! I've learnt to knit three times in my life and it just doesn't stick.

I also like doing a bit of craft, but it's mostly cross-stitching. It's kind of like doing a picture pixel by pixel but using a thread and needle. I've got a few pieces finished but I need to go out to buy some frames for them. Here's a Chocobo one for you to see (the pattern I got from here - https://hwood7.wixsite.com/superstitch)


I was working on making my own patterns but just haven't found the time to finish them lately.

I also like buying those 'paint-by-numbers' kits. I'm not creative enough to sketch something on my own and paint it so these are fun to do.

Another hobby I have is that I play tennis. Definitely not professionally though! XD I've played for years, but I've had to play less often now because of a shoulder injury.