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  1. Zoey Hanson

    Bitch Slap the User above

    *SMacks with fish*
  2. Zoey Hanson

    Total rofl - Bambi you must read this!

    Thats no gorilla! Thats Bugs Bunny, in a gorilla costume!
  3. Zoey Hanson

    What Would Be A Suitible Name For Our Planet?

    I agree with Mercurial. Earth has many war zones, therefore it should be called that. But its kinda harsh, so don't name it that. We should rename it Ares, after the god of War.
  4. Zoey Hanson

    Final Fantasy Forums Death Note game

    Below are the rules for The Death Note Game here. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread at roll call for a new game or during a round. The Shinigami Artemis is the Shinigami...
  5. Zoey Hanson

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    IT IS LOVELY! I LOVE IT!!! ~Reika
  6. Zoey Hanson

    Username Change Thread

    Is this ok? Thank you, Mandi!^^ ~Reika
  7. Zoey Hanson

    This is a thread.

  8. Zoey Hanson

    Sonic sez "That's Good"

    Gay:gasp: ~GG
  9. Zoey Hanson

    Username Change Thread

    My name isn't changed :'( ~GG
  10. Zoey Hanson

    Sonic sez "That's Good"

    Epic fail. Again. ~GG
  11. Zoey Hanson

  12. Zoey Hanson

    Famous Yuffie quotes

    Post an annoying quote by Yuffie. Yuffie: Yuffie Kesekai(IDC HOW YOU SPELL IT!)! Beast your eyes.... whoah... whoah! *crash* Oww! *cries like a kid* owww owwww Me: xD
  13. Zoey Hanson


    Epic Fail for homosexuals xP ~GG
  14. Zoey Hanson

    Criss Angel blingee!!!!

    Are you Miss Lockheart from the Kingdom Hearts 3 forums? ~GG
  15. Zoey Hanson

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    Text:Stand in the rain. Colour Scheme:pink, please. Thanks!^^ ~GG
  16. Zoey Hanson

    The Institute Of Silver Lake

    IC:Kannira watched as the two boys on her team were playing volleyball, when the other boy caught the ball. She walked up to the coach, and asked him politely if she could go in the field now. She walked to the court, in front of the two boys. The other team hit the ball, Kannira spiked it back...
  17. Zoey Hanson

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

  18. Zoey Hanson

    This is a thread.

    In this raging storm We fail to see tomorrow In this cruel world Get down and tread through Never let yourself break down, stand and fight. Get through the unknown like your life depended on it Run, Weed! Let your courage glimmer through Howl, Weed! Become the star that cuts through the darkness...
  19. Zoey Hanson

    The Institute Of Silver Lake

    IC: And always ignored.... Kannira thought to herself as she sat and watched the unknown boy play volleyball. Her new, happy mood became her usual, depressed mood at the thought of always being ignored.