Recent content by Onusha

  1. O

    What's your mood?

    Mood: Strangely subdued Reason: Well, my PC shagged itself and all my files are on it and I need to rescue them somehow. Usually I'd be really angry/depressed but I'm... just not which is odd, considering my years of writing/files collected are on there.
  2. O

    Black and White

    So, because people have a different opinion on things we should completely throw the issue out the window? People might have a different opinion on the standard of punishment but most if not all people believe certain things should be punished. Robin Hood was a good man, he stole from people...
  3. O

    What do YOU believe?

    Dirty fundamentalist, get out now, we don't accept your radical beliefs around here.
  4. O

    What do YOU believe?

    Perhaps, but there's a difference between tolerating what someone believes and allowing them to believe it without question and thus allowing for the spread of ignorance, which does spread like the plague in todays society (the modern rise in neo-Nazi/Nationalist groups, especially in Europe...
  5. O

    What do YOU believe?

    If we don't question the motives of people's beliefs we'd still be in the dark ages. The Age of Enlightenment came from questioning traditional values and beliefs. No of coarse I'm not saying that, Protestantism came from Catholicism, Sufism from Islam, etc...
  6. O

    Black and White

    Laws legislated against victimless crimes are rubbish. Laws against crimes that contain a victim are just. People with a conscience. People should be able to keep what they labour for, a thief doesn't produce anything, thus doesn't deserve anything of value, rather he deserves punishment for for...
  7. O

    What do YOU believe?

    I guess you're right, I have a terrible tendency to derail any thread towards blatant criticism. Sorry. It is not my primary objective to "change" his religious belief as such, rather to question his reasoning for believing it. No, it really isn't. From wikipedia - Does Deism qualify as...
  8. O

    What do YOU believe?

    How am I being intolerant? That's called Faith. Religion comes from the latin religio which means "to bind", or to bring people together and essentially in modern usage, religion can be any number of things, a political ideology, a movement, etc... Deism doesn't bring people together in any...
  9. O

    What do YOU believe?

    In Abrahamic theology God is eternal and transcends time.
  10. O

    I have a mental illness , is it possible to beat this alone?

    They are a strange specimen, and quite hostile certain times of the year. Just make sure you don't look them in the eyes or try to feed them. And if they get angry, contrary to popular belief, make a lot of noise by stamping your feet on the ground or something and it should scare them off.
  11. O

    What do YOU believe?

    Please read about Confucian China, Confucianism (although I am partial to many of it's ideals) promotes heavy ancestor worship and loyalty to family and as a result there was an unbelievable amount of abuse within families. I said ancestor worship was racist, because it is. Where does your...
  12. O

    What do YOU believe?

    I honour the great people in the world by remembering them and learning about their achievements. My family came here from Ukraine, could I give a toss? No, sure I respect some of my family members for the hardships they suffered under Stalin and what have you but I respect all the other good...
  13. O

    Fan Fiction FFX: Novel

    You're switching between writing in first person present tense and past tense. Write in the past tense- "The kid held out a blitzball" over "The kid holds out a blitzball" Also you write the most basic things that happen rather than putting any decent detail into the action or the world...
  14. O

    What do YOU believe?

    I'm a Deist. Deism isn't a religion, it's simply the belief in a single God, no more no less. By the general description (not observing the collective nature of modern atheists) of the term is Atheism a religion? No, if we let people believe what they want without questioning their reasoning...
  15. O

    What do YOU believe?

    Sorry your new religion is predominately held by neo-Nazis. I've always been fascinated by logic (or lack thereof) of ancestor worship, why would you worship some corpse you either never met or didn't do anything which would merit worship? Although I question the idea of worship all together...