Final Fantasy X - The last 'Final Fantasy' ???

No. The story is just an extremely broad overview to set the stage for the world. There's no intricate plot, no main characters you play as to save the world from an evil villain with a love subplot thrown in. It doesn't feel like a FF world either, it just feels like a normal, fantasy MMO world.

That is completely false the story is NOT broad overview, there is an actual plot that you actually take part in.
The plot IS intricate, There are tons of main characters(some of my all time favorite FF characters). Even your character is made an important part of all the plots. FFXI does not = WoW.
The one thing that makes it most unique as a MMO is the fact that it has a very involving storyline.

And while MMOs dont really have an ending, all of the story arcs sure do. There are real endings. Sure you continue playing after, but it still has a start and finish like any FF does. Credits dont roll, that is the only difference.

I'd also love to know what "love subplot" you are refering to.
sounds hot... XD
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VII Complation (which is going to continue for another 9 years, at least thats was SE wants to do)

VII has no announced long-term plans. XIII is the one announced to be spread out over the next 10 years.

As for the subject, I can see Cerrwiden's boyfriend's point, but only to a degree. Yes, there was a definite change in business strategy once the merger occurred and Sakaguchi was ousted (not confirmed, just my suspicion after the Spirits Within financial disaster).

As for the direction of the numbered series, I'm not so sure much has changed. Square (even as Squaresoft) changed the series from game to game quite a bit--VIII's junction system is only one example of that. And FFXII is hardly the first game with a somewhat lame story--Final Fantasy V beat XII to it by over a decade.

But as for XII itself, I had quite a few reservations when it was announced that the team from Tactics would be handling the game. It was obvious the battle system would be quite different, and I suspected that the story would have a vastly different feel to it (and would probably be weaker) than previous entries because of that fact. Turns out I was right. That said, for what it is, it's still enjoyable, and does have its moments of the "Final Fantasy Feel." Also, it's rife with references to past FFs. The airship names, summons (old bosses), and the mob hunts are particularly chock full of past enemies, characters, and so on.

So, I tend to just look at it as a new chapter in the series. Things change. Hardly end of the world. If they want to do a few sequels and spin-offs, what's the point in taking it so seriously as to get upset about it? I don't have to buy it. If others decide to drop off, I'm not about to lose any sleep over that either.
That is completely false the story is NOT broad overview, there is an actual plot that you actually take part in.
The plot IS intricate, There are tons of main cahracters(some of my all time favorite FF characters). Even your character is made an important part of all the plots. FFXI does not = WoW.
The one thing that makes it most unique as a MMO is the fact that it has a very involving storyline.

And while MMOs dont really have an ending, all of the story arcs sure do. There are real endings. Sure you continue playing after, but it still has a start and finish like any FF does. Credits dont roll, that is the only difference.

I'd also love to know what "love subplot" you are refering to.
sounds hot... XD

Really? o_O Then please tell me how the story is so intricate. And uh, I meant there isn't any love subplot in the XI story that affects main characters' relationships like you have in most FFs (no ZidanexGarnet, no TidusxYuna).

FFXII - The kings,Queens,castles,etc. ...the med-something setting.FF1-6 had that and 9 did,too.

FFXIII - Return of the crystals.I think the crystals were in FFI-III...?

I think they might be trying to go back,but bringing it back with a more...NEW flavor to it,but still trying to make it have that Final Fantasy feel.I hope FFXIII will change the minds of people who think FFX was the last Final Fantasy.I heard it's being made by the FFX team along with some who worked on Advent Children ( I'm thinking that they're working on the battles since FFVII:AC's battles are going to be similar to FFXIII's ).Some aren't too happy with the futuristic thing,though.

Are you aware that IX's little slogan or whatever is "return of the crystal"? and I'm pretty sure you could count the Sun-cryst and Giruvegan as crystals too, so XIII is re-re-returning to crystals if anything.

And Nomura wants to make XIII play like what you see in AC, i.e. big flashy Dragon Ball Z ripoff fights. *sighs* If I want to play an action game, I'll replay Devil May Cry 3 or freaking Kingdom Hearts, not an RPG.

VII has no announced long-term plans. XIII is the one announced to be spread out over the next 10 years.

Really? Cuz I read awhile back that in a financial report they had last year, they said they wanted to keep the VII Compilation going for another 10 years. I've tried finding where I read that, but I've had no luck, so either that site got the info wrong or I just can't read. Either way I'm sure they're not done milking VII yet -__-;

But as for XII itself, I had quite a few reservations when it was announced that the team from Tactics would be handling the game. It was obvious the battle system would be quite different, and I suspected that the story would have a vastly different feel to it (and would probably be weaker) than previous entries because of that fact. Turns out I was right. That said, for what it is, it's still enjoyable, and does have its moments of the "Final Fantasy Feel." Also, it's rife with references to past FFs. The airship names, summons (old bosses), and the mob hunts are particularly chock full of past enemies, characters, and so on.

So, I tend to just look at it as a new chapter in the series. Things change. Hardly end of the world. If they want to do a few sequels and spin-offs, what's the point in taking it so seriously as to get upset about it? I don't have to buy it. If others decide to drop off, I'm not about to lose any sleep over that either.
See, that's another thing that makes XII so disappointing. Tactics was an amazing game, I'm actually replaying it right now, and it does everything right as far as plot and pacing and character development. So the team REALLY dropped the ball on XII, because the game had amazing potential. Just like to add something too, on this subject:

People seem to always complain about how XII has "new" summons and "ZOMG WHURS MY BAHAMUT?!" Nearly all the summons in XII are ones found in Tactics and Tactics Advance, just with slight modifications to the designs. Although I still don't know why they completely left out the classic summons, since Tactics has Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, Titan, Leviathan, Odin, Carbuncle and Bahamut and TA has Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Madeen, Phoenix, and Carbuncle.

The thing about XII is that since it's part of the Ivalice Alliance, it has more things in common with that universe than it does a main numbered FF. It's not a standalone game in its own unique world. So I still hold to the opinion that XII should not have been a numbered FF. And I wouldn't mind SE making sequels and spinoffs if they didn't halfass them and do them for the money. Look at X-2! It RUINED the perfect ending that X had. Look at Dirge of Cerberus, obviously halfassed. And what about Before Crisis or Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode? Those are freaking cell phone games, obvious excuses to reap money. Obvious money-milking games are obvious. :monster:
I disagree... although I didn't get a feel for the characters either, I never seem to with the later Final Fantasy games (3D). They all seem to revolve around some stupid blond guy who doesn't know what's going on.
I definitely prefer the 2D games, but I'd still say FFXII was true to the series. I agree that FFXIII isn't looking too good... It was the one thing holding me back from buying a Wii instead of a PS3, but after I saw the trailers, there was no going back.
Really? Cuz I read awhile back that in a financial report they had last year, they said they wanted to keep the VII Compilation going for another 10 years. I've tried finding where I read that, but I've had no luck, so either that site got the info wrong or I just can't read. Either way I'm sure they're not done milking VII yet -__-;

Yeah, XIII is the only one I've read any official announcement concerning prolonged plans. But I can definitely agree you're right...there's no chance in hell they're done with FFVII.
I disagree... although I didn't get a feel for the characters either, I never seem to with the later Final Fantasy games (3D). They all seem to revolve around some stupid blond guy who doesn't know what's going on.
I definitely prefer the 2D games, but I'd still say FFXII was true to the series. I agree that FFXIII isn't looking too good... It was the one thing holding me back from buying a Wii instead of a PS3, but after I saw the trailers, there was no going back.

Don't forget though, Squall was brunette and he sucked and Zidane was blonde and he was awesome...still though, lmfao.

If I were to buy a PS3 it would be for Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and MGS4. That's actually really sad to think about too, because I bought a PSone for the Final Fantasy series and a PS2 for the Final Fantasy series.

Yeah, XIII is the only one I've read any official announcement concerning prolonged plans. But I can definitely agree you're right...there's no chance in hell they're done with FFVII.

Ah, well that's just lovely, we'll have a ton of XIIIs plus more inevitable VII games. I said in my last post that I wouldn't mind them doing sequels and spinoffs if they didn't halfass them...but honestly, I don't see how they can't halfass them. I mean look at the amount of projects they take on at one time. Instead of just taking a couple games and focusing on them, they churn out games with the name "Final Fantasy" left and right because they know rabid fanboys will eat them up regardless of quality. X was made when they were still Squaresoft and knew to only make a couple games at a time so they were quality, complete games. XII is good, but I don't feel that they payed enough attention to the game (obviously, or else they would have realized the story dies in the middle).
Really? o_O Then please tell me how the story is so intricate. And uh, I meant there isn't any love subplot in the XI story that affects main characters' relationships like you have in most FFs (no ZidanexGarnet, no TidusxYuna).

Ah, I see. Well theres a few scenes where your character might get hit on by a key NPC, but its up to you to take it to the next level XD. The relationship between your fellow partner and you develops a lot which is probably as close to a love story as it gets. Prishe and Aphmau also come to mind.

You do save the world, many times... dont know why you'd just assume you dont. Most people just assume FFXI is like every other MMO storywise( a broad overview). Its not, heres how it works.
Its online sure, but to all the NPCs in game its just you and them. Just imagine the last RPG you played with a silent lead, its exactly like that. There are lots.. i mean lots of cutscenes that push the story forward.
Theres are 6 major arcs and they are all related to each other in some way, all the quest also have some relation to the main story. Imagine playing an FF thats 100x as long as any other where the story is consistant all the way through and only through finishing all the missions and sidequest can you even start to understand exactly what happened/is happening.

The Great War 20 years ago is something that FFXI has been refering to for 5 years in every storyline, Its pretty much only the backbone of the story, and game its the reason things are the way they are. Trust me when I say that FFXI is 100x more complex storywise than X ever was(its ongoing while X was the standard 50hr game, so it should be). While the storylines do have endings, they all connect in some way and SE keeps building the game off of its own history which is pretty amazing to see. Vana'diel feels like a real world, because of all of its history(which you take part in creating!).

The next expansion will take you back to the war(yes, time travel! XD) and fill in even more blanks about exactly how things came to be, while letting you take part in some of the epic events of the war you've heard about for 4-5years. I'm pumped!

I do agree that SE is out to make money more than ever though. Even with FFXI, the way they release the expansions is like 10% at a time(story and gameplay content) over a year or so. I know the development time would be much longer if they released it all at once, but I also know they do this to keep people playing. I do love Kingdom Hearts (1 and 2) and am glad it came to be, but I'm not a fan of all the VII spinoffs or the original VII even >.>
Okay.....Well I don't think Final Fantasy XII is like the older games. I cannot see any resemblance between FFXII and FFI through VI, and IX. FFXII wasn't Medieval. The idea of kings, princess, etc is not really Medieval.... The idea is use in futuristic games and fantasy novels anyways. Also the characters outfits weren't really Medieval...Even in futuristic games they used Medieval, Rococo, and Victorian style outfits. FFXII airships were very futuristic, none of them were wooden airships in the past games. Final Fantasy XII was too Star Wars-like. The world was too complex to be Medieval. I actually thought FFXII was more futuristic like.

I think many people don´t like FFXII because they thought it was going to be FFX story with different characters.

"OMG! why Ashe isn´t like Yuna???

Ashe could cut Yunas head off any day while she was just summoning. FFXII story didn´t center around its characters it was centered around Ivalice and I like it. Good old political scheming and no stupid Tidus and Yuna flowing in a lake and having sex.

And characters have development in FFXII. At least Ashe,Vaan and Larsa has. Balthier, Fran, Reddas and Basch have interesting back stories. Only really lack is Penelo who is with main team for no reason. Well Vaan is too but I guess Basch see he has potential.

FF X is good Final Fantasy game but many other FF-games surpass it in my books. FFX biggest downfall it is too easy and the characters are annoying IMO. Tidus was annoying because he always was such a whiny bitch if things didn´t go as he planned. I can´t relate to main hero who whines if he can´t just accept some things that can´t be changed.

And FFXII was also good because it had no main hero just like my favorite FF-game FFVI. Although I would have like sometimes more storytelling changing the focus on main characters.

And FFXII has much more older FF-feel than FFX. FFXII had moogles, items which appeared in very early FF-games like Bacchus wine and many Espers had previous FF-names like Zeromus. In FFX no moogles and no familiar items and only link to older Final Fantasies I found is certain monsters, Lulus weapons ( big plus for this) and Ronso making statue of Yuna with a big horn( old FF-games and IX have summoners with horn) .

Shame on FFX.

Uhhh, were aren't comparing FFX to FFXII.... It's not that I hate FFXII, the game doesn't have Final Fantasy feel to it.

As for the direction of the numbered series, I'm not so sure much has changed. Square (even as Squaresoft) changed the series from game to game quite a bit--VIII's junction system is only one example of that. And FFXII is hardly the first game with a somewhat lame story--Final Fantasy V beat XII to it by over a decade.

The battle systems doesn't really matter to me. The battle system was fine in FFXII. It is the over all atmosphere of FFXII that seems to lack.

If they want to do a few sequels and spin-offs, what's the point in taking it so seriously as to get upset about it? I don't have to buy it. If others decide to drop off, I'm not about to lose any sleep over that either.

I am upset about certain spin-off because of the fact Square Enix could do whatever the hell they want to the Final Fantasy series. As Venge said above, FFX-2 is a perfect example. I'm planning to play some of these spin-offs and I'm expecting changes from Square Enix.

Even your character is made an important part of all the plots. FFXI does not = WoW.
The one thing that makes it most unique as a MMO is the fact that it has a very involving storyline.

Yes, and so does every other MMO. Every Massive Multi-player Online ROLE PLAYING game has a plot. It has the name role playing for a reason.

Do not say WoW does have a plot that involves with your characters. That is why you quest and do instances in Warcraft. They're not just thrown in there, almost all of the areas in WoW all have a back story to them. All major quests are related to the story. Hell, when you start off as a Blood Elf the quests around the are related to the current plot. The Blood elfs don't know what happened to their leader yet so you do quests to find out, and help them find out about their leader.

Maybe go to your local bookstore....there is Warcraft book series that explains universe of Warcraft.
Okay.....Well I don't think Final Fantasy XII is like the older games. I cannot see any resemblance between FFXII and FFI through VI, and IX. FFXII wasn't Medieval. The idea of kings, princess, etc is not really Medieval.... The idea is use in futuristic games and fantasy novels anyways. Also the characters outfits weren't really Medieval...Even in futuristic games they used Medieval, Rococo, and Victorian style outfits. FFXII airships were very futuristic, none of them were wooden airships in the past games. Final Fantasy XII was too Star Wars-like. The world was too complex to be Medieval. I actually thought FFXII was more futuristic like.

XII is nowhere close to being medieval. It's much more closely patterned after Arabian regions/cultures. You would think that'd be obvious with things like bazaars, sandy deserts and the general scant clothing (obviously due to climate). Take a look at Vaan's outfit and Aladdin's outfit sometime. Look similar? Thought so.

And yeah, it's got ALOT of futuristic elements in it. Anyone remember being in the Leviathan or seeing the Bahamut's uber laser beam of death? Yeah, futuristic. And how about Archades? You ride around on air taxis and Cid has a nice scientific, advanced lab (obviously, since he can make robot drones and laser guns).

Now of course VII and VIII suffer from the same futuristic syndrome and don't feel like Final Fantasies to me either...but seeing as how IX corrected that and X sorta corrected it (you had a small bit of tech, but most of Spira was on a more primitive level, ala FF6), but XII went back to more futuristic stuff and the XIII series looks to be entirely futuristic...X is probably the last FF to have a "FF feel" to it.
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Oh me oh my. I really can't say whether or not FFX is the last FF. I, like a lot of people (I think) have never even ventured into the original original FF titles (FFI-VI). I actually wonder if FFXI and XII are like the originals in any way. I have played a few of the old school titles here and there on the DS and PSP, but I never got into them. My personal favorite titles are the PS1 generation games. I may not have played the original FFs, but I know that the PS1 games and on are very different from the others. =x
Oh me oh my. I really can't say whether or not FFX is the last FF. I, like a lot of people (I think) have never even ventured into the original original FF titles (FFI-VI). I actually wonder if FFXI and XII are like the originals in any way. I have played a few of the old school titles here and there on the DS and PSP, but I never got into them. My personal favorite titles are the PS1 generation games. I may not have played the original FFs, but I know that the PS1 games and on are very different from the others. =x

Gee, I seem to remember something in the Member's Guide to Posting about how posts should pertain to the topic and add something to it. If you haven't played the older FFs, well...frankly you should cuz you're missing out, especially on IV and VI. Then you can see why some us don't find XII to be feel like a FF.

And no, XI and XII aren't much like the oldschool FFs at all. If you want to stretch it, you can say how there are similar classes in XI and XII to the older games and how they share some similar recurring names/monsters. And if you wanted to really stretch it you could compare Rabanastre and its location to the location of Figaro castle in VI.
And no, XI and XII aren't much like the oldschool FFs at all. If you want to stretch it, you can say how there are similar classes in XI and XII to the older games and how they share some similar recurring names/monsters. And if you wanted to really stretch it you could compare Rabanastre and its location to the location of Figaro castle in VI.

Not like oldschool FF? Well story in FFXII is very similar with FFII and FFVI ( VI although wanders its own path later), these all have evil Empire (and this is where VI drops out) and people who have lost their parents join with the Queen to take down Empire. And Emperor is the final boss in both games. If I remember correctly biggest difference in story is in FFII they don´t spend most of the time running after some magic stone.

FFXII also have names from oldschool more than FFX have. Like magicite and Esper, many Espers name had something to do with classic Final Fantasies. In FFX there isn´t much that connects the game to older FF-games. Lulu´s weapons, Ronso making statue of Yuna with a horn and maybe some other weapons, Magus Sisters but thats it.
FFXII also have names from oldschool more than FFX have. Like magicite and Esper, many Espers name had something to do with classic Final Fantasies. In FFX there isn´t much that connects the game to older FF-games. Lulu´s weapons, Ronso making statue of Yuna with a horn and maybe some other weapons, Magus Sisters but thats it.

That is a good point. X was pretty detached from the rest of the series. It had some familiar summons (why they replaced Ramuh with that ugly horse-goat Ixion I don't know), monsters and Lulu's dolls...but yeah, that's about it. Although, really the only connections XII has to older games is names and has moogles and cactuars but look what it did to them x__x Really it has the most connection to Tactics (a spinoff, not even a main game), which most people don't seem to have played since I always see people complain about the summons. Hopefully The War of the Lions will expose people to "hai! wut do u know, Cuchulainn wus Queklain in Tactics, he's not a brand n00 shitty summon after all!"

Ya know, now that I think about it, X doesn't feel anything like a FF at all. Yeah, it's still a damn good game and it's a quality game made by our beloved, late Square...but it doesn't feel like a FF. How about we say IX was the last FF?
FFIX had sci-fi elements too ... The Invincible's BEAM OF DEATH, but other than the Terra/Pandemonium encounter, there's not much sci-fi.

FFX had a lot of sci-fi. Blitzball, Machina, High-Tech airships, Guadosalam's "Flashback" scene with Seymour, the fact that Bevelle guards used GUNS, and the Farenheit's Sin-bane Laserbeams/rockets against Evrae.

EDIT: How could I forget Zanarkand?!

XII has its fair share too. Airships, laserbeams ... actually, that's all I can think of. (Although, I've not gotten to Archades yet ...)

I think all of them feel like Final Fantasy games. XII isn't so overwhelmingly sci-fi its a put off. Rabanastre isn't a futuristic city, in fact a lot of camps and outposts are quite primitive - they couldn't defend against a Cactoid for pete's sake ... Places like The Stillshrine and the Tomb of Raithwall make me think XII is quite ancient.

Meh, that's opinion. I think they're all fantasy in their own ways. And I think they're all worthy of the "Final Fantasy" title ... some more than others.
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Futuristic technology has been in FF since the beginning. Here are just a few examples (not counting airships, of course):

FFI: Robotic enemies (Warmech, for one), and the fact that Tiamat's temple is pretty much a space station.

FFIV: Lots here. The Giant of Bab-el and the Tower of Zot are two very futuristic settings. Also, the Big Whale is basically a space ship.

FFVI: A little less here, but some. Edgar's tools are hardly typical fantasy fare (chainsaw, bio blaster, drill, etc.). And Figaro castle could transport itself using a massive engine room and a fan system in the towers.

And, we don't need to get into how drastically the typical fantasy setting more or less vanished with FFVII and VIII.

Pineapplenipple makes a good point, though. FFX has less of a FF feel (as far as your standard FF elements go) than XII does, but that's just proof that the "FF feel" does not necessarily a great game make.

To wrap up, Square has long since stated that there is no rulebook to making a Final Fantasy game. Certain elements and themes are carried over (battle systems, monster/summon types, characters), but each (numbered) FF game is essentially a new game VERY loosely based on what came before it.
I don't agree with the X is the last FF statement but i will say that in XII i found that i didn't connect with the characters on the same level that i did in VII, VIII, IX and X.
I don't know why it is but it was a fantastic game, XII is my most played FF game since VIII.

I thought after reading the first post that it may be because of the lack of Sakaguchi but after playing and quiting Blue Dragon i realised that wasn't the case, I hate the characters there with a passion.
First of all, VengefulRonin is telling the truth when he says the FFVII compilation will last another 9 or so years. This is specifically stated in the Retrospective episode, which focuses on VII.

In regards to FFX being the last Final Fantasy, well, I disagree. For one, we;ve only had X-2, XI and XII released since X; and the majority of them were'nt even 'proper' Final Fantasy games.

X-2 was a spin-off, I departure from the main series, which offerend a more action/platformer experience. The story was developed in chapters for gods sake. I played up till the first time you board your ship and then never went back again. XI was an online experience, and therefore had nothing (and I'm not alone in this) to do with the main numeral series.

Then you had XII. XII, as many people have already stated, lacked that special something that made Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy games. I applaud the voice acting and the cut-scene/FMV sequences for making it a very immersive experienc; however, the story and characters never really did it for me. The only characters that I really bonded with were Balthier and Fran. XII wasn't a complete let down, and I did enjoy select parts, but overall, it wasn't a 'true' Final Fantasy title. I still haven't completed it yet and am finding it hard to, which says it all really.

So, from that alone you can see that, really, only one Final Fantasy has come after X. The next three chapters in the franchise: FFXIII, Versus XIII and Agatio XIII all have some promise; obviously more so, FFXIII and Versus. Agatio has shown little, and is on the mobile phone platforms, which may deter a lot of fans, however, the setting, being a large fantastical school (most like the Balamb and Galbadia Gardens in VIII) and the show that it has some promise.

Final Fantasy XIII looks very much like VIII in setting. It has the futuristic, sky, world of Cacoon and the more generic world of Pulse, which is definately a blast back to the days of Squall and his companions. In this sense, you can see that FF isn't changing so much that it will become un-recognisable. Perhaps XII did suffer a bit, however, XIII is showing that FF is evolving, but not forgetting its roots. Even in XII, you had the quaint and epic musical pieces; and you had the magical moments that could only come from a Final Fantasy game.
Versus XIII does seem to be quite a far cry from the franchise, however, I will not comment as I haven't seen nearly enough of this game.

Think about in the past, you had Final Fantasy I-VI, which were all practically the same in regards to the world you travelled. It had the traditional iconography of kingdoms, empires, lords, kings and queens etc. Then VII came along, and it broke away from the so much that it didn't even look like a FF game, besides the fact you had moogles, chocobos and other pieces of iconography. After VII you had VIII, which took it even further, and now you drive around in classic-futuristic cars, catch a bus, and bloody went into space. So you see, Final Fantasy is always changing, and why people are starting to moan about it now is just beyond me really. Fans had handeled the jump from VI-VII and VII-VIII, so why can't they handle this one?

I must admit I'm a wee bit concerned with FF in Square Enix hands, but so far I think they have done an ok job. Not brilliant, granted. But ok
I think a big reason that XII feels different from the rest of the series is that many of the people who worked on earlier FF titles have left to do their own things (Nomura, Uematsu) which means many new people have been altering the core of Final Fantasy to meet their own vision.

The same thing happened 10 years ago when VII drastically changed the face of series and Amano stopped designing the characters. At that time many fans of FF1, FF2/4, and FF3/6 were unhappy with the way the series was moving and felt alienated by these new games, some even went so far as to claim these new iterations weren’t even final fantasies.

Today fans of FFVII-FFX are going through those same emotions that myself and many others did when "our" series changed. However in time many of us came to realize that change was not necessarily a bad thing, and soon most of us were able to accept these new Final Fantasies alongside our classics. Only time will tell if this next generation of Final Fantasies will be able to win over the fans of FFVII-FFX.
Sakaguchi is the producer for Final Fantasy I through X. (In X Sakaguchi was the executive producer actually, and he did produce FFXI.) My boyfriend said this: "Final Fantasy X is the last Final Fantasy." He believes that there will be no more after that, and it is owned by Square Enix now.

So, this would explain my unexplained lack of interest in any Final Fantasy game after FFX. Guess it was my seventh sense.Honestly I bought a copy of FFXII ans I could get past the walk through. First thin I thought was " Hey this isn't how a battle is fought in FF, What the hell!? " Nothin' else seemed right after that, I just about gave up in Final Fantasy....