What Are You Currently Eating/Drinking?

Vegemite Toast
Kinda compliments the "your damn right I'm eating Vegemite toast at 2AM, what's your point punk?" look I was going for.
Tuna and potatoe chips
All we had for lunch at my house, unfortunately. Better than nothing though I suppose
A chees coleslaw radish cucumber and spring onion butty with a glass of orange juice

10/10 it's well nice :monster:
Pizza and a glass of Pepsi
Damn good pizza from some Italian bakery joint up the road
Orange Slices :monster:
They have so much sugar on em they're probably gonna rot my teeth out but oh well, they're delicious
A Vanilla Drumstick Ice Cream Cone.
Me and my friend went halves on a box of 24 cones a few days ago and this is the last one. Even after 12 cones I'm still not sick of them.
I have been eating this philipino type of food called wiscaldo. If you try it you might actually like it. My brother really like it and so do I. My dad cooks it very well. Now hes a good cook.
I'm eating ham, dressing, and rice leftover from Thanksgiving thursday. It's just as good as it was then ^^
I'm washing it all down with a nice cup of unsweetened iced tea.
Pretty sure I'm having a Full English...without the hash browns and tomato, they're awful tbqh. >.>
Nice greasy bacon and sausage for breakfast with a nicely cook fried egg slapped onto a slab of toast and a dollop of brown sauce on the side next to the mushrooms. Yum. :D
Toast and a glass of orange. First thing Ive eate properly in like 2 days, I should have a hangover more often xD

I'd much rather be having a cup of tea though, but I have no milk -__-
My mom just got back from the store with a nice bag of potatoe chips, so I whisked them away with me xD As much as I love Thanksgiving food, I'm getting a bit tired of it, so it's good to eat something different for a change.
I am currently eating Spaghetti with tomato sauce and fried chicken mmmmm now that is good. I am drinking coke. 8 out of 10.
The staff have agreed on moving this thread over to Spam, due to the nature of posts in this thread. However, I think that it'd now be more suited to The Lobby. :gmonster:

Anyway, I just had M&M peanut flavour.

Because I get sick pretty soon after eating it. Too much food colouring :sick: