New Years Resolutions

Hmm, I've got a few resolutions.

One is to choose my friends wisely. I'm not going back to netball practice this year since I'm the ONLY ONE that's never played a game and don't feel it's worth it anymore for no result. Hence, getting on the team.

This is the year that I want to be more focused on my writing career. I'm going to throw myself fully into the lectures for the next semester and not slightly doze off like I did with the first semester.

I'd probably have more, but I'll think of them if they ever come back to me.
Stop drinking every fuckign day dcut dow to 5 timess w week.
Well, I don't have much in the way of New Years Resolutions, but I guess I could consider this as one: I am going to try to be a more fun person to be around, online and off (online should be easier, though. :monster:), then maybe I'd have more than just online friends, I don't have any in real life, it's just family and relatives for me. >_>

So yeah, guess I'm just going to do my best more than ever to be a more lighthearted person rather than the tense, uptight, Mr. Serious I've been a good chunk of the time. Well, offline I am just a crabby sob. :gasp:
TO be on time for work

Yeah my lateness last year was just ridiculous, staying up too late i guess though i had fun staying up for the reasons i had =/
I got oulled up about it though and was told it wasnt acceptable, fair enough really because it was a bit out of hand and i had no proper reason for being late everyday.
Thats the only one ive made. Every year i say i dont make them because you dont need a new year to make changes etc and generally i know i wouldnt stick to them anyway if i was only deciding to do them because its new year =/
Either way this seemed like a pretty logical one to try and work with and so far its going pretty good.
My quitting smoking is going well so far :monster:

Though Im pretty sure the constant hangovers and man -flu have helped there 8F

Can't say the diet is going as well, but Ive cut way back on the chocoalte and crisps and shit 8F I'l have to easemyself into t hat one gradually >_>
To speak up more, not be so caring and nice all the time. I've got a long list of things to improve but those two are at the top of the list. I'm still having trouble with both of them, been that way for awhile now.