KH Kingdom Hearts Totally Butchered Final Fantasy...

Aren't Earisu, Aerith and Aeris all names, not actual words? Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't believe there is a correct or incorrect way to pronounce (or in this case) translate a name. I could be wrong though, this is just what I believe!
Final Fantasy characters are far from easter eggs when it comes to finding them in Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy characters being in Kingdom Hearts is probably one of the great huge reasons that Kingdom Hearts sold big time. Final Fantasy helped Kingdom Hearts by practically selling out their characters to the game. Kingdom Hearts gained fans, Final Fantasy lost some- it was a trade, and all for money.

I'm not blaming Kingdom Hearts- the game, just the idea of it.

Names are words. エアリス (pronounced Earisu) and Aerith are the same name, Aeris is a different name. It's like saying Cloud and Clous are the same name. There is nothing wrong with pronouncing it Aeris if you want to (like a lot of people still call Tidus 'Tie-dus' even though they now know it's pronounced 'tee-dus') but her name is, and always was, Aerith.

Anyway, as for the whole Kingdom Hearts thing. I do agree that the FF characters there aren't very much in character, but I don't think it really matters. They're like cameos. I never really considered them to be the same characters, from the same story. Just like the disney characters, I don't think what happens and who they are in KH makes any difference to who they are and what their story is in their original movie. I just take Kingdom Hearts as a story of it's own, and the things that happen there aren't connected to the stories other characters come from. So in that way I don't think anything that happens could ever really ruin FF, because it's not FF, it's KH.
Names are words. エアリス (pronounced Earisu) and Aerith are the same name, Aeris is a different name. It's like saying Cloud and Clous are the same name. There is nothing wrong with pronouncing it Aeris if you want to (like a lot of people still call Tidus 'Tie-dus' even though they now know it's pronounced 'tee-dus') but her name is, and always was, Aerith.

Anyway, as for the whole Kingdom Hearts thing. I do agree that the FF characters there aren't very much in character, but I don't think it really matters. They're like cameos. I never really considered them to be the same characters, from the same story. Just like the disney characters, I don't think what happens and who they are in KH makes any difference to who they are and what their story is in their original movie. I just take Kingdom Hearts as a story of it's own, and the things that happen there aren't connected to the stories other characters come from. So in that way I don't think anything that happens could ever really ruin FF, because it's not FF, it's KH.

Woah when did they start pronouncing Tidus as Teedus??! Lemme guess- when dissidia or kingdom hearts re-rendered his character? This is very new to me :eek: but also less of a surprise the way the spin offs tend to shatter my dreams. Ah well. I'd like to think of it backwards and pretend that teedus and aerith are mistakes even if they are not :p I like to live in my own little final fantasy, I guess. And I see your point about Kingdom Hearts, the stories were unconnected. I would've done things differently though, had I designed Kingdom Hearts.

You are my favorite person on this forum, I like to argue with you :)
Well nobody knew how Tidus was pronounced since his name was never said in-game (something I think is dumb), so it wasn't until someone pronounced it first (I think it was in dissidia, not sure though since I haven't played it) that we knew what it was supposed to be. Still...if I had pronounced it Tie-dus it wouldn't have stopped just because I knew the correct way lol so I don't think people who prefer Aeris should stop calling her that either. It really doesn't matter :)

Aww man, thank you! I'm so flattered :inlove:
I2RIn kingdom hearts, certain characters were slightly butchered. For example Tidus and Wakka were a little too young ish. Before i always pronounced his name "Tai-dus" but since im forced to accept it as "Teedus". Cloud's Sephiroth, and Squall's were great. But the problem came with kh2 when Sephiroth is confirmed as Cloud's darkness and Tifa being Cloud's light. Made no sense. The need for Auron was unnecessary but alright. He shouldve been more relevant though. The problem was more that they did not fit in. The only one im thinking of is Setzer.
Kingdom Hearts sure does have of a way of flattering itself by destroying already made stories. I was angry when I first posted this thread, but after hearing all this I'm just laughing :lew:

This thread has certainly gone from a discussion to flat out bashing the game...Dont think I can take part in it anymore. I feel like theres nothing wrong with the game and am anticipating KH3 more than any of the upcoming FF games. Thats just my two cents I guess. Cant say the same for anyone else but its how I feel :wacky:
Just because there are negative opinions doesn't mean that its not a discussion.
This is a forum site, I'm exercising my right and responsibility as a member of the site :lew:
And yes, after the previously slaughtered Final Fantasy titles, I'm sure there is little anticipation for the other titles.
KH3 though? What is going to different? The fact that Lightning and Snow are going to replace Cloud and Auron?
To be honest the reason I think KH fails as a series is nothing to do with the characters, be they main or cameo FF characters, but because of the way all the games are spread across different consoles. This would be alright in a series such as FF where all the stories are disconected, but in Kingdom Hearts that's not the case. Unless you have a PS2, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, and a Nintendo 3DS, then you won't know the whole story when going to play KH3 on the PS3. Basically, there aren't going to be that many people who are going to be interested in KH3 considering they won't have a clue what's happening in the story. I've played 1 and 2 and even missing the story between those two made it kind of hard to understand, there was a lot of relevent information missing that was never explained. What possessed SE to do this? What were they thinking?