A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

You know, you're right to. Nomura has stated Aerith and Cloud have a bond. (I'm trying to find the quotes now :gonk:) I remember debating it a few years ago and all the Clotis used to get so mad about it cuz they knew I was right when I told them Cloud and Aerith are the only one's tied by a bond. :lew:
There's two interesting quotes about Tifa's "bond" with Cloud:

Here are the quotes I was talking of. As far as I know, these are the ONLy quotes that ever speak of a bond between Cloud and Tifa....

"Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a 'big kid' himself in some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint." ~Nomura; Reunion Files

I like how he says that Tifa has a maternal bond with Cloud.

Friend and rival?
Complicated feelings toward Aerith

Both of them share feelings for Cloud. Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had developed a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's.

Tifa's complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world. ~ Tifa's profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

Notice here that they say Aerith's bond with Cloud is different from Tifa's. So if Tifa's bond with Cloud is maternal, then Aerith's bond with Cloud isn't maternal. Also, if Aerith's bond with Cloud is romantic, then Tifa's isn't romantic.


I love you. This. how have I never seen it before? I mean, its almost identical to Clouds quote about having a feeling for Aerith different/contrast to that of her comrades had (AVALANCHE).


She is, like you said, his encouragement. :ryan:

Not to mention her HUGE influence over the AC Sephiroth battle, I mean come on she has the most percent of Clouds flashbacks, and Sephiroth is referencing taking something away that he cherishes; there are only two things that fit that description from his past; Sephiroth killed Aerith, and Aerith is something dear (AKA Cherished) to Cloud :rage:

EDIT: OMG!!1 700th post!!!
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Oh, holy cow!! I had no idea <333

woot!! 700+pages of ♥ for Clourith

some celebration pictarsss







Tori said:
I love you. This. how have I never seen it before? I mean, its almost identical to Clouds quote about having a feeling for Aerith different/contrast to that of her comrades had (AVALANCHE).
Oh my... I didn't even think about how close it is to being like the Cloud's undying love quote D: Great observation, woman!! :edd:

Tori said:
Not to mention her HUGE influence over the AC Sephiroth battle, I mean come on she has the most percent of Clouds flashbacks, and Sephiroth is referencing taking something away that he cherishes; there are only two things that fit that description from his past; Sephiroth killed Aerith, and Aerith is something dear (AKA Cherished) to Cloud :rage:
Yeah, that is very important too. Obviously Aerith is the main focus of all of that but fans will say it's to show he cherishes all of his friends. Which he does. But Aerith obviously has some more importance in all of it:wacky:

Made a coloring for these two love birds, is it just me or is Cloud checking out Aerith's bosom in that apron? Whatta perv, but only for his girl! Anyway its nothing too good, its actually pretty bland imo xD But feel free to use and stuff if you want, you can edit and what-not if you'd like as well, enjoy!

eek!! That is SUCHA cute picture and coloring. You colored it perfectly!!

I also updated the front page and it's banner. :ryan:
Aww such a cute banner and a cute picture to use too, wow that font looks so amazing sis, I mean truly and awesome job done there, lovely banner absolutely x3 I like the rules too, are those added as well? And the rule regarding hentai as a no no, does that mean even NSFW fanart? :wacky: No, no im just kidding xD

Anyway; I uploaded some nice works and fanarts from pixiv, some manips from Dissidia as well, they are sooo cute, Cloud and Aerith look so good together in that games, even if their out-fits don't match at all xD

http://i52.tinypic.com/11j8ys0.jpg < Cute, has it been posted already? Sorry if it was xD

http://i55.tinypic.com/14w3sls.jpg < Manips
Aww such a cute banner and a cute picture to use too, wow that font looks so amazing sis, I mean truly and awesome job done there, lovely banner absolutely x3 I like the rules too, are those added as well? And the rule regarding hentai as a no no, does that mean even NSFW fanart? :wacky: No, no im just kidding xD
Those rules have always been there :hal: and what's NSFW? 8(
And thank you :ryan: I'm glad you liked it, sis :kira:

Anyway; I uploaded some nice works and fanarts from pixiv, some manips from Dissidia as well, they are sooo cute, Cloud and Aerith look so good together in that games, even if their out-fits don't match at all xD

http://i52.tinypic.com/11j8ys0.jpg < Cute, has it been posted already? Sorry if it was xD

http://i55.tinypic.com/14w3sls.jpg < Manips

Eek!!! Those are so so so so so cuute! :kira: I love the chibi one :melody:
Gals I'm just posting to let everyone know that there is a Halloween Writing contest going on at the CxA forums. There's no rules or anything like that to stick to. You can write about anything halloween as long as Cloud/Aerith are involved (and obviously it's not a Cloti fic :lew:)

The date all stories must be due is October 30th. :3

It'd be cool to see more spooky fics for Clerith. :ryan:


So, due to recent LTDs I've been in for the last couple of days, I've had people saying Aerith doesn't know the real Cloud so she couldn't possibly love him for who he really is-- rendering her love empty.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I know that we use Maiden and the date (and a few quotes from nomura) to prove she knows who Cloud really is and that she still loves him. But I just realized... Aerith knew Cloud wasn't like Zack by the time she got to Gongaga. (however you spell it)

AERITH: "I was a little surprised that this village was Zack's birthplace!

Although called my first love, that doesn't mean that we became particularly intimate. I encountered him by chance as a flower vendor in Midgar. It was good for a little while, so I thought.

A friendly, childish SOLDIER, who gave kindness to girls. I encountered Zack and began to think that even a good natured person was from Shinra.

Therefore, 5 years ago, when Zack departed somewhere on a mission and he seemingly disappeared, I cried considerably. Yeah, I call this first love. Mother got angry at Zack when she saw me like that. That matter made him completely at fault.

At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke... his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.

But Cloud is clueless." - DISMANTLED

- see the heavy font sentence?

I always assumed that the date was the first Time Aerith ever came to the conclusion that Cloud was his own man. But she realizes it at the time they arrive in Gongaga. Which, to me, proves her love to be even more real and honest for Cloud.

Did anyone else ever notice this?
Notice that Aerith realized and accepted Cloud as Cloud and debunked her own self conflict that he was like Zack in the first place?

I sure as heck never noticed it before. :gonk:
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AERITH: "I was a little surprised that this village was Zack's birthplace!

Although called my first love, that doesn't mean that we became particularly intimate. I encountered him by chance as a flower vendor in Midgar. It was good for a little while, so I thought.

A friendly, childish SOLDIER, who gave kindness to girls. I encountered Zack and began to think that even a good natured person was from Shinra.

Therefore, 5 years ago, when Zack departed somewhere on a mission and he seemingly disappeared, I cried considerably. Yeah, I call this first love. Mother got angry at Zack when she saw me like that. That matter made him completely at fault.

At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke... his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.

But Cloud is clueless." - DISMANTLED

- see the heavy font sentence?

I always assumed that the date was the first Time Aerith ever came to the conclusion that Cloud was his own man. But she realizes it at the time they arrive in Gongaga. Which, to me, proves her love to be even more real and honest for Cloud.

Did anyone else ever notice this?
Notice that Aerith realized and accepted Cloud as Cloud and debunked her own self conflict that he was like Zack in the first place?

I sure as heck never noticed it before. :gonk:

I noticed this, I thought it was known by all already, but I guess if you didn't know its likely few others do either. Well, its betterto have it in straight forward words like that, that way no such thing can derail the LTD with *coughzaeriscough* a certain illegitimate pairing. :wacky: Besides Zack and Cissnei are total love birds, all that flirting and the parents thing Cissnei did, c'mon :3

Gals I'm just posting to let everyone know that there is a Halloween Writing contest going on at the CxA forums. There's no rules or anything like that to stick to. You can write about anything halloween as long as Cloud/Aerith are involved (and obviously it's not a Cloti fic :lew:)

The date all stories must be due is October 30th. :3

It'd be cool to see more spooky fics for Clerith. :ryan:

Don't you have to be a member at the forums to participate? :gasp: If not I maybe will :/
I noticed this, I thought it was known by all already, but I guess if you didn't know its likely few others do either. Well, its betterto have it in straight forward words like that, that way no such thing can derail the LTD with *coughzaeriscough* a certain illegitimate pairing. :wacky: Besides Zack and Cissnei are total love birds, all that flirting and the parents thing Cissnei did, c'mon :3
Haha, yeah, I knew YOU would know. :wacky: But I like the ZackxCissni proof :inlove:

Don't you have to be a member at the forums to participate? :gasp: If not I maybe will :/

No you don't, ^_^

I don't think so :hmmm:

here's some pics of Cloud and Aerith btw:


http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/a Cloud Club Album/22007820.jpg
<--I love Cloud and Aerith

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/22023059_p1.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/22023059_p0.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/22021762_p0.png

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/21831257.jpg

http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb329/Mizu_no_hakucho/Cloud x Aerith arts/16076770.jpg

We probably already posted some of those, huh? :c
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I have a few topics to get the FC back on track; I am also gonna post some fan art too, and maybe ask a few meme's or questions for the Fan Club. First things first the topics/questions;

- Do you think Kingdom Hearts' focus on CXA was coincidental or intentional?
- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)
- What nick name do you think Cloud would give Aerith?
- What do you make of Squall getting a mysterious letter in KH2 and Aerith waiting for Cloud? Parallel?

- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

I'll keep posting more too, to keep this club alive xD

Anyway, I was searching through Dismanlted and I read this quote again; and oh lordy how it tugs at my heart guts, I mean could these two be more romantic, tragic and bittersweet? We are so spoiled with these two, I swear it :cry:

"Aerith... will your life be lost in vain? You'll see, we'll defeat Sephiroth and release Holy's power. I'm sure of it.

We'll save the life of this planet you loved---"
~ Cloud Narrating, Dismantled

"Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely." ~ Aerith Narrating, Dismantled

I always thought Cloud wanted to save the world for her; but I completely lost this quote and now I fund it again, I think their is also another narrated by Nomura but its lost to me. I guess I'll find it with much searching though xD

Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him.
~Nomura; Distance Interview

Another one I loved and lost; I love how Nomura has to emphasize on the fact that Cloud and Aerith are still together in one way or another, I mean Cloud sees Zack right? Why doesn't Nomura tell us why he see's him or that Zack consciousness live son in Cloud as well? Aerith is always singled out. Unlike Tifa and co. who are continuously friend-zoned.


She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn't protect Aerith. Cloud was on the verge of overcoming it but now, going back to the place where he and Aerith got separated meant that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart apart once again. (Case of Tifa)

Another one; I love how it emphasizes that Cloud and Aerith were separated from each other, and then follows it up by talking about the pain Cloud feels in his heart for her :gonk: But what is everyone else' thoughts on this quote? I think it undeniably romantic :ahmed:
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Do you think Kingdom Hearts' focus on CXA was coincidental or intentional?

Intentional of course ! Otherwise why would they have a special ending during the KH credits ? Also in KH2, they created Tifa to chase after Cloud and Cloud to avoid her. That's like giving the hint to the players that Cloud doesn't care about Tifa romantically.

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

Cid Highwind ! He's the one who reintroduced each other during the KH credits. Also, Sephiroth lol. He knew that Cloud loved Aerith and had deep feelings for her, so he killed her off, so Cloud could suffer. Sephiroth knew who Cloud really, truly loved.

- What nick name do you think Cloud would give Aerith?

I don't think Cloud is the type to give people nicknames, but maybe sweetie ?

- What do you make of Squall getting a mysterious letter in KH2 and Aerith waiting for Cloud? Parallel?

I thought Rinoa gave him the letter ? It had angelwings coming out of it.
- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

Going to the cinemas to go see a horror movie, and Cloud holding Aerith whenever she gets scared or afraid. Then going home and sharing sweets and chocolate together, then spending a passionate night together, if you know what I mean .
Anyway, I was searching through Dismanlted and I read this quote again; and oh lordy how it tugs at my heart guts, I mean could these two be more romantic, tragic and bittersweet? We are so spoiled with these two, I swear it :cry:
Tell me about it :gonk:

"Aerith... will your life be lost in vain? You'll see, we'll defeat Sephiroth and release Holy's power. I'm sure of it.

We'll save the life of this planet you loved---"
~ Cloud Narrating, Dismantled

"Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely." ~ Aerith Narrating, Dismantled

I always thought Cloud wanted to save the world for her; but I completely lost this quote and now I fund it again, I think their is also another narrated by Nomura but its lost to me. I guess I'll find it with much searching though xD

Yes, that first quote is so bittersweet. T_T I just love how Cloud cares so much about it because Aerith loved the planet so much. It's just beautiful to see someone like him act that way.

Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him.
~Nomura; Distance Interview

Another one I loved and lost; I love how Nomura has to emphasize on the fact that Cloud and Aerith are still together in one way or another, I mean Cloud sees Zack right? Why doesn't Nomura tell us why he see's him or that Zack consciousness live son in Cloud as well? Aerith is always singled out. Unlike Tifa and co. who are continuously friend-zoned.
Brilliant point. :cali: And you're completely right, too. It's very significant that Nomura always singles out Aerith. Like you said, why didn't they say Zack's consciousness lives on in Clouds? why does it have to be Aerith? :gonk:

The romantic implications there are just too great to deny. :melody:

She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn't protect Aerith. Cloud was on the verge of overcoming it but now, going back to the place where he and Aerith got separated meant that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart apart once again. (Case of Tifa)

Another one; I love how it emphasizes that Cloud and Aerith were separated from each other, and then follows it up by talking about the pain Cloud feels in his heart for her :gonk: But what is everyone else' thoughts on this quote? I think it undeniably romantic :ahmed:
eek!!! :gonk: I know, I know!! :gonk: Isn't it just wonderful :jess: I love how it says very clearly that it was Cloud and Aerith who were separated. :gonk: Why just Cloud if not to be romantic? Seriously, though. why say Cloud and Aerith were separated? What about the rest of her friends? See, this tunnel-vision thing SE has going on for Cloud and Aerith is just one major reason why I can't shrug off these facts. It happens way too much for me to just turn a blind eye to it.

I love how it says Cloud's heart was going to tear open again just because he visited it. If it tears just by going there, what happened to the cutey bear the day she died? :gonk:

It is undeniably, irrefutably, unconditionally, and undoubtedly romantic. :ohoho:

Do you think Kingdom Hearts' focus on CXA was coincidental or intentional?

Intentional. Totally and completely intentional. The first game was all about Disney Characters and Sora finding their romantic light/significant other. It seems like a pretty far fetched idea to just write off Cloud and Aerith's inclusion in that game as "coincidental" just because some say he doesn't love her. I mean... what the heck kind of coincidence is that? 8(

The staff at Disney and Square Enix both demanded that Aerith be added to the game, so they also tossed Cloud in. Why? Because Nomura wanted to write a small side story for them where the questions about their relationship could be answered. Where can the answer to their relationship be found? At the ending of the game, during the credits when all the Disney love stories are getting the reunion with their loved one.

The most significant thing about Cloud and Aerith's inclusion in this game beside their happy "we're together" ending--the fact that Nomura says this game is a game about connection of the hearts or important people to your soul/heart.

“Interviewer Question: What’s the theme that you most wanted to express this time?
Nomura: Not just this time; “Kingdom Hearts” always have something like “a person’s heart” and “connection of heartsas its theme. Like the strength of an invisible “heart” or what’s the most important thing to you, that’s what I was thinking while drawing the story.”


That's right, the very same game that holds the answer to Cloud and Aerith's relationship is a game about connection of hearts & what's most important to the character.

That's a bingo boys and girls.

Sora: So why did you go along with him, anyway?
Cloud: I’m looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn’t find the light.
Sora: You’ll find it. I’m searching, too.
Cloud: For your light? Don’t lose sight of it.

Cloud makes the conclusion Sora is looking for his light all by his own after they both mutually connected the person they're both looking for (in Sora's case, Kairi) to being light. Again, who is Cloud reunited with at the end? Aerith. Who does Sora find? Kairi.

So, all in all, no, I think SQUARE ENIX knew exactly what they were doing when they put Cloud and Aerith in this game.
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Do you think Kingdom Hearts' focus on CXA was coincidental or intentional?

Intentional of course ! Otherwise why would they have a special ending during the KH credits ? Also in KH2, they created Tifa to chase after Cloud and Cloud to avoid her. That's like giving the hint to the players that Cloud doesn't care about Tifa romantically.

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

Cid Highwind ! He's the one who reintroduced each other during the KH credits. Also, Sephiroth lol. He knew that Cloud loved Aerith and had deep feelings for her, so he killed her off, so Cloud could suffer. Sephiroth knew who Cloud really, truly loved.

- What nick name do you think Cloud would give Aerith?

I don't think Cloud is the type to give people nicknames, but maybe sweetie ?

- What do you make of Squall getting a mysterious letter in KH2 and Aerith waiting for Cloud? Parallel?

I thought Rinoa gave him the letter ? It had angelwings coming out of it.
- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

Going to the cinemas to go see a horror movie, and Cloud holding Aerith whenever she gets scared or afraid. Then going home and sharing sweets and chocolate together, then spending a passionate night together, if you know what I mean .

I agree about Tifa running away and Cloud avoiding her; all of that and Nomura says she's not a real person in that world and that she's a comparable to a "monster" or something like that.
Also, I agree! Cid and Sephiroth seem to know whats up when it comes to these two and their "two-person world", I liked your answer :3

It's a butterfly in Leon's letter but pretty safe to say its Rinoa, imo.

I lol'd at Cloud and Aeriths Halloween night together; yes, much passion after many scary movies and candies:ohoho:

Yes, that first quote is so bittersweet. T_T I just love how Cloud cares so much about it because Aerith loved the planet so much. It's just beautiful to see someone like him act that way.

Especially since this is the same guy who told Tifa and Barret that he didn't care about the fate of the world and whether or not it lived or died. I also recall this blonde man telling Sephiroth that the planet life and the cycle of nature didn't matter cause Aerith was gone :dave:

eek!!! :gonk: I know, I know!! :gonk: Isn't it just wonderful :jess: I love how it says very clearly that it was Cloud and Aerith who were separated. :gonk: Why just Cloud if not to be romantic? Seriously, though. why say Cloud and Aerith were separated? What about the rest of her friends? See, this tunnel-vision thing SE has going on for Cloud and Aerith is just one major reason why I can't shrug off these facts. It happens way too much for me to just turn a blind eye to it.

I love how it says Cloud's heart was going to tear open again just because he visited it. If it tears just by going there, what happened to the cutey bear the day she died? :gonk:

It is undeniably, irrefutably, unconditionally, and undoubtedly romantic. :ohoho:

Yush, Tifa certainly has got to be one of the people who gets a first hand view of Cloud and Aeriths love; she has said some of the most romantic things about these two. It kinda seems as though; every one of their friends ships CXA.

Definitely, with all that heartbreaking, Cloud shouldn't have a heart left to have Aerith in:tehe:But she is somehow.

Intentional. Totally and completely intentional. The first game was all about Disney Characters and Sora finding their romantic light/significant other. It seems like a pretty far fetched idea to just write off Cloud and Aerith's inclusion in that game as "coincidental" just because some say he doesn't love her. I mean... what the heck kind of coincidence is that? 8(

Isn't it strange too, in KHII Sora is searching for Riku and Clouds searching for Sephirtoh -- Sora found Kairi, Cloud found Aerith, coincidence I think not :ahmed:

The most significant thing about Cloud and Aerith's inclusion in this game beside their happy "we're together" ending--the fact that Nomura says this game is a game about connection of the hearts or important people to your soul/heart.

“Interviewer Question: What’s the theme that you most wanted to express this time?
Nomura: Not just this time; “Kingdom Hearts” always have something like “a person’s heart” and “connection of heartsas its theme. Like the strength of an invisible “heart” or what’s the most important thing to you, that’s what I was thinking while drawing the story.

Yes, I remember when I first brought this interview to you, we fangirled so much that day almost as comparable to when we saw Aerith in Dissidia,, what a great fallow up to the first Dissidia. :P

Sora: So why did you go along with him, anyway?
Cloud: I’m looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn’t find the light.
Sora: You’ll find it. I’m searching, too.
Cloud: For your light? Don’t lose sight of it.

Cloud makes the conclusion Sora is looking for his light all by his own after they both mutually connected the person they're both looking for (in Sora's case, Kairi) to being light. Again, who is Cloud reunited with at the end? Aerith. Who does Sora find? Kairi.

So, all in all, no, I think SQUARE ENIX knew exactly what they were doing when they put Cloud and Aerith in this game.

Clouds line here strangely resembles one of his very own from Dissidia; I believe he's referring to his reason to fight Sephy or maybe his dream -- but he says "I lost sight of it", it reminded me of his warning to Sora.

Yeah, I find it funny how Clouds purose in the game in detractors minds isn't added until KH;Final Mix, yet Aerith and Cloud had been there the whole time together :dave:


For now I'll answer a question; I may answer the other later if I remember to or not, but anyway;

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

I'd have to say Tifa; this girl -- like I have said she has said some of the most romantic things for Cloud and Aerith, some of them are the things that most define Cloud and Aerith as a pairing to many fans; their two person world, how close they became so fast, Cloud losing a piece of himself with her and how deeply it affected him. She even ptheir relationship in FFVII, she only opens up a little more about her own feelings for Cloud after Aerith dies (reference; Dismantled)-- she obviously saw their relationship and how they felt about eachother.

But Cid definitely shows his love for the two of them the most; I can't deny that -- and maybe Reno too, he knows Cloud can't move on from Aerith in AC as he was "on" her in the first place :grin:
Do you think Kingdom Hearts' focus on CXA was coincidental or intentional?

Intentional of course ! Otherwise why would they have a special ending during the KH credits ? Also in KH2, they created Tifa to chase after Cloud and Cloud to avoid her. That's like giving the hint to the players that Cloud doesn't care about Tifa romantically.
Agreed. :ryan:

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

Cid Highwind ! He's the one who reintroduced each other during the KH credits. Also, Sephiroth lol. He knew that Cloud loved Aerith and had deep feelings for her, so he killed her off, so Cloud could suffer. Sephiroth knew who Cloud really, truly loved.
I so agree about the Sephiroth part. :ohoho: He knew exactly how to break Cloud down--by taking away Aerith.
- What nick name do you think Cloud would give Aerith?

I don't think Cloud is the type to give people nicknames, but maybe sweetie ?
hmm, I can see him saying maybe... something endearing from another language. :hmmm:
- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

Going to the cinemas to go see a horror movie, and Cloud holding Aerith whenever she gets scared or afraid. Then going home and sharing sweets and chocolate together, then spending a passionate night together, if you know what I mean .
I know what you mean
and I love it :ohoho:
I can totally see Cloud doing that with his special woman :inlove:

I agree about Tifa running away and Cloud avoiding her; all of that and Nomura says she's not a real person in that world and that she's a comparable to a "monster" or something like that.
Oh, yeah!! Shoot, where is that interview. :megusta: I'll try and find it in a bit.

I lol'd at Cloud and Aeriths Halloween night together; yes, much passion after many scary movies and candies:ohoho:


hot, steamy, yet sweet passion will be shared between them. :kinky:

Especially since this is the same guy who told Tifa and Barret that he didn't care about the fate of the world and whether or not it lived or died. I also recall this blonde man telling Sephiroth that the planet life and the cycle of nature didn't matter cause Aerith was gone :dave:
Ooh! :ohoho: Great point!! makes Cloud cherishing what Aerith cherishes even sweeter. :britt:

Yush, Tifa certainly has got to be one of the people who gets a first hand view of Cloud and Aeriths love; she has said some of the most romantic things about these two. It kinda seems as though; every one of their friends ships CXA.
Hmm, indeed, my pal. :hmmm: You have a point. Tifa has been noted as saying some of the most romantic quotes for Cloud and Aerith. Odd. :hmmm:

Definitely, with all that heartbreaking, Cloud shouldn't have a heart left to have Aerith in:tehe:But she is somehow.
Another great point :ahmed: Ah, their love defies so much. :gonk:

Isn't it strange too, in KHII Sora is searching for Riku and Clouds searching for Sephirtoh -- Sora found Kairi, Cloud found Aerith, coincidence I think not :ahmed:
It is no coincidence. :mokken:

Yes, I remember when I first brought this interview to you, we fangirled so much that day almost as comparable to when we saw Aerith in Dissidia,, what a great fallow up to the first Dissidia. :P
Yes, much fangirling we did. :ryan:

Clouds line here strangely resembles one of his very own from Dissidia; I believe he's referring to his reason to fight Sephy or maybe his dream -- but he says "I lost sight of it", it reminded me of his warning to Sora.
Oh yeah, I remember something like that as well. :hmmm:

Yeah, I find it funny how Clouds purose in the game in detractors minds isn't added until KH;Final Mix, yet Aerith and Cloud had been there the whole time together :dave:
Tell me about it :ffs:

I'd have to say Tifa; this girl -- like I have said she has said some of the most romantic things for Cloud and Aerith, some of them are the things that most define Cloud and Aerith as a pairing to many fans; their two person world, how close they became so fast, Cloud losing a piece of himself with her and how deeply it affected him. She even ptheir relationship in FFVII, she only opens up a little more about her own feelings for Cloud after Aerith dies (reference; Dismantled)-- she obviously saw their relationship and how they felt about eachother.
I love how I was listening to "a Whole new world" when I read that whole part. :inlove: You're so right, too. Tifa has said a lotta romantic things for Cloud and Aerith's relationship.

Makes it hard to believe she even likes Cloud anymore. :hmmm:
- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

I know :britt:
Aerith would be Little Red Riding Hood and Cloud would be the Hunter that saves her :inlove: Isn't that so adorably romantic :inlove:

I can't really picture Cloud giving Aerith a nickname but I could picture Aerith giving Cloud a nickname :lew: (But I'm not sure what it would be :hmmm:)She would only say it in her happy playful times but when she is sad or solemn or quiet she's say Cloud in that cute deep way she does ^_^

Sadly I haven't played Kingdom Hearts so I can't answer the rest :(

I would say Cloud would be the wolf :britt: But that's just me :kinky:

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

Yuffie (duhh!), Vincent (hello, no brainer!), Cid (he led Cloud to Aerith and went "tah-dah" he's a shipper), but then also Sephiroth.

Yuffie, because she seemed really really close to both Cloud AND Aerith. If she's best friends with Aerith and Cloud, odds are she knows how they feel for each other. :inlove:

Vincent because he seems to really understand Cloud in a way no one else does. Vincent understands the pain of losing someone you love, and I think in AC, he knew what Cloud was dealing with in relation to Aerith's death. Right away, he knew what Cloud was really doing when he wanted to leave the forgotten city. He just knew that Aerith being dead was what was bothering/depressing Cloud. :ryan:

Cid because, like I said, in KH's ending he does this "tah-dah" hand gesture as if he's happy Aerith and Cloud can be together again.

And Sephiroth because he knew exactly how to make Cloud's world crumble to dust. Killing Aerith, taking her away from him. That to me shows me Sephiroth knew Cloud loved her--hence him killing her.
- So how do you think Cloud and Aerith would spend Halloween? And what would they dress up as?

I know :britt:
Aerith would be Little Red Riding Hood and Cloud would be the Hunter that saves her :inlove: Isn't that so adorably romantic :inlove:

I already like that one; kinda sounds like Snow White and the Axeman a little bit; well, that would be another cute costume idea anyway :kinky:
I like the red riding hood idea though; Aerith would look so cute in that costume!

I would say Cloud would be the wolf :britt: But that's just me :kinky:

- Who do you think is the biggest CXA shipper ([in game]; example; KH, Sora because; your explanation)

Yuffie (duhh!), Vincent (hello, no brainer!), Cid (he led Cloud to Aerith and went "tah-dah" he's a shipper), but then also Sephiroth.

You forgot Tifa and Barret :worried: And I forgot about Marlene; I mean that girl calls Cloud stupid if you choose not to like Aerith in FFVII; and then promises not to tell Tifa if you say you do; (Marlene knew Tifa would get jealous as well xD)

Yuffie, because she seemed really really close to both Cloud AND Aerith. If she's best friends with Aerith and Cloud, odds are she knows how they feel for each other. :inlove:
I agree! She and Cloud were the most effected by her death; and I think Yufie, who not long ago was being told by Cloud that he didn't care about her problems; knows that Cloud holding her and letting her cry on him about Aeriths death means he he loved her and empathizes with her.

Vincent because he seems to really understand Cloud in a way no one else does. Vincent understands the pain of losing someone you love, and I think in AC, he knew what Cloud was dealing with in relation to Aerith's death. Right away, he knew what Cloud was really doing when he wanted to leave the forgotten city. He just knew that Aerith being dead was what was bothering/depressing Cloud. :ryan:

I agree; his line "Is this really about fighting" says it all right? Not to mention their discussion about Sins and forgiveness; And then we obviously saw Cloud say he wanted Aerith forgiveness more than anything.

Cid because, like I said, in KH's ending he does this "tah-dah" hand gesture as if he's happy Aerith and Cloud can be together again.

Or like he knows they've been searching for one another :P

And Sephiroth because he knew exactly how to make Cloud's world crumble to dust. Killing Aerith, taking her away from him. That to me shows me Sephiroth knew Cloud loved her--hence him killing her.

And bringing it up again in Advent Children; "What do you cherish most, giving me the pleasure of taking it away" and all that business was an absolute reference to Aerith. Then we get superpower Cloud and the battle's over xD
I already like that one; kinda sounds like Snow White and the Axeman a little bit; well, that would be another cute costume idea anyway :kinky:
I like the red riding hood idea though; Aerith would look so cute in that costume!
I think she'd look adorable too. :ryan:

You forgot Tifa and Barret :worried: And I forgot about Marlene; I mean that girl calls Cloud stupid if you choose not to like Aerith in FFVII; and then promises not to tell Tifa if you say you do; (Marlene knew Tifa would get jealous as well xD)

Eh, I just think the other characters need some spotlight, is all. But yes, Marlene is a definite!! I mean, she tells Cloud he's stupid. That's priceless! :lew:

I agree! She and Cloud were the most effected by her death; and I think Yufie, who not long ago was being told by Cloud that he didn't care about her problems; knows that Cloud holding her and letting her cry on him about Aeriths death means he he loved her and empathizes with her.
Yes, very well said!! I love how you worded that :lew:

I agree; his line "Is this really about fighting" says it all right? Not to mention their discussion about Sins and forgiveness; And then we obviously saw Cloud say he wanted Aerith forgiveness more than anything.

Or like he knows they've been searching for one another :P
Hm, hm. *nod, nod*

That's pretty much the biggest proof for Vince knowing how Cloud feels for Aerith. And in my opinion, I think Vince is rooting for Cloud + Aerith :ryan:

And bringing it up again in Advent Children; "What do you cherish most, give me the pleasure of taking it away" and all that business was an absolute reference to Aerith. Then we get superpower Cloud and the battle's over xD
Yup!! Also, remember when he was losing against Buhamut's mega flair until Aerith appeared to him and they held hands? That's another scene that portrays Aerith (in someway) helping Cloud through and it shows that Aerith is the strength in Cloud. :kira:

It's like Cloud's trump-card in battles is Aerith. :melody:

maybe we should rename the club "Flower girl, you're my trump-card" :lew: :wacky:

- What nick name do you think Cloud would give Aerith?

Okay, okay. This might sounds crazy but lemme explain.

I think he'd call her flower girl a lot. :inlove: kinda like a play on how Aerith always calls him "bodyguard" from time to time. Or, I can see Cloud slipping and calling her.........................................
. I know! It's so OOC. :gonk: but I think if he and Aerith were like having a lover's spat he'd use that word to try and make her forgive him of whatever thing he did wrong. :wacky: Or rather, if he was in... the mood :-)kinky:) and was trying to woo her. :britt: Plus, Cloud's still a cocky guy, so I think he'd use it rarely but nonetheless, still say it to her. :melody: