Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character?

Probably Lightning. She also has great graphics and animations, and thus it was pretty easy to connect with her. I mean, I didn't need the dialogue to know when she was happy, sad, etc. and that's why I felt moved by her story. And she's awesome too lol
Rydia is my top pick. Her journey through the underworld is enchanting. It reminded me of Persephone from Greek mythology, as she's neither a full part of the underworld, nor fully a part of the human world. Terra (my second pick) has the same thing going on, and they have some things in common- only she's more sad and wistful than Rydia through a lot of the game. My next choices would be (in no particular order) Zidane, Dagger, Squall, Basch, Cyan, Firion, Barret, Aeris and Cecil. It sounds like a lot, but compared with the number of characters to choose from, it's not. ^^
I'm gonna have to go with my man Cloud. It is a really tough question though, as I developed such a connections with so many of the characters throughout the games. Cecil, Rydia, Titus, Yuna, Sephiroth, ect. I love them all
Single favorite... damn, I cannot pick just one. Unless I could choose Class Zero, but that's a single team - not a single character - still. I'd have to chalk it up to either Lightning (XIII-2 or LR) or Yuna (X & X-2). I'm going to go with just Lightning. She goes from fighting mortals to straight-up destroying a 'creator'-level character to save the day, even at the point of bringing pain to herself by going after her old pals.
Auron. The only character with sensible hair, and, to quote Spoony, "all he needs is a huge f**king sword and a big jug of booze".

He acts as your tank, and your wise old Ben Kenobi character who knows everything about everything. Also, his story was far more interesting than Tidus'.
His quest was to
try and avenge his best friend's fate. He drags Yuna's party along not for the pilgrimage, but for his own vendetta.

Still waiting for a prequel to FFX in which we play Braska's pilgrimage.
FFVII: Aeris
FFVIII: Zell (Although, I also really love Rinoa and Selfie.)
FFX: Yuna
FFX-2: Paine

Those are the ones that stand out to me and that I can actually remember.
oh god this is really tough, but I'll go with Vincent Valentine, don't want to get started on why, the list is way too long.

[if we're going with fighting style then Eight from type-0 easily.]
Vivi forever and always :). The emotional journey he goes through in FFIX make him impossible for me not to love. Honorable mentions go to Locke (FFVI), Zidane (IX), and Yuna (X/X-2). Zidane and Locke because they add light-hearted fun to the story as well as being involved in serious plots and in many ways grow up in front of the player. Yuna is great because of her selflessness and willingness to stand up against the established order she had worshiped her whole life.
I have many top FF characters that will always always have a piece of my heart all to themselves. However, it has never been a question as to whom my very favorite FF character is ever since I met her back in 1997. Aeris Gainsborough is by far my favorite of them all. Not only because of her fantastic back story and what she represented in-game as well as was paralleled in the real world, but because she is someone I really want to be like. I enjoy her passionate nature because it isn't obnoxious or overbearing. She retains a likableness as well as an approachable quality throughout and I appreciate her kind nature. She appreciates the simpler things in life with an almost childlike nature despite the hardships they all face. That's something that has always inspired me. Though I am much tougher than she, I do also see fragments of me in her when it comes to what we find important. I can relate to her in the general sense this way. I really empathize with her cause and her feelings about certain things more attainable to the real human being. Her connection with nature and the planet is a theme I have always really been drawn to. Perhaps it's the native american in me. For example, i have also gravitated toward "Princess Mononoke" and "Dances With Wolves". Preservation of the planet and a more natural connection is something really big for me and so this character instantly stole my heart and holds it captive to this day. I just can't explain how much I adore her!
Sorry there are so many to mention and despite the username, I can't decide who was the greatest I've enjoyed. I think Yuna and Rikku were better but love Steiner type characters as well. And then I've forgotten Zidane as well. But I favour Vaan over Tidus and then there's Quistis...
So I'll stick with Lightning as a placeholder until I get any further idea!
I agree with you on Cloud. His persona and mindset is very interesting, especially in combination to his style and what he's been through in his past. He's a sick character.
Vivi, i mean so much emotion learning his roots and upbringing in FF9. Also such a strong black mage in FF9. Yeah maybe not the strongest black mage in the series but loved his personality
My personal favorite character in the Final Fantasy series is Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. I like the way he was design, from the leather jacket to his gunblade. The details that they gave him with all his clothes and weapons are mind blowing. I also like the personality that they gave to his character. The way he approaches to people is what makes his personality unique. He has this mean type personality that makes him look cool in a certain way.
I would have to say Squall since I could really relate to him. I was a ward of the state growing up (Orphan) and was a pretty shy and distant kid, I didn't speak much and would often have conversations in my head. Not to mention how sweet is that gunblade?

Runner up's include Sabin, Vivi, Wakka.
If i really had to choose: I'd go with Zidane, Tifa, Cloud, Genesis, Sephiroth and Vivi in no particular order- couldnt really pin down 1!