Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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Well, when I was younger I absolutely couldn't stand FFIX. I didn't like the graphics, setting up abilities confused me and and I didn't like Steiner...but then I recently re-bought it and now I'm in love with it...strange how a few years and a better understanding of how things work made a difference.

But now I have to say my least favorite is VIII...after getting it on PSN I find myself cringing at some of the bland dialog and Squall's constant "Whatevers". And Junctioning just pisses me off...especially when I have to GIVE and TAKE and SPLIT magic between characters so I can get the PERFECT stats that I need them to be at...did I mention the horrible dialog? Seriously Rinoa, no one cares that Zone likes naughty magazines -_-
I really didn't like FFIII on DS...

I hated how you had to change into different forms to go places, without any real warning...And a couple of the bosses were really hard, thats just because I'm not skilled though =)
I would say X-2 was my least fave one. They well and truely changed yuna and rikku slightly. but more yuna, she went from caring to careless. I just dont think it was as great as some of the other games theyve done.
final fantasy 1 is the worst there is just no story or character development really and there is no pheonix downs so you have to go to a church to revive yourself
Hey Yuna change my clothes, and let's sing together while scantily clad.

Oh baby.

I loveee dancing.

Rub me down in oil!


Who needs a good combat system?

Whack off to us!

Pretty much sums up FFX-2.
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I understand why FF1 is hated. It gave me so many "WTF?!" moments. However, the story wasn't bad. It simply paved the way for the next 13+ installments. Besides, it was named "Final Fantasy" because Square really thought it was going to make one game. They were dead wrong, and the fans who played FF series for that long can testify for that. If so many people demanded more Final Fantasy, then this one is not so bad after all. Thank this game because it helped make your favorite of the series. :)

FFII was okay. It was easy for me to level up when using a certain "cheat" of doing it easier. It gets tedious after your spells reach level 9, but other than that I don't find it crappy.

Despite how much I hate the obsession of FFVII, it's not my least favorite. I think FFVIII was better, though, but it's just my opinion.

FFIX. You really never learn to appreciate this game if you grew up with VII or VIII. Having played those only makes you think the rest MUST have futuristic stuff and a little too much romance. IX went back to the original roots and the romance level was perfect. As for the battle system, what other recent games have a 4, count it, 4-person party?

X, well, it's not too bad I suppose.

My least favorite? You guessed it; FF X-2. I'd get hopelessly embarrassed if I got a hold of just the case in a game shop. I'm just not used to girlie games.
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Final Fantasy X-2 for me. I kinda like the story, if I don't think it as a Final Fantasy. Otherwise, a hige disappointment. I hate when there are three girls jumping around, screaming and dancing and singing.
I hate the one scene especially. It's the one where YRP goes to Kilika to find the Awesome sphere and Paine says something that Yuna and Rikku needs to keep it down blaa blaa blaa. And then yuna basically is just that sorry, hey sorry!
But yea, a huge let down for me.
FFXII was the worst IMO. Not because it was a piece of crap, but let's be honest if time weren't an element in this series, our opinions would be totally different.

Imagine if you were introducing Final Fantasy to some otherworldly person who has never heard of a video game before and you first let him play FFI and then maybe gave him something like Dirge of Cerberus, and then asked him which one he thought was better. Of course he'd say DOE.

But we don't typically look at things that way. We only compare the games to what we expected from them. Personally I didn't expect X-2 to be a true Final Fantasy game (though I actually do like the game, it's really fun and light-hearted) and knew that I was only going to be playing the borefest of DOE once through just to get the story, so neither of them actually disappointed me.
XII was not like that. It was supposed to be a beautiful, innovative call back. It was supposed to be something new and unique and it appeared that way as well. Everything about this game falls flat. It stands out as a flop to me solely because it is not what it makes itself out to be. It is a ripoff without a single saving grace.
By the time you get half way through the game and you're waiting for the story to start unfolding (like it usually does in Final Fantasy), and then you come to realize it's actually not going to- I can't imagine ever being more disappointed by a game.
I'm tied between X-2 and XI. X-2 due to the fact it was too damn easy. Y'know, this is Square Enix, I was expecting a game that actually posed more problems than just working out what part of Leblanc's body I have to fondle next.

My hatred for XI comes from disliking needing to purchase a game, and then paying AGAIN just to play it.
FFX-2 for me is the worst Final Fantasy. I don't like the story and it isn't intresting at all. System for changing clothes as Yuna and others change their clas to swordsman, dancer it's the best in the game. I don't know but I just don't like FFX-2 at all. It's not anything like a Final Fantasy that I played before.
Personally I disliked FF IV, VIII and XI. IV just wasn't how I liked to feel the game was played, and I dislike VIII because of some friends and what happened when I played it, but it also just wasn't what I liked in a story either. And XI, just is terrible for needing a subscription!
Since I assume this thread is based on opinion, I'll list what I voted for and why.

FF- The original just has not aged well. I feel bad for saying that, because it was the beginning of an era, but it just isn't that good IMO. I went through the entire game, and found myself lacking motivation to even beat the final boss.

FFVII- Don't shoot yet. I have my reasons. I'll be one of "those" people who dog on the graphics. Square should have either left it sprite based, or waited until they could make it look like VIII did. Couple that with the mostly ridiculous fanbase, and the fact that Squeenix focuses more on it that some of it's better installments, and it's left a bad taste in my mouth. And besides all that, I just didn't have fun playing it.

FFXII- Oh god. I bought this at full price and I regret it every day. I hate the battle system. If I really wanted to play an MMO... well... I would. And the fact that the gambit system pretty much plays the game for you was just a huge kick in the face. Along with bad characters and a lackluster story, I was only able to make it about 12 hours in before I put it down.

FFXIII- Ok, I really can't judge it yet, but everything I've heard has just put a bad taste in my mouth. I'll rent it first to be safe.
Well although X-2 was pretty bad, there were good bits to it. No really. I kinda liked the job changes and some of the different classes you could have. A lot of the game was pretty limp though but it served a purpose, created an even happier ending if you gave it a little whislte.

But I've voted for XII as it didn't give me the wow factor I think I was looking for. I kept wondering when the main story was going to start before I realised I was in the middle of the story and it hadn't really taken me anywhere. This may be slightly harsh, as I've only played the game the once, so after a second play through I may have a different perception.
I just never liked X-2.
X was fantastic really, and I was really excited for this game, but bah.

II's not really something I hate, since I've never really given it a good chance, but when I played I was thrown off by the fact there was no levels.
Well FF1 is a classic. FF2 is boring but there is some weird charm to it, and i like the music. I think FF3 my be the worst (DS version), sure the music is good but the battles are terrible, the job system is lame, you dont learn ANYTHING when you increase your job level.

FF8 was also pretty boring imo, the world map music was really boring. Im trying to replay it atm and i just CANT.

I liked FFX-2, the game was mostly for fanservice and i think it delivered. Especially with Rikku *3*

FFX-2 had the best version of the ATB system and gameplay was very fun.

FF13 will probably be on my list of failures because of its lame ass main character.
I disliked FFX, I think it was mostly because of the characters, I couldn't take to Tidus because of his annoying voice and he reminds me too much of Troy Bolton from High School Musical, which I also dislike. I couldn't really take to Yuna either, her voice was too gaspy as though she had caught a cold and Lulu I found really harsh and stubborn. I found Yuna & Tidus didn't really have that much of a development, almost immediately when he met her he had the choice to basically say "Oh I like her, I know where this is going." I just couldn't get into it, those issues just kept getting in the way. I probably would of liked it better if there were no voices, just reading text like the previous Final Fantasy's. I might give it a chance in the future though.

Another dislike of mine would be Final Fantasy XII. There wasn't really that much character development, I had no idea where the storyline was going and the fact that I couldn't get used to the gameplay. Also to the fact that in past Final Fantasy's you would fight monsters that were generally easy to start you off - except in this game I was practically getting kicked constantly by these overpowered monsters, having dodge each one not knowing which I could attack in the Sand Fields. When I first played I got a game over by that Tyrannosaurus. ;.;

I'm actually pretty nervous about Final Fantasy XIII because I think the series has gone downhill in my opinion since Square Enix :/
I just never liked X-2.
X was fantastic really, and I was really excited for this game, but bah.

II's not really something I hate, since I've never really given it a good chance, but when I played I was thrown off by the fact there was no levels.

Because I used cheats my first time through I just never got attached to Final Fantasy X-2 I mean it seems like the battles go on for ever and the system for the battling was horrible, you could have had a fun time unless you used cheats, and even without cheats the right accessories made this game childs play (which saddens me because this is how Japan veiws female gaming...?), It seemed like you never knew where the story was going or what it was about until the end.

And what the hell was up with Brother :gonk:
I voted FFIX and my reasons are on a few of the IX threads. Despite me loving a few things from the game (see name), it just seemed shoddy and rushed compared to VII.

Plus it seems like all of the IX fans have been coming out of the woodwork in the past few years. (Maybe it's just me.) But whenever I go on /v/ or another forum and talk about VII or VIII, I get a dozen "Ew, that game sucks! Play IX instead!" comments. And people gripe about VII's fans. :/
It's hard to think what is the WORST final fantasy game from the series because i have pretty much enjoyed all of them, but if you really have to answer, then i would go for Final Fantasy X-2. but i enjoyed the optional things though...
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