who is the best looking final fantasy character?

My first crush in the Final Fantasy series was Cloud. I liked that he was solid as a leader but he was still vulnerable sometimes. His feelings were indiscernible, so that adds intrigue to him. And the obvious which is he's very handsome. Gravity-defying blond hair included. I remember just looking at his character icon for quite a while. :ryan:

Another would have to be Squall. Although I didn't like his attitude for the most part of the game, I have to admit, he looks really good. The hair, the eyes, the scar. Even the "I don't care about anything. ANYTHING." attitude was pretty attractive sometimes.

I also thought Balthier was sexy. Mostly because of his accent. That, and he was the only male eye-candy in that game for me. :8F:
I also forgot to add that Snow is a really hot character. And I'm slightly appalled that no one else has mentioned Auron.
I forgot Cid Raines... not played XIII but I've seen the pics and he's cute :monster:

There's too much eye candy in these games :hmmm:
I like Tidus! Not only is he very good looking, but he has a super up beat personality! I wouldn't ever mind him being a friend of mine to cheer me up.

And...of course Cloud! If only he had a better personality though...
Who do you think is the most Attractive?


I think the most attractive male character in FF is Sephiroth. I'm a guy and I'm not gay but I still think he's the most beautiful male CG character ever created. He has a perfect ripped body with extremely broad shoulders and a narrow waist(the golden golden ratio), he's 6"2 tall (I would like to think he's taller), and he has the prettiest hair I have every seen.


I personally think the CG version of Rydia from FFIV is the most beautifully designed woman I have ever seen. She has really pretty hair and a cute face and nice lips.

I'd say Balthier. He's got a very charming demeanor and his dry humour at times carried the dialogue for me. That coupled with his bravado and English accent makes him a solid choice.


Most of the ladies in FF are hot so it's pretty difficult to pick between them. I'd say Tifa for obvious aesthetic reasons but also because she was great emotional support for Cloud even when he was galavanting around with Aeris.

Then there's Fran. She's calm, composed and being a Viera the looks will fade much much slower than the other ladies.

And who could forget Queen Brahne. Her petulant attitude and bulbous form means she could rock my world anyday.

Tidus - He's got the blonde hair surfer look going. It's a little weird with that white fringe on his jacket, but it looks pretty good. The graphics sometimes makes it look like he has a duck face, but the CGI scenes are more real.

Basch - He's got the 'I'm and a man, dammit' look down pretty much. Only after he trims that mullet he had in the prison. Also, he actually has abs, which silly Vaan imitates.


Ashe - I don't care what people say about her, she's stunning.

Garnet - Princesses in video games are usually attractive, plus she has that whole innocence thing about her.

Advent Children ladies - Probably rank them Aeris, Yuffie, then Tifa. But they're all close.

I always have to make lists when I talk about Final Fantasy. :D
Male: Gabranth. There's something about the armour. And when he takes his helmet off.... :monster: Basch doesn't do it for me though. I like clean-shaven men, and Gabranth is :ohoho:
Plus, he was a good guy really. One of my favourite characters in XII.

Edit: How did I forget Genesis? :hmph:
I only find him attractive because I love the guy he's based on. Gackt is one lovely man :ryan:

Female: I'm gonna go with Garnet, simply because I really like her hair. I'd give anything to have hair like that, it's lovely (until she cuts it off, that is...)
She's also my favourite female character in the FF series, one of the only leading females who can actually do something for herself and has her own plans for the future.
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Male: Balthier :ohoho:

And I strictly mean the Balthier in FFXII only. I hate how Revenant Wings decided to try and knock 10 years off his age and make him look a similar age to Vaan. Appearance-wise, he looks just the part of the self-proclaimed "leading man". I rather like his outfit - it certainly suits him even when he is swinging a firearm around and gunning wildlife down with the party. I really love his attitude in general. Calm, smooth-talking, smart, level-headed even in moments of crises. Balthier should have been the leading man. Why he didn't decide to blast Vaan in the cranium in their first meeting eludes me.

It's between Garnet and Cissnei.

They're both strong, independent characters. Garnet proves several times in the game what she is made of - even deceiving Zidane once, who has been reluctant to let her carry out her own plans. Garnet has a really nice design as well, no matter what her hairstyle looks like. I just can't imagine her with horns though.

As for Cissnei, I rather like her hair. Usually I'm not big on that hair colour, but Cissnei definitely looks more fitting in the Turk suit than Elena in my opinion. I still think her relationship with Zack should have been explored more.
I've merged these threads and edited the title of the old thread. No sense in having more than one thread like this. Please do not spam in this thread or your posts will be deleted. Thanks. :)
Male: Noctis

I haven't been completely stunned about any FF guys until him. I think he's going to be one of the most powerful FF guys yet and tbh thats pretty drool-worthy, I mean what girl doesn't dig a strong guy in some type of power role without looking overly beefy-looking and still being able to hold his composure in the constant threat of people trying to take him out? Strong, silent (I hope more silent than not) and darkly handsome...and I'm loving the color-changing eyes :gasp: I'm biased I guess too, as I've always liked the darkly handsome guy. Blonds just don't do it for me.


Stella. I think I like her because I can really relate to her because we share a lot of similar character qualities. She's determined and assertive about what she knows and she doesn't care too much what other people think of that....She's also not afraid to take a stab at a fight with Noctis. Other than that, obviously I don't know much about her. She's really pretty too! But not over the top, model pretty, which makes her a believable character imo.
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No, seriously, I liked Seifer. I don't know. I thought that the scar, coupled with his attitude throughout the game gave him a tough look. I thought that he looked good, especially in the FMV's. His clothes were awesome as well. And his battle stance with Hyperion was cool in my opinion.

Female : Yuna X-2 Hands Down :mokken:

I loved her outfit. I LOVED how revealing it was and I thought she made quite the transformation from X to X-2. She was really sexy to me, and just seeing her move was so :ohoho: Seeing her holding the guns in her base class was just so alluring, I just thought overall that she looked hot.
I've never seen any seriously detailed images of Benjamin from Mystic Quest, but from what I've experienced with him I've always imagined him as a pretty dashing dude. As for women I'm prone to pick any of the Viera from FF 12.
Haha this is quite an amusing thread. I'd probably say Squall at the top, then probably Auron, Cloud, Vincent as like the close, hmm all kinda moody and quiet. Other attractive male characters I'd say would be Irvine and probably Jecht since people have mentioned it he really does come to mind, and probably Sephiroth.

If I had to choose a girl I'm not sure thats harder, because I'm not actually attracted to them but going on looks I'd say Beatrix, Quistis, Terra/Tina (I liked how she looked in the FMV's) and of course Lulu, her outfit was cool and I loved the dark almost gothic look