[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Content

Reason: I've had a pretty good day. For once there have been decent films on TV, I actually managed to get some work done this morning, I had half the day to myself, and I'm just generally content with my life at the moment...minus the usual concerns I have that only matter to me. It won't last, but...eh, its nice whilst it does.
Mood: Bored

Jeff passed out on the bed. :sad2: I'm tired of playing the PS3, I'm not really motivated to Photoshop, and it being 11.30PM doesn't really help either. I work tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it. -.- Bah.

Might just go to sleep soon, myself.
Mood: Confused

I have exams to study for but I have no idea what to study. It also doesn't help that my cat keeps giving me love bites on my legs and I try playing with him, but he doesn't want to move. .___.
Mood: Awesome :)

Reason: Today went by really fast for me. Shipped my PlayStation 3 in so, i'm hoping to get my baby back soon :ryan: then, I went shopping for more Christmas stuff :)

Then my friend Christian came over so, I had fun :)

Made brownies too hehe xD.

Also played Clue and, got me an xbox 360 today too haha xD.

i'm so anxious for Christmas :3
Mood : Creative/Inspired

Well, I just got home from tutoring with an urgent need to keep on working on one of my RP characters (yes, I'm FINALLY starting to RP on here.) That and I have been practicing with making signatures majority of the day, and I might do the same tomorrow until I have to go see this Jazz band perform at one of my friend's favorite restaurants. But at the moment, I'm focusing on what my imagination has to offer .
Mood: Good
Reason: Now that the semester's over I finally have time to sleep! So that's what I've been doing for the past four days. Sleep in, play video games all day, go back to sleep. Not very eventful, but it has been very relaxing :3
mood good of course!
the holidays are upon us!
and with that comes days off work!!!
my next 2 weekend are 4 days weekends!
so you can't beat that!

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've had a pretty good day. Went to go see the new Chronicles of Narnia film late this morning and also got a lift there, which saves money for the dreaded bus. Had to get the bus back, but it came as soon as we got to the stop. Had a nice afternoon with no one being in a bad mood or anything. It's lovely. I also wrapped up the Christmas presents, so I've got everything done now. Think I'm hosting trivia later on, so I'll probably spend the remainder of my evening gathering questions and not doing too much.
Mood: Dead Tired


I couldn't sleep. AT ALL. i've been just over-thinking I suppose >.<

I went to sleep at 1:00am but couldn't sleep til 4am and woke up at 8am :rage:

So, I is a little cranky =(

I'm gonna try to take a nap because sleep is important for me. I need it.
Mood: So So. Well it is absolutely freezing in here. My hands are cold and everything :sad3: I wonder if Ill even be able to sleep but I probably wont go to bed anytime soon. Just taking a break of Black ops for a bit. Level 35 now. Always fun to play with buddies of FFF :ryan: It is almost christmas eve. Like usual on Christmas eve I always go to my grandparents and we have a huge supper and lots of gifts etc. Christmas is also coming up. What I am mostly excited for is that the parents are leaving on christmas day at night. So Ill be quiet for a good week.
Hungry, and annoyingly awake.

My sleep pattern is shot - dead and buried. A mixture of university life and generally being a late sleeper has meant it's now 6:15AM and I'm not even vaguely tired which really doesn't help because I have football tomorrow and I need to get my sleeping pattern at least right tonight otherwise I'll just oversleep since it's at 12PM and I don't get up until 11AM normally. :rage:
Mood: Happy.

Scratch that. Extremely happy to the point of sheer euphoria. I haven't been this happy in months. I haven't had this much fun in months nor have I ever pursued having THIS much fun in ages. I feel so light I could sing. :lew:

I've been in a very usernotey/reppy mood lately because of it and I'm getting to know people on here much much more easily than I ever have. I love life so much right now. :ryan:
Mood: Rather peaceful

Reason: Things are finally starting to come together for me. Slowly. Had a wrestling tournament yesterday that we didn't do too bad at. Got to see 2 of my freshmen get their first win, one of them getting a medal with that win. Overall, had 3 3rd places and a 2nd place, while the team overall finished 5th. Not a bad day. :hmmm:

Today, things have just been kinda meh, but that is mainly due to the horrible rain we've had for the past 4 days. Because of that rain, we also had to cancel practice, which was good because i got to sleep for an extra half hour.
Mood: Moody

Reason: I've been brooding about things all morning, and I've reached that point where I'm just thinking "Fuck it, I've brooded enough, I'm spending the rest of the day not giving a damn about anything.". I'm also fairly irritated that the last few days have passed extremely quickly - it feels like my holiday is being stolen from me :hmph:
Mood: Gooooood

Reason: Good day, world. I was just down by the stores to see if I could pick up a few more Christmas gifts before it's too late when I bumped into a friend I haven't seen since primary school. We've just briefly spent time in Starbucks and had a little chat before she rushed off to see Narnia, and it was generally just a pleasant little surprise to get to see her again. I'm generally in a better mood anyway. I've actually had a good night's sleep - a good 8 hours at least - and I'm feeling predominantly better with a better behaved immune system. I can't be bothered to study today so I may just whip out that Mass Effect 2 demo from PSN at long last and sample its awesomeness.
fucking awesome

One more day of work to goooo and its not even a fu;ll day. Hoping to get away for about 12 ish. Got home early today aswell. Pretty happy aswell because the t shirts i oprdered from america finally arrived, tho i had to pay a customs fee of 11.95, wasnt impressed by that like but it was well worth it as they are actually amazing. Was a bit worried that theyd either be really shite quality or that they wouldnt fit. Ordered 2 in large and one medium, I took whtever sizes were still in stock as the site only does so many prints. And funnily enough the medium is the perfect fit on me. Large is still great but the medium is perfect. Well going back now and ordering more. REally jelous of all you americans as you all get free shipping and it doesnt take 3 weeks to land at your door :(
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I've had yet another good day. Went off to my grandma's and spent the entire day with her. I didn't want to spend the day at home since I'd only be thrust with responsibilities that aren't technically mine to undertake. Looking forward to tomorrow since I'm heading out with my dad, stepmum, sister and some friends after work. Just really want it to go quick and not slow. Going to spend the remainder of my night playing ACII and RE5.

Because I am in trouble yet again for the most miniscule reason. I'm so tired of my grandma being such a bi- well, you know. I just want to move the hell out of here so I never have to deal with her ever again. EVER.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Long day has been long. My little brother has in a fairly bad mood today, resulting in a lot of noise and no small amount of chaos. That is always a physically draining thing for everyone in the house...except him, anyway. I was going to finish writing a fanfic I'd promised a friend I'd write for her, but I just haven't had the time...will need to do that tomorrow. At the moment I'm too tired to think straight, because the fire is on and the door is closed, meaning I'm slowly melting away due to that and my laptop, which is currently attempting to burn away my legs. I'm going to bed soon ._.