Too easy?


ShinRa Guard
Mar 18, 2010
Is there a difficulty setting that I'm missing? I'm 21hours into the game, on chapter 10, and haven't had any difficulty yet. I've pretty much fought every creature I've seen and I don't remember losing to any of them (except the tornado kicking drones in chapter 9 lol, cheap bastards)

Even the bosses are pretty easy. Beat all of them on my first try, except the chapter 9 boss, which took me 2 tries.... People say it gets harder latter on but so far, chapter 10 feels just as easy/hard as chapter 1, only difference being the battles take longer.

Has anyone else found the game to be too easy? When am I gonna get a real challege?
Is there a difficulty setting that I'm missing? I'm 21hours into the game, on chapter 10, and haven't had any difficulty yet. I've pretty much fought every creature I've seen and I don't remember losing to any of them (except the tornado kicking drones in chapter 9 lol, cheap bastards)

Even the bosses are pretty easy. Beat all of them on my first try, except the chapter 9 boss, which took me 2 tries.... People say it gets harder latter on but so far, chapter 10 feels just as easy/hard as chapter 1, only difference being the battles take longer.

Has anyone else found the game to be too easy? When am I gonna get a real challege?

Sounds like you have a knack for the game. There is no cure, some of us are just cursed into going through the motions of the various so called challenges.

The last few chapters definately throw the odd curveball at you but I'm guessing you're a seasoned FF player and will probably shrug those off.

The retry feature has certainly made this FF more managable than others and games aren't as elitist in their playerbase as they once were.
You'll start hitting the challenge in Chapter 11 when the exploration starts to open up. It's fairly balanced between chapters 1-10 but come 11 you're going to be facing enemies that could easily wipe you out in 1 or 2 hits. There's not much I can say really, but it does definitely get harder, which is where you'll start having to grind through some CP farming. :hmmm:
Yea I'm really looking forward to Ch 11. Too bad I won't get to it for another week or 2 as school and sports are really getting in the way =[.

I'm actually not a seasoned FF player. This is my first FF game. I'm more into W RPGs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age so I supposed I'm more accustomed to the real-time battle system?
I'd hardly call XIII's battle system real time. Its just a more showy ATB system which lets you do more than one attack when the attack gauge fills.

This game does get a bit more difficult when you hit Chapter 11, but only if you don't know how to pick your fights. The same rules apply for this RPG as they do for any, really - train moderately throughout and heal when neccessary and you'll find it easy. Which you obviously have been doing. XD
It depends, is hard with the bad strategy applied, every battle or boss in this game has a different strategy is just a matter of finding it, maybe some experienced FF players will get the signal right away, some others not, and will recall game overs and retries, some bosses can be tricky like the one that Snow used Shiva for the first time, (there are few others, I can't remember now), in my case I gained 1 game over b/c I didn't know that the eidolon can attack more faster to stagger the boss.

remember everything is the right strategy and combinations of paradigms, the use of that will cause the game to be harder or easier :sup:
Is there a diffucaulty setting, cuz its hard and i want it to be easy.

no but you can slow battle down a tad from the optons menu and don't worry about finding it hard most of the people here have played alot of final fantasy so they get past things likke snap i died abit to just remember its not always about hitting and healing focusing on whatever fills the stagger quickest that is best way
Way to easy

Anyone else think they made ff 13 WAY TO EASY? i only died 3 times.... hopefully they make them harder from here on out like they used to be.
Well it's incredibly easy if all you do is auto-attack you know...:wacky:

I found that once I got up to chapter 11, it got so much harder, Gran Pulse is just way too OP. They're fiends everywhereeeeeee and they're so hard! T_T
You've got to be kidding its impossible to beat the adamantortoise and the long guy the first time you see them even king behemoths are a pain if you want difficulty try beating them with three stagger lock weapons wich means no stagger that makes the game hard in difficulty. long guy are very hard to beat you need a master crystarium and final weapons to stand a chance.
LOL I think I terribly irked someone in another forum because I said the game play is easy lmfao
But it is. The AI pretty much plays the game itself. In regard to the following spoiler its about the star rating system more or less so dont look if you want to figure out how it works on your own.

Then this person mentioned since my fighting style beat everything without me having to look at the screan the entire time rav-com-med I must only get 3 stars all the time doing it the "easy" way

But thats not true the star system is based on charecter level/equipment vs enemey level so the time to beat an enemy can be lengthend by simply equiping low level weapons to earn more time. If going against a tough enemy at a rather "average" level when first getting to Gran Pulse I got nearly 5 stars for all of them including most of the available marks simply because my weapons where not the best and my levels where rather low so in comparison to what I fought I was given a ton of time and scored 5 stars for most of everything including marks
so needless to say the game is wicked easy
At first, I must say the game is easy but, the father I got into it the more difficult it became. By chapter 11ish the critters do become harder and I had to grind a lot just cause I know it's just going to get harder. But yeah, overall its easy.
First post! I'm only 12-13 hours in, but so far it's been pretty easy. I have noticed the difficulty start ramping up slighty though. I hope it becomes a good challenge for me by the end.
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this game was very easy
my strategy:
with (all classes covered)

and med clinic

hold x
until you reach
chapter 13

didnt even lvl up my weapons till right before the final boss.
Everyone says how easy it is, but me a Final Fantasy fan for many years now, play this game, and I have died several times against some of the bosses...

That giant mechanical plant thing, whatever it is called, at the end of Chapter 5 I think it was, that gave me a ridiculous amount of trouble, there have been a handful of times I've had to use an Aegisol And Fortisol before going into a boss battle to be able to win, I am currently saved at
the Save Station just before you encounter the the last remaining Eidolon to get; Hecatoncheir, for Vanille
, finding myself going back for hours to fight the monsters back in the cave to accumulate many tens of thousands of CP so I can strengthen the characters enough to be able to survive the coming battle... xP

Maybe I'm just not very good at it... :ness:
I died so many times I lost count but I blame my lack of skills for that one. But yeah, I found this game to be quite the challenge at many parts and sometimes I died in normal encounters. I refuse to use auto-attack so maybe that contributes to something.
I am glad I fail so much, I don't think I would have enjoyed this game as much if I found it as easy as some of you guys seem to have.
I think there are certain aspects of gameplay which make FFXIII very easy. For example, the abundance of save points, coupled with the "retry" option after unsuccessful battles means you can have unlimited attempts at something without losing any ground whatsoever.

Also, the healing after every battle makes things easier. It takes that forward planning/endurance aspect out of dungeons. A lot of the hardest parts of pretty much all Final Fantasy games are long dungeons with a badass boss at the end of it.