The letter a

A, is the first letter and a vowel in the basic modern Latin alphabet.

It also has the distinction of appearing in my username, only once however

It is this second quality that has lead to the creation of this thread, because many of you seem to struggle with this concept

People have been calling me 'My Maniac' which is of course incorrect. Fear not, I am sure those gorillas that have mastered sign language make mistakes sometimes too.

Fortunately your most handsome pal is here to help, I can offer a variety of tips to ensure you do not make this error again

- Write out 'My Manic' 100 times on a sheet of paper, every day. To avoid wretched tedium (actually most of your lives are probably abysmal tedium awaiting the end, but whatevs) time yourself and try to beat the previous day's time. You can also masturbate with your bad hand whilst writing, and on challenging days swap hands ;)

- Don't be such a stupid cunt

- Use a soldering iron to burn my name into your screen and/or hands, I know you may be hesitant about this. It'll be ok though, your monitor will heal naturally over time

- Install a small hypodermic needle that activates if the 'a' key is pressed twice within five seconds. You die of AIDs, this is one of the more permanent lessons but ensures you will make no more mistakes ^_^

- Manic rhymes with panic, maniac rhymes with I-am-a-stupid-cunt-iac

Good luck, citizen

I am sorry, my friend. I offer no excuse for my mistake, as I know better than attempt to. I am but a humble man at your mercy.

Also, The Doors are great.
I wonder how many pointless mentions Derek has gotten from people typing @Licky..:wacky:

you rang?

this is the first time ive gotten one actually

maybe you're just doing something wrong :elmo:
you rang?

this is the first time ive gotten one actually

maybe you're just doing something wrong :elmo:

Apparently now it only notifies you if you're friends with them
HAHA FAGS :monster: