Testing the waters...


ShinRa Guard
Mar 7, 2012
:megusta2: <-------First off what the hell does this creepy thing mean? Ok, first time in a forum due to coercion, but I'm down. My name is Tim, some may know me from hijacking Mitsuki's account in the shoutbox a couple times. I'm not used to internet lingo so be oh so gentle with me... I wear my feelings on my sleeve just like my ovaries. I like long strolls on the beach in the sunset and romantic cuddling by the fire. Ok done with that crap, back to business, I am a Surgical Technologist with two amazing children. I love the outdoors, surgery, martial arts, and several other things. I enjoy playing games like Gears of War, Dead Rising, Dead Space, Fallout, Metal Gear, Siphon Filter, and Lost Planet. I hate.... no, I abhor Final Fantasy 12 & 13, but I like the rest of them. No one can convince me otherwise.

I'll jump back on every year or so to check on y'all. Add me on facebook! I want so many friends! Cuz facebook friends are so real! Oh and myspace too! F twitter... Love hugs and kisses.
I have to report you for ..... duplicate accounts. I have to ban this Mitsuki now. :sad3: Haha, sup tim.
That is the face I make when I realize that my porn site wasn't actually hacked, that it was only a hiccup in my internet. That is it's one and only use.

Ask Mitsuki if she can ban me without removing my mod status. Thanks. I only want to know for the sake of knowing, if you want to check it, tell her to use Epsilon Omega for her test.

Welcome, by the way. :hmmm:
Congratulations on submitting yourself to the forum.

Interestingly, the internet lingo gets mixed a bit with Scottish lingo here. So if you cannae understand teh internetz lingo and dn't ken wat pplz are saying den you are teh n00b!

All you really need to know is that people will put lots of strange smileys of dismembered heads about the place. Rage faces, happy faces, troll faces, Sean Bean... Don't be alarmed by these.

Have fun and I'll see you around perhaps.
That is the face I make when I realize that my porn site wasn't actually hacked, that it was only a hiccup in my internet. That is it's one and only use.

Ask Mitsuki if she can ban me without removing my mod status. Thanks. I only want to know for the sake of knowing, if you want to check it, tell her to use @Epsilon Omega for her test.

If you ban a mod, they lose thier mod status automatically :wacky:

Also, howdy :monocle:
I don't remember 'coercion' but okay. :hmmm:

Welcome, please read the rules (no, not our house rules) and you'll be alright. :)
Of course you don't, Mits. Coercion to you is different than coercion to him, obv.

Welcome and all that jazz. :monster:
Good evening everyone, and thank you all for your warm welcome and information on the creepy fap face. I apologize for my less than punctual reply. I am usually quite busy most of the time and this week is definitely no exception. I hope to visit more frequently and have an opportunity to learn more about the other members such as yourselves and find some comic relief from the personalities and various topics posted.