How Old Were You...


Oct 15, 2006
When you played your first Final Fantasy game? The reason I ask this question because I'm currently a very proud mommy. My 5 year old little boy is playing his first Final Fantasy game. He's playing FF1 on my PSP. He's been doing it a lot today and it's just so downright cute! He's really doing pretty good for being only 5. I'm so proud of him! So my question is, how old were you when you played your first Final Fantasy game? I'm curious to know what the youngest might've been. xD
I was 13, so i was pretty old imo when i started. First game was X, btw. It was kinda hard playing because i did not know how to play and kept attacking physically before i saw that Yuna had cure :P. It was fun playing when i started. My friend made me play it by shoving the case in my face telling me to "convert" to FF :wacky: Glad he did that, tbqh
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i was 4 when i first played FF the original for the NES and it still is my favorite to this day. without it FF wouldnt be anywhere
I think I was 11/12. My first FF game was FFX. I remember buying it, cause it looked interesting, and I remembered hearing that Final Fantasy was a really great game. On the drive back home, I remember reading the little booklet thing that came with it and wanting to play it straight away. xD

At the time, I was totally hooked. I stayed up till 2am (really late for me, back then xD) playing the game. I bought FFVII and FFVIII a few months later xD
Ahhh cute! Ahh my first Final Fantasy game, I was 7 when I played my first Final Fantasy game and that was FF IV. Oh and hes playing FF I thats so cool! Make him play them all in order if you want. But IV was my first I think(sorry cant remember) I went back to the other ones because I loved FF so much. So yeah I think it was IV,II,III and then I. Btw :awesome: Nvm I was 7. Just remembered
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Well, my first ATTEMPT at a Final Fantasy game would have been in 2001, when I was 11. It was FFIX, and I basically quit after Fossil Roo. XD My first COMPLETED game was, again, IX in 2006. :awesome:
I think I was around 14 or 15. It was in the mid-90's when I played my first, which was FF IV. My little brother was around 5 or 6 though. I do remember thinking he was doing a fairly impressive job at understanding the system at such a young age. xD
I think I was about 10 or 11, I do know that I was exactly in 5th grade when I played my first Final Fantasy ever : FF8 (since my best childhood friend became my friend because we were both obsessed with it at fifth grade, hahaha, I'm such a loser).

I am impressed at the 5 or 6 year olds who are able to understand the battle system!
I was around 16 or 17 when I first started playing Final Fantasy. My first was FFX.

An old friend kept talking about it all the time and then showed me Final Fantasy X.

She played it for a few hours and I really enjoyed watching her play it. =D

So she actually went out and bought me a copy. Though at the time I didn't have a PS2. So I had to wait until I got one until I could play it for myself. XD
I first played my Final Fantasy game when I was about 8. I think the game was Final Fantasy VII. I remember just getting so frustrated with the game. I didn't get it at all, so I just quit 3 minutes into the game LOL.
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i was probably around 8/9 i was way back when i was in primary thats over a decade ago.
dont you just love games that stick with you for that long.

15, I think I was 15 anyway, I know FFVII hadn't been out that long anyway and I was definitely still in school *is giving my age away :gonk: * I mithered my mum for like months afterwards (id played someone elses game for about an hour) for a PS1 for xmas, my dad got me an N64 in the end which ended up being swapped for a PS1 after a while, then I guess it was the following christmas I got FFVII.....that can't be right o_O

It must have been near xmas the first time when I played it then and got it the following year after we traded the N64 in for a Playstation :gonk:

Then I sat there in a blow up chair on xmas day being antiscoial in my room playing FFVII.....until I was forcibly removed and had to go to my auties :wacky:
I got a Playstation for my 12th birthday, and within a week, a friend of mine lent my FFVII. I enjoyed it, so went out and bought FFVIII on what I think was the first shopping day of 2000. It was before I went back to school after Christmas anyway.
My first game was ff9, I got up to the tree monster that captured Garnet and kept physically attacking. I had NO iea how to use trance abilities until my friend showed me. Never did reach the boss though xD was 11 at the time too D:

The first FF game that was mine was ff10, and damn did I love it, think I was 12/13 then.

I was quite excited when I was my friend's FF9 because back when I was 7 or so I played at a friend's house and they had FF8 on (during the first laguna dream sequence, I only remember Ifrit getting summoned xD) so I was hoping it was the sae ame, as I never asked my friends about it :wacky:
I played a demo of FFVIII around the time after it had just been released. So I would've been about 9 or 10 at the time.

But the first time I played a proper FF game was when I was 15. I told my mum to borrow a good game from the video store and she came back with FFX. I re-borrowed it a few times but I ended up giving up and putting the game down when I got to Seymour Flux. I eventually bought my own copy and I finished it last year.
Well I grew up playing NES at first, and not even touching the Atari thanks to it being broken by my brother. So when I was 5 or 6 I first got my hands on FF I. My brother was playing it at first, and I always was intrigued by the leveling up system and such.

I didn't know what the heck I was doing at first, but I created a Red Warrior, a Green thief, a Black mage and a white mage.. and off I went. It was an epic game to say the least.. the only thing that pissed me off about it was that it was on NES. If anyone knows about the NES, it sometimes had a tendency to erase your saved games. So it wasn't the best game system in the world.

Today I wouldn't mind getting my hands on an emulator or just a psp version to drum out the game again. It and Shining force were probably the best games of their time.
Ok, I had to think on this one a little. I know my first was FFVIII, which came out in late 1998 I think? So that would mean I was 16 years old when I first played Final Fantasy! I guess that makes me a late bloomer as a FF fan.

It actually took me like 2 or 3 attempts to play the game before I finally got into it, but when I did, there was no turning my attention away from it. I remember being so into it that when I beat it, I actually played through it again! I never realized at that point in time that Final Fantasy would be one of my all time favorite game series'.
VIII was my first FF and my dad bought it for me one christmas, pearhaps 1999? so I was 14 I think. So it was my dad who got me hooked! ^_^ He never played it though.

But the first rpg I played was a game called Blacksilver for the commadore 64 when I was abut 6-7 and I loved that despite the awful graphics! I liked how you could play keep playing and coming back to it. It took me a while to work out that it saved :wacky: I was a special boy
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