
Luv 'em. Went to see them when they did the 5 night stint in Manchester. Absolutely stunning.

Demon Days > Self Titled

Got a favourite track besides "Don't Get Lost In Heaven" ?
Well, yes, I love:

Demon days
Clint eastwood
Feel Good inc.
Kids with guns
Stop the Dams

yea..those are a few of my other favorites.

You saw MANCHESTER?? That's awesome!!!111oneoneshift+one

I recorded Harlem on my Tv.
I cleared out my iPod the other week and Gorillaz were one of the few bands that survived it.

I've always liked their music and their image. Very unique.
I quite like them aswel, altho Im pretty sure I didnt a first, I like Feel Good Dare and Clint Eastwood, I actually had an album (forget which but it was a couple of years ago) and it got destroyed in a decorating incident along with a Bob Marley one, I was not best pleased -_-
Gorrilaz was the first album I bought. It was so much better than Demon Days though, that album just put me right off them. I don't really listen to them that much anymore, but they were quite good.
I like both of them albums muchly but I do agree that the self-titled abum is far superior to Demon Days.

Feel Good Inc. shines though. ;D
I disagree, the debut album is good but a bit inconsistent. Demon Days is far better in my opinion, I love the track with Dennis Hopper doing vocals on it.
Gorillaz are great. They are one of the few bands I've enjoyed through out the years of todays music.(oldies rock girl here) Their first album grabbed me as well as their recent.
In my music world they have a sound all in their own and I enjoy and respect that. It's not always easy to have something that sounds fantastic when it doesn't sound like anything else. If that makes any sense at all...
I love these guys. >.<

Their music videos are awesome with the cartoons too! Very different and awesome!

A few favourite songs from them are, DARE, Feel Good Inc, Got the Cool Shoe Shine and Kids With Guns.

I actually heard Kids with Guns on The O.C. as well. They have awesome soundtracks on that T.V. show. >.<
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I love these guys. >.<

Their music videos are awesome with the cartoons too! Very different and awesome!

A few favourite songs from them are, DARE, Feel Good Inc, Got the Cool Shoe Shine and Kids With Guns.

I actually heard Kids with Guns on The O.C. as well. They have awesome soundtracks on that T.V. show. >.<
The "Got The Cool Shoe Shine" you're referring to is "19/200". I looove that song. Those are nice favorites there.

Mine would probably have to be "19/200", "Tomorrow Comes Today", "DARE", and maybe "Last Living Souls". So hard to decide, they've got great songs.

And yeah, you're definitely right about The O.C.'s song selection. "Kids with Guns" was one of a long list of great songs they've had on that show. The Killers, The Subways, Bloc Party, Gorillaz, Rooney, etc...

I was really stoked to hear that the Gorillaz are coming out with a new album. I was disappointed when Daemon and Hewlett initially said they weren't gonna do anymore, and that they would come back down the road with a gag Gorillaz in which the "band members" will have become old and fat with crappy music.
When their songs first started coming out, I was hooked ever since. They're supposed to be working on a new album or releasing it soon, something like that. I really can't wait to see what new material they come up with since music has slightly changed since they were last around.
That's brilliant, I can't wait to hear some new stuff. I think the most addictive song I heard of theirs was Dare. I remember some years ago when it was #1 for a long time and no one wouldn't stop playing it. xD
Great band :awesome: I have a copy of their first CD somewhere, but it got lost in a move before I could really listen to it, so I've only heard a few of their singles (Dare, Feel Good Inc, Clint Eastwood) but I really like them. Especially Feel Good Inc, because it's fun to dance to--though not fun for anyone else in the room :D

Anyway, it looks like this thread didn't make it up to the release of Plastic Beach, so I guess I'll drop the word on it here.

It isn't...bad, but something about it just feels deflated. Really, it helps if you've read Rise of the Ogre and followed the band members' "lives" to get what's happened.

Kong Studios is gone. "Plastic Beach" is the name of the new home/recording area that Murdoc's had built.

Noodle was never rescued after El Manana. Murdoc was drunk when he said that he'd saved her. At the same time however, she has been confirmed as alive.

Adding to Murdoc's list of cockuppery, he's created the Noodle-bot to do guitars on the album, and he's used it to hold 2-D captive so he can force him to do the vocals.

Russel was never invited onboard for the new album. I get that that's only a storyline point, but interestingly enough; Plastic Beach is a lot heavier on the synthesizer/pop sound.

So in short,
with half the band missing,
it really isn't any wonder that Plastic Beach sounded so much different. It wasn't bad, but it isn't as snazzy as Gorillaz, and as what feels like a concept album, it doesn't feel as tight and organized as Demon Days was.

Granted, I've obviously bought it and enjoyed the majority of it, but compared to their earlier works; it feels lacking.

On the plus side, I loved the Stylo video.
Yeah, I thought it was a step up for them to get Bruce Willis chasing them in the Stylo video. I don't think it's as catchy as the likes of Dare, but I'd probably have to give it a few more listens to get into it properly.
Damn, I remember these guys! They used to scare the hell out of me with their animated music videos. I remember alot of their songs being depressing to me, which was not a good thing at the time (I had pretty bad depression as a child). Mom always used to listen to them, so I would have to go somewhere away from her to avoid them. Anyway, no, I am not a fan of them.