[GFX] About the Artists


𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗲 *★.• ·
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Mar 24, 2009
There's probably an old thread wandering around somewhere, whenever I find it, I shall archive/merge, however for now, we can start fresh.

I figured it'd be a nice idea to have a little insight and knowledge about our graphic artists on the forum. What are their favourite things to do when making graphics? What are things they rather avoid? Do they like collaborating? What would they describe their own style as?

Lets get to know the artist in each other a bit better.

- Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?

- What would you describe your own GFX style as?

- What are your strong points?

- What is your weakness?

- What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?

- Prefered graphic programs, if you have any?

- What inspires you?

- Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?

- Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?

- Fun facts?

- Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?

Ahhh, my name is Kira. Most know artist username around here would be Colours or Six. I'd like to think I'm a bit of a creative person in real life. I like to mix funky colours or prints in furniture, or to small things like notepads, pencils, computer mouses, haha. I'm a bit of an 'out there' person with little things that I like, so I think that photoshopping is kinda like a creativity outlet for me. I'm also a big fan of playing the guitar and singing, so that in itself is creative. Lets just say I'm the crafty/musician person in the family.

- What would you describe your own GFX style as?

Uhm.... Vibrant. I wouldn't really say 'out there' 'cause a lot of my pieces are pretty simple, even though a lot of hours went in to making them. Is 'compact' a way to describe my style? xD

- What are your strong points?

I've been told my strong points are text and that I have a good eye for colour. I'd like to think those are true. I enjoy text on graphics out of most of what I do to my signatures, so that explains a lot.

- What is your weakness?

Good question. I'm pretty... criticial with criticism when it comes to 'self criticism'. My blending isn't too great. In my defense, I don't really enjoy making blended signatures that much though, to where it looks so much like an actual 'stock' and it'll be like 'Oh, nothing has been done to it!". Don't get me wrong, I am inspired by those who nail it at blending in renders and the likes.

- What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?

I think this should be part of my funny facts, because I think a lot of people don't know this about me. I actually rarely 'enjoy' collaborations. There's a select few people I can collaborate really well with, which is what makes it fun for me, because their style and my style doesn't clash. I'm really rather always hesitant to agree to a collaboration 'cause, for one, I'm critical of my own work, so me not being happy with the end result might seem offensive to them, or secondly, because the artist I'm collaborating with just has a completely differently style to where you're constantly changing each other's layers.... Eek! Haha!

- Prefered graphic programs, if you have any?

Photoshop, definitely. I don't really care what version. I'm using CS6. I tried GIMP years ago, and it was so confusing. I know people say Photoshop is overwhelming, and I'm sure it can be, but GIMP seemed so... messy to me. I'm glad I had the patience to become friends with Photoshop.

- What inspires you?

Other artists. Other graphic pieces. Music. Simple question, it really is that simple for me.

- Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?

Any time, really. I prefer to sit down for it at night though. :hmmm: I also prefer darker pieces over light pieces, I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I really have no preference though, I'd like to boot up Photoshop whenever I can when I'm inspired.

- Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?

No. That'd feel way to forced for me, and I'd become half assed with my work. I've set a personal goal for myself to not submit anything I'm only "half" happy with. It's either all the way, or no game for me. I wanna be proud of all the work I put on the internet, and I don't want to look back and think, man I wasn't really happy with that, and looking at it now, it's even more horrible than it was then! Ahhh! I'll make graphics whenever I feel like it, that can be every day, or once a month! xD

- Fun facts?

Text comes first for me after placement. I know that a lot of people add text last, and a lot of the time that makes it seem crowded to me. As soon as I can I add the basic text, so that I can work around it, so it looks "compact" and in place. Not cramped in to a place where there was "enough space to add it in!"

I guess that was a fun fact. I might update this later on!
- Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?

My Username has no Impact on what i make graphically. I just pick my username based on things i like or that are important to me. My deviant art is Big Casino but on every gfx forum my username is Alba which is Gaelic for Scotland. Like i said my name has no link to my graphics, i rarely ever sign my work with a username.
Ive always been into art since i was a kid. I would spend most of my time if i was in the house drawing. As i got older i stopped drawing and my interest in art died til i joined FFF. It was here i first saw what signatures were and instantly i knew i wanted to make them myself. After a small period playing about with PaintDotNet which is not Microsoft paint I knew that to get better i needed to have adobe photoshop so i installed cs2 which is still the program i use today and started making signatures. I read tutorials so i knew what all the tools in photoshop were and what they did and thats it. I kept making signatures and here i am today. I stopped making stuff for quite a while. I made my first signature about 3 months ago in over a year. My inspiration would go up and down or i didnt have time to make anything because i was working or had plans but my artistic bone seems to be back in place and im loving it all over again.

- What would you describe your own GFX style as?

I dont describe it as anything. I made a lot of vector sigs and in doing so got very bored with photoshop. I always try to do something new and different now. rinsing and repeating the same style is boring and i dont think you improve if you do the same thing all the time. You need to keep challenging yourself and keeping things fresh to keep your interest alive and keep yourself motivated. Its motivation that makes you improve as an ''artist'' My favourite thing to make would be photo manipulations. I like to take maybe a picture of the ocean and add in other pictures to make something completely different. My current zebra sig is a manipulation of several different images i put together to make one. Making signatures is one of the more boring things for me. I much prefer to make manipulations on a larger scale or do simple edits of photos. Ie taking a picture and making it look better through use of lighting and colouring, maybe adding in some clouds or a fake sun or whatever. I enjoy making 3D text based pictures aswell. I play about with maxon cinema4d often and thats how i make my text before moving it over to photoshop to make a background and add in effects etc.

- What are your strong points?

Uhm i dont know really. I think i have a good grasp of placement and i know what colours go together. The longer you make signatures the better you become overall so i dont really think i have certain things im better at than others. I know what just about everything in photoshop does which i think is definitely a good thing. You just get better overall the more you practice and the more you learn. I think everything comes together as one.

- What is your weakness?

I think lack of motivation and impatience is my biggest weakness. Like i said before i think everything improves overtime together though theres definitely things i wish i was better at. My text could be improved upon and im always critical of my depth in signatures. Ultimately what im happy with usually comes from the amount of effort i put in. When i rush something i know it isnt my best and things i can do better arent as good as they should be. My text will look bad and my lighting off and the colours are a bit all over the place. Not having the patience to make something as best as it could be for me is what makes my signatures turn out crappy.

- What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?

I enjoy collaborating a lot with people. You not only get to look at theyre layers which is like a sneak peak at how this person goes about making things but its challenging working with someone else. We all have different ways we build a signature and when you collaborate you have to change to work with the other person. The main thing though is that i find them really fun. I enjoy working with the other person and chatting about what wer making as we do it and discussing what wer gunna do further on in the tag and coming to an agreement in what we want overall. I likely wouldnt ever collaborate with anyone i didnt know. Doing it with yer friends is what makes it fun for me.

- Preferred graphic programs, if you have any?

I use photoshop CS2. I prefer the layout of the newer releases of photoshop but ive been using cs2 so long i dont have any plans to change. I also use Cinema 4D for when i want to make 3d based objects and when i want to animate an effect. Like animating text exploding and then pausing and saving it where i think it looks good.

- What inspires you?

Other pieces of art. Browsing a gallery of all different kinds of photoshop work is probably the most inspiring thing for me personally. The people on this forum aswell and seeing the signatures they make and looking at how they improve is motivation to try and improve on yourself aswell. Sometimes il be really into a song and il really wanna make a signature with that band or artist. Music is my biggest passion above art so when i find something new i really like musically i wanna try and make something in photoshop to show how much i like it.

- Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?

Night. At night time i am much more relaxed. I know that i have nothing to do at night time and that no one is gunna bother me or interfere so i can just sit back and make something at my own pace without worrying about anything. For some people i guess this is an irrelevant question that doesnt affect them but for me its a really big thing. When im working i cant make anything and by the time im home from work, fed and washed its evening anyway but when im off work like i am right now i only open photoshop at night. I think the dark outside helps me to relax and take my time when making something.

- Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?

Nope i have absolutely no routine at all. When im motivated im motivated. I think a routine sounds kind of annoying anyway. I dont like having to stick to schedules so im definitely happy just making things when i want.

- Fun facts?

Hmmmmm these are not fun but heres some facts. In my whole time using photoshop and making manipulations i have only ever used clippings masks twice.

I like to work with images that are 3d like game renders or real people. I dont like using cartoons or flat images at all.

I very rarely read comments in challenges even when i dont enter. I think some people are full of hot air and i will only read comments by people i respect and or i know who can make a sensible critique.

I may have used it a few times in this post but i dont like to refer to myself as an artist. I would call myself a hobbyist because its a hobby to me. The word artist is thrown about a bit too much. I dont think its right calling yourself an artist because you make signatures.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand i think thats about it. Took me ages to write all that :ohoho: Think il copy it all before clicking quick reply :lew:
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Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?
Erm my usernames have never really mattered. I use the name "iinsectica" on Deviantart but that's about it. As for life creativity I was always into art and reading. I used to illustrate books I would staple together as a little kid and draw things. I loved to paint mountains as a kid and I actually wan't that bad at it. Growing up I was only into toys that allowed you to create something, like model clay, playdough, building logs, metal building kits, paints, and drawing. I sucked at drawing so that kind of discouraged me from getting into anything artistic. I started graphic designing & painting in highschool and really grew close with my art teacher there. She was absolutely terrible at teaching graphic design now that I look at it because a few years later when I joined here I started reading the tutorials on the site and practicing and making a lot of GFX signatures that were less that perfect xD. But with time I can proudly say that I've gotten a lot better than I was starting out. Now I still just look up tutorials and study other graphic styles and see if I could create a similar style in my own way. It's really exciting and is my favorite hobby to date. In other areas of life I like to think I have a artistic view of things. I like odd styles of clothing and I like to color coordinate my outfits. I'm also really fond of interior design and have redecorated my bedroom countless times while bored. I also like to think my varied taste in all genres of music in somewhat artsy. I just love anything having to do with expressing unique views and showing them off. :3

What would you describe your own GFX style as?
I'm not sure if I have a specific "style" in GFX. I'd probably call it "weird" since I usually just find a stock or render I really love and go with the flow. I've recently been into photo-manipulation and have gotten better at it as time goes on. My favorite style of signatures involve manipulating models into cyborg/android beings. It's really fun and futuristic and I think that's the direction I would like to go with my work. I used to really enjoy using concept art or actual paintings as subjects in signatures. I think showcasing someone else's amazing concepts and artwork through a bit of contrast and color enhancement and glow effects can really bring out works of art in a very unique way. Generally I'd say a majority of my signatures have an odd look to them and it's up to others whether they like it or not. Regardless I like odd.

What are your strong points?
I like to think it's blending but I could be wrong. On MANY occasions people have confused my stocks used in a signature to be renders and my renders used to be stocks but I guess that could be bad assumption. I like to do small edits to things that don't matter much in signatures and people often mistake the end result as the actual picture so I guess I'm doing something right if they cant tell.

What is your weakness?
Text. I used to LOATH text, but I've been looking at how other people implement text in their signatures and have been trying to approve in this area. Text is the most difficult part of a signature in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?
The thing is, I like collaborating because it gives me a chance to see how others manipulate through their PSDs and I tend to learn ALOT when I look at a PSD and study the style of another GFX maker. I welcome the idea as it's a really fun learning process. I've only done it once though. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to collaborate much these days. :hmmm: Or maybe I'm just an undesirable partner! xD

Preferred graphic programs, if you have any?
Adobe photoshop. I started with Cs2 but I currently have Cs5 and I'm sticking by it. I tried GIMP but it's confusing interface was just not for me. >.>

What inspires you?
Music. I always listen to music before and during the process of making a signature. Most times I listen to a song and try to make a signature based on the song, certain lyrics, or the genre. Music is the key to my inspiration and has inspired many a signature. Other times when I see a really nice render or stock photo that looks really cool I'll be inspired to use it in my next sig or if I'm bored I'll look on my computer for stocks I haven't used yet and make a signature. Boredom is a big inspiration as well.

Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?
Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, on any piece of furniture, any way I want it. Not really picky about time of day.

Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?
Lol no I'm crappy at deadlines. Unless I'm in a callout or want to participate in a GFX event I just make something whenever I feel like it.

Fun facts?

- I avoid 99% of all photoshop style brushes. Long ago I thought using a brush to create sparkles and effects was so cool and so amazing. Now I just despise mostly all brushes I see. The only brush I've ever really needed to use in a GFX piece was the soft circle brush and the hard circle brush. I only have 2 stylish brushes installed in photoshop and even those are used sparingly.

- All of my sparkle, glow, shining effects come from pictures of outer space or stars or something. People claim to like my sparkles/cloudy effect and some have even thought they were brushes, but nope!

- I get my jollies from constructive criticism. :tehe: I absolutely love to have people criticize my work and give me tips on how I could possibly improve or to hear what they think would have made my signatures look better! I also really like to offer my own extensive critique of other people's work. I think it's a fun process to exchange different views and opinions. It helps everyone to get better and improve and I love that idea.

That's aboot it from me. ^_^
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- Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?
Well, my name is Patrick. And I've gone with the username The Welsh Paddy for pretty much my whole time spent on forums. I think back when I first started on forums I went with the whole typical 'FF style' usernames, like The Almighty Sephiroth, but I quickly opted for The Welsh Paddy as I thought it was a really cool nickname I was given. :monster:

As for my creative side, I've always been really into art. It was my uncle who got me into drawing. He was really good at it, which I admired, and I wanted to be good at drawing too. And he was kinda the only person in my family who encouraged me when it came to art. So, drawing was pretty much one of my strong points throughout the whole of school. I first started using photoshop when I was in my last year of highschool, around the time I first started foruming. Back then I used Photoshop 7, and I was absolutely terrible at it. It never occured to me to look for tutorials or anything, so I pretty much just figured everything out for myself. It was all a case of trial and error, clicking through certain functions to see what they do and so on.

I went on to study Art and Design in college then, and that only fueled my desire to become a graphics artist. I upgraded to Adobe Photoshop CS2 and I sorta moved on from making sigs, avas and banners and started working on logos, website layouts and larger pieces such as posters, etc. That ambition kinda died down when I started developing interests in other areas and no longer wanted to be a graphic designer. I'm still passionate when it comes to graphics, but I don't see it as anything more than a hobby these days. :)

- What would you describe your own GFX style as?

- What are your strong points?
Well, from feedback I've been given on my graphics, I think placement would be my main strong point. :hmmm: I've been told that I'm good with colour sometimes, too.

- What is your weakness?
The fact that my work is varied. :lew: I always try to come up with something new and different. Unfortunately, this winds up a hit or miss scenario as sometimes I end up with something that's "just alright", or something pretty good. Text was another weakness, but I think that has become less so during my time here. :monster:

- What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?
Well, I've collaborated with Shace before. I thought it was quite fun, and I like the idea of collaborating with another GFX member again sometime. :D

- Prefered graphic programs, if you have any?
Adobe Photoshop CS2.

- What inspires you?
It's kinda hard to say, actually. I guess it's mostly music, games and film. :hmmm: Lately, it's mostly been some of the members here though. Looking at their works just gives me the drive to make things on par with them, but on my own terms.

- Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?
Mostly morning, as that's when I have the most free time. But then, I make some stuff in the evenings too, so I guess I could say anytime that I have some free time on my hands. :monster:

- Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?
No. Making graphics is just a hobby, so I can't commit myself to setting any quotas and/or deadlines.

- Fun facts?
Houston Airport recieved many complaints about baggage wait times. In response, they moved baggage claim further away so that the walk was longer than the wait. The number of complaints dropped.
- Lets start with your name, most known 'artist' username, and telling a little bit about your creative side of life?

For the past year, I've officially used the name Sukiartestudio on other websites. I don't know, sounds a bit better than 'Mitsuki'. I have a bit of creativity in me, and that started at a young age. But I really discovered my passion for art when I was 9 years old, and that was mostly through drawings and portraits of various people inspired by my aunt. Soon I couldn't stop drawing and covered my bedroom wall (to my brother's dismay whom I shared a room with) full of Disney and Marvel drawings. I eventually started dabbling in painting when I started high school (mostly Thomas Kinkade inspired), took a few art classes, and entered competitions in my community (well rather, our teacher submitted our works throughout various communities, and I did win a couple). Then was introduced to CAD Animation in my sophomore year. The whole 'digital' art intrigued me, and that's probably the most advanced program I've used to date. I didn't take it as seriously as the other kids though. I wish I would've paid more attention. Then I joined FFF back in 2006, and in 2007 I was amazed by the signatures that other members created. I like trying out new things, and Photoshop was no exception. Every now and then I'll have this notion that I want to get into media designs or some form of art design, and have actually joined sites for it as well as getting a Bamboo Wacom to expand my creativity, but time can be such a hindrance. So now it's mostly a hobby, but I'm too stubborn to let it be just that. Someday, I'll find a way. May not have anything to do with photoshop, but it'll be neat if I can somehow incorporate that.

- What would you describe your own GFX style as?

I wouldn't really know how to describe it. It varies. But I do make a lot of darker signatures more than I do lighter ones. I don't like cluttering up the sig space with various effects that go in many different directions, so I guess I like to give it that 'maintained' look.

- What are your strong points?

I'm thinking blending. And it's really fun too, because there's so many ways to accomplish this. But blending is definitely my favorite part of making signatures. Applying subtle colors here and there is also up there. I'm not too big on placing extremely vibrant colors all over the place. I like my lighting to be somewhat low, but every now and then I'll surprise myself. Whatever's the outcome, as long as it looks good in my book, then I'll stick with it.

- What is your weakness?

At first, making lighter signatures. I made so many dark ones a few years ago that I actually dedicated to doing only lighter signatures for a few months. I got the hang of it now. Vectors...are kinda hard to do. I've only really tried it a few times, and I'm not sure I was very successful at it, but that's something I would like to touch on. Maybe this year. Text is also quite a challenge for me, but I don't know if my preference for simple text has anything to do with it.

- What are your thoughts on Collaborating when it comes to graphics?

Honestly, I'm more nervous than anything. You'd probably have a hard time believing that, what with all my encouragement about changing layers as you please, etc. But it makes me nervous when it's my turn to work on the piece because I think I'm more focused on doing something that I know the other person may like. I.e, I avoid doing something extreme for fear that it may not be taken too lightly by the other. I guess I over-think it too much. It's fun though, I'll say that. But I'm definitely not in my comfort zone when collaborating.

- Preferred graphic programs, if you have any?

Photoshop. I'm trying Adobe Illustrator as well, but it's somewhat confusing.

- What inspires you?

Many different artists, really, not just sig-makers. I can be inspired so easily, especially by photographers and painters. I used to be big on going to art museums back in high school too, but that definitely heightens my thirst for art in general.

- Are you a day/night/or any time graphics maker?

It used to be night time, because that's when the kids are asleep and I can focus more on what I'm doing while the music's playing low. But now that I can't stay awake past 9 PM (even if I try), Photoshop must be done sometime during the day, which is difficult as it is.

- Do you try and make a routine of when you make sigs and how many (lets say) per month that you make?

Nope. It gets annoying when there's a routine I've got to keep up with, and when it becomes a bit overwhelming, that's when I'll know to give it a rest for a few months. These days, I'll probably make 2-4 signatures per month. Sometimes zero.

- Fun facts?

When I first tried Photoshop, I couldn't figure things out. Back then, Photoshop was only used by a very few select members, and we really didn't have anyone to teach us nor did we think about looking up tutorials. So I actually gave up on photoshop on the spot after failing to figure out how to drag images on the canvas. xD I didn't touch photoshop until 5+ months later, maybe close to a year? Afterwards, it was a member here (SavvyWilt) who showed me a few things and then I was off to creating sigs.

I'm kinda picky when it comes to colors. Not that I don't love many colors, I do. But more than anything, I love earthy tones. In my work, you'll probably only see one or two other colors (besides black and white) that I'll use.

Not too keen on italicized text. It's rare when I find an italicized text that I like, but that doesn't mean that I'll disregard the entire piece due to that.

I actually don't use brushes that often. Maybe once in blue moon.