Final Fantasy X rant


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Ok, I'll start off by saying that I didn't hate X. I enjoyed the game. However, I always felt that it wasn't as good as the previous FF games and felt a little sloppy. I couldn't ever figure out why though. Then I came across Spoony's review. I wouldn't recommend watching if you are an avid FFX fan, but it is pretty funny and he does give the game credit for its good points. He also bashes FF8 for anyone that didn't like that game.

He has a bit of a prologue that is a continuation of a previous episode, but the actual review starts at about 3:10

I've seen these. :wacky: Last month. They were pretty funny. I am a diehard Final Fantasy X fan, but they were funny, I'll admit. :lew:
I enjoy Spoony's reviews more than I enjoy FFX. I found it lackluster. The soundtrack, I have no idea why so many people love it. The only things I remembered were Zanarkand, Battle Theme, and Otherworld.

The rest was utterly forgettable.

I think XII was a huge improvement and is one of the better games of the series.
Spoony and I have the exact same thought and opinion on X, it's scary. I disagree on a few things with his VIII review though (he's dead right on the plot by the way)
I enjoy Spoony's reviews more than I enjoy FFX. I found it lackluster. The soundtrack, I have no idea why so many people love it. The only things I remembered were Zanarkand, Battle Theme, and Otherworld.

The rest was utterly forgettable.

I think XII was a huge improvement and is one of the better games of the series.

Same. To Zanarkand was about the only good track. The battle theme was awful. Hell, the only reason I like To Zanarkand was because of when The Black Mages covered it with The Skies Above, it was fucking awesome.

Other than that, I hate FFX, it's a shit game. :griin:
What a bitch.
Who the hell is this guy? another person in love with the sound of there own voice!
funny not so much, surely he has better things to do with his sad little life?

Good o him for giving Auron credit though...........wanker.
Well as the voting shows more people love FFX than hate it.
Of course I disagree with the notion that FFXII is one of the better games of the series.I think it's one of the worst games of the series.
One man's meat is another man's poison as they say.

People on youtube and similar venues are attention whores for the most part and hedonists.
Spoony gets a lot of views, and a lot of cash for what he does. He tears apart games for a living, even games he likes. More power to him. :grin:
Well I haven't finished VIII yet so I won't watch this if he mentions it in some parts, but I'll agree that X was not the best game of the series; it's one of my least favorites so far. I honestly don't hate Tidus as much as a lot of people did, and that was because I thought his retrospective voiceover narrations were a good counterbalance to his real-time naivete; however, I really hated the way he acted after he found out that
he was just a dream of the Fayth and would disappear.
Instead of being completely honest about it as soon as he found out, once he got to the final battle he was like "Oh yeah, btw
I'm gonna disappear after this :awesome:!
" and then the ending was pretty much a predictable dialogue-free piece of crap. Which I know was made worse by the fact that I spent like 10 extra hours right before the end grinding to get monster body parts and whatnot to synth new weapons, so I had accidentally built it up for myself more than I should have, but still :mokken: And sorry, but I'm still a little bitter over Auron beating
Yu Yevon
in one 99999 hit, WTF was that about :hmph:

Anyway...overall I do think the story flowed alright up until that point, but the voice acting on Yuna's part was absolutely cringeworthy, and I really couldn't stand that the story focused on her as much as it did; she would've made an acceptable NPC or sidekick party member, but certainly not a lead. And what really gets me going (and I always know that people will hate me for saying this :lew:) is when people try to say that Tidus and Yuna's relationship was the main point of the story. From my perspective--which was having known absolutely nothing about FFX or even knowing that it existed up until the day I played it; I'd never heard a word about it or even seen pictures of the characters--from my perspective, Tidus/Yuna was a *subplot* to the ACTUAL point, which was Tidus's relationship with his father :mokken: Because normally, when you're presented with a story, once you've heard/seen the whole thing in its entirety, IMO your overall impression of the point of it should come from looking at it from start to finish, rather than focusing on something that happens partway through and then continues on to the end. In this game, Tidus/Jecht is presented as an emotional, thought-provoking issue starting from the very beginning of the game, in Zanarkand. Jecht has a constant presence/influence in Tidus's thoughts throughout the story, because even if Tidus is not visibly thinking/talking about him in the cutscenes at every second, he is constantly aware that he's going to have to
defeat his own father by defeating Sin,
so any time he thinks about their quest, it's to be assumed that this is on his mind. When he actually
defeats him
towards the end (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this was the case) Tidus actually seemed to be crying harder than at the end when
he said goodbye to Yuna
, which would indicate that the lifelong issues with his father were more emotional than the semi-serious relationship with the girl he only met recently. And then at the end, after
not even telling Yuna he loves her when he says goodbye (BIG mistake, btw :hmph:), when Tidus jumps off of the ship and into the clouds, the final emotional moment is him hand-slapping his father, which is characteristically sportsmanlike but also significant to show that Jecht finally approves of his son after all the years of telling him he was a piece of crap loser.
Which was the main emotional issue for Tidus that was introduced at the beginning of the game, and which I think tied the whole thing off nicely. So yeah, I guess a lot of the media/fan interpretations of "Oh, Yuna/Tidus that's what the whole game is about" tend to irritate me more than the actual game (hey don't get me started on VII either XD), but if Yuna hadn't been in the game, then the whole fangasm around them wouldn't have happened either. So I guess it's partially the producers' fault too :hmmm:

Anyway, I probably will play it again in the future at some point because I did like Auron, Kimahri, and the battle system; however, it will never be one of my favorites because of that dropoff towards the end that I mentioned, it was really disappointing :mokken:
I think too many people look at X the wrong way. Some of the 2D FFs had some very bizarre things in them, yet no one questioned those. I guess people just think X was overrated?
Honestly, I thought X was the best with VII coming to a close second. I'd watch those just for the comedy factor, since I have no problem making fun of anything regardless of my feelings towards them, but they're way too long and I'm way too lazy right now.
I think too many people look at X the wrong way. Some of the 2D FFs had some very bizarre things in them, yet no one questioned those. I guess people just think X was overrated?

In Final Fantasy X the characters are detailed enough to be perceived as actual characters and they look more realistic than their predecessors. Also, they are given voices which is a major change in the franchise. And the more they seem like we do, the more we see them as intelligent sentient beings. In a way, one could say that the visuals and audio have matured, and one would expect a more mature narrative to complement them. That is simply not the case with X. The poor logic and writing was not consistent with the tone of the game. If you look at FFVII, you'll see that the world only has one advanced city that is not affiliated to a nation or the like. The world is severely underpopulated, it doesn't make sense yet we're not hostile towards it. For one, it's the first 3D game in the franchise, and there was only so much they could do with the available technology at the time. You were willing to accept its simplicity, because among other things, the simplistic polygons helped you to be in the frame of mind of accepting it for what it is. But because X isn't as "cartoony" or whatever you want to call it, you're not willing to believe that these characters do what they do and say what they say, because it's ludicrous.

Video games are an interactive -visual- medium. The visuals affect our perception of the narrative because that's how we experience them. For some a more serious story is acceptable for a lesser serious appearance (eg. Final Fantasy tactics) whereas a less serious story is not tolerable for a more serious look.