Favourite Movie

A good Western is always character driven, willing to spend entire hours giving you exposition on two or more persons who will inevitably clash at the end of the movie. Sometimes the clash is between two friends, as in The Shootist. Other times it's between two men who are just mean on principle, like in Unforgiven. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford takes the best variation on that formula I've seen yet. Casey Affleck easily demonstrates that he has more talent than his brother as he portrays Bob Ford, a sheepish young man who, lacking confidence in himself, tries to find it in his idol Jesse James. And when he discovers Jesse is little more than a common thug who has been falsely lionized by sensationalist newspapers, he designs to prove his confidence another way: kill the man.
I've changed my favourite movie to the Blue Lagoon.

I love this movie!

It's such a loving and peaceful movie.

It starts off with two children being shipwrecked on an island with only the captain of the boat with them.

Then he dies soon after and the two are left alone.

They grow up together and have little knowledge about anything.

They celebrate christmas and try to pray but they've forgotten the words to songs and lines in their prayers.

It's quite sad really. The looks on their faces when they realise that they just can't remember it. It's all very vague in their mind and it's like they start to try and remember what it was like when they were at home.

As they grow they don't realise why they grow hair on certain parts of their body or why the girl grows breasts.

In one scene you see her get her period and she totally freaks out and thinks she's wounded.

They eventually 'get together' and soon after the girl falls pregnant but the whole time does not know why she is getting fat.

Imagine the shock when she gave birth. :gasp:

Their love is totally natural and pure.

Fantastic movie for it's time.
Kung Fu Hustle

Stephen Chow's best movie by far. Its twisted humor is beyond hilarious, and I also love martial arts, which this movie has more than enough of. Bruce Leung (who's playing the bad guy here) is also one of my favorite Chinese actors. No matter how many times I watch this movie, I always stay focused till the end.
2001: A Space Odyssey

I watched this movie with my dad when I was a kid like he watched it with his when he was a kid. And it was a little over my head. I watched it with him again a little over a year ago but this time on bluray and it brought him back to his childhood. He told me that he hasn't enjoyed that movie since seeing it on the big screen with his dad. It was this male bonding experience I had with my dad, but that isn't why it's my favorite film. I love this film because of how Kubrick uses his camera angles to vocalize the lack of dialogue in the film. Other than the beginning which is a set up for the movie the dialogue is very, very intense and wouldn't be if there were more throughout the film. In classic Kubrick style there's classical music and it is used better here than in A Clockwork Orange. Overall, it's a love it or hate it kind of film, and I'm on the love it side.

Second favorite film: Bicycle Thief. Brilliant 1950's Italian post World War II film. Definately worth watching.
Shaolin Soccer

Its amazing!!

It starts with these bunch of rally bad ninjas playing football then this guy comes and he makes them amazing and they win this tournament and then in the end everyone learns from him.
Its a short story but loads happens and its sooooooo funny
I would watch it forever!
Favourite movie? Mine is actually an animated one. >.> My favourite movie is Bolt. Saw it for the first time not all that long ago, on Canadian Thanksgiving less than three weeks ago, and loved it from start to finish (the start where he is a puppy is really cute. :awesome:).

Cute, funny, cool, and touching all rolled into one, then add good music to it, and great animation, then you've got the movie Bolt.

My two favourite scenes from it would have to be the action filled chase scene early on in the movie, and number one favourite scene being the Rescuing Penny scene, it's just so warm and touching. ^_^

This movie definitely would have to get a rating of 5/5 or 10/10 from me, I just can't see anything about it to complain about, I simply love it, and think everyone at FFF should see it, because it is that good. XD

Of anyone I know of on the Internet specifically that has seen the movie Bolt, they all really like it. :D
*has a ten favorites list for this one*

Consider the ten listed here to be my all-time favorites..not favorites to have recently come out or "OMG I SAW THIS TWO WEEKS AGO AND IT KNOCKS EVERYTHING AWAY!" because with movies like that, they may make their way into this list sometime, but certainly not a couple weeks after having seen it.

Land Before Time
Words cannot describe how much I love this movie. It was one of the first full movies I ever saw and it's still a favorite. The plot's great, the characters are great, and best of all? NO. FRICKIN'. MUSICAL NUMBERS. Additionally, it says something that the original movie still has such a crowd of devoted fans despite the number of crapquels.

I don't care what the critics said about it. This was a good movie. Robin Williams as an adult Peter Pan is just brilliant and his humor was perfectly suited to the film without seeming agonizingly ridiculous. Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook was another perfect choice and his face still comes to mind whenever I hear the character's name mentioned. Besides, Zuko's one the lost boys.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Best. Disney movie. Ever. At least of the ones that I've seen anyway. Yes, I know the idea of Jason Alexander singing sounds repulsive, but this honestly had some of the most orgasmic songs Disney's ever done (for lack of a better term). Do not deny it.
Most epic opening sequence ever.

Donnie Darko
Total jump from the whimsical here. This is one of those oddball movies that really hooked me after the first time I watched it. I have debated the meaning of this thing with people many times and each time we've come up with a different meaning behind the events of a confused boy and a bunny. Reading too much into it? Perhaps. Enjoying it all the same? Definitely.

I know it's horror, but at the same time it's totally different from all other horror movies with their dreamland slashers and psychopathic immortal zombies. For once, the icons' roles are never clearly defined as protagonist or antagonist, and indeed, the Cenobites are far more menacing by presence than deed.

Big Trouble in Little China
This is honestly the B-movie action genre at its best. The plot's simple (truck driver and his chinese friend save the chinese friend's fiance and an innocent lawyer from a 3,000 year old sorcerer who hasn't been able to find a girl with green eyes in all that time), the characters are fun("I was born ready!"), and the pacing is just so perfectly done that there's NEVER a bored moment where you yawn your way through the plot.

The Court Jester
Danny Kaye movie. 1955. It's an odd little movie and not as well known as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, but it's definitely one of the better relaxation movies. Features one of the best jousting scenes and the most epic marching scene EVER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Aiyec2czY

Blazing Saddles
Mel Brooks film. You've all heard of it. It's about the only time a scene featuring grown men farting loudly ever made it into the big screen. The movie's racist, crass, and quite stereotypical...but it does all this in the name of mocking Westerns. It's a must-see.

Yes, it is an anime movie (duology). Yes, it is incredibly confusing and hard to follow the first time around. That doesn't stop it from being one of my favorites though. The plot is excellent, and even the characters are well developed. Oh, and did I mention that IT IS REALLY FRIGGIN' SHINY?

Transformers (1986)
Kid movie? Yes. Fun all the way through? That too. Okay, so it was a cheap excuse to usher in a new toy line, but this is one of those movies I never get tired of watching. It's just plain fun. YOU GOT THE POWEEEER, YEAH!
FFVII Advent Children Complete that only came out on bluray. I've watched that movie so many times it's insane because I love it so much. Awesome action scenes and Cloud and Zack is eye candy. XD

Ramen Girl which is a very sweet movie. I love romantic comedies as long as they're a bit original like this one and also Brittany Murphy is one of my fav actresses, it's to bad that she died.

Hostel Part II which is a brutal movie about some girls who are traveling and they meet this woman who asks them to come with her to Praha to go to a spa. They spend the night at an hostel where they get captured and tortured. I love movies like that and horror movies and I don't get scared or freaked out anymore.
My favorite movie would have to be Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or Some Like it Hot, I love classic movies and these two are A. A great story of romance and drama, and B. A great classic comedy XD

~ but of the latest movies it'd have to be Tropic Thunder: Hilarious!
i can't decide between Advent Children, Serenity, Nightmare Before Christmas, or Scott Pilgrim.
My favorite movie's are The Lion King, Princess Mononoke, Whisper Of The Heart, Spirited Away but if I had to chose it would be The Lion King because it was the first movie I can remember watching
Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, VII: Advent Children, Spirited Away, Star Wars Trilogy, Labrinyth, and Wall-E. But out of them, Wall-E was probably the one I enjoyed the most. It made me cry. ._.
Ohhh man I have so many favorite movies, can any person really narrow down their list to just one? I think most people have a list of favorites and watch them when they are feeling a particular way, or to cheer them up, or whatever. I think the favorite at the top of my list is Gone with the Wind. Vivian Leigh was an amazing actress. She was so beautiful and though she played a snot for the majority of the movie, she was so fun to watch. Clark Gable was amazing too and the storyline was long, but unforgettable in my eyes. I could watch this movie all day, every day if I could and never get tired of it.

Some of my other favorites are Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet (the remake with Dicaprio and Danes), Sixteen Candles, The King and I, Grandma's Boy, Office Space, Up, and many others...
My favorite movie is THE DARK KNIGHT. RIP Heath Ledger.

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This is hard...It's a close call between Donnie Darko, Fight Club and the Matrix trilogy.

Donnie Darko: There are no words to describe how much I love this movie. It has a unique story and I just love Donnie's character. I had to watch it a couples of times to understand the story completely. The cast is very good also.

Fight Club: Another unique story. Marla and Tyler Dunder are just amazing. There's a lot of little details that you understand the second time you watch it.

The Matrix trilogy: Probably the best sci-fi movies I ever watched. It also has a lot of philosophical concept in it an it makes you think about human nature and love.

Edit: OMG I had totally forgot Requiem for a dream. This is one the saddest movie I've seen. It's about the devastating effects of drugs on 3 people that had a good life in the beginning. The ending is really hard.
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Pulp Fiction

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I actually have a few favourite movies tied together:

Deuce Bigalo
I'm absolutely in love with this movie, it is absolutely corny, stupid and gross in every way, its so unrealistic and yet I love it to death! It's hilarious and it has so many great one liners
"Did someone say steak?"
"No! MIStake!"
"Ohh now you got me all excited"
I just love this movie to death, once I was sick with some kind of vomit cold for 24 hours and I literally watched this movie over the whole 24 hours!

A lot of people don't like this movie for its Crudeness and stupidity, but I think Broat contains a lot of messages about society but is hidden under filth. (hilarious filth)
It shows homophobia, racism, the stupidity of some people and how judgmental we can be! I also find Borat to be extremely adorable at times!! "this suit is NOT black"

Hercules Returns
No One will know this movie, it is an Australian film similar to the American "Kung Pow"
It is based on an old Italian movie about herculese, these three people want to show this movie in their cinema but find out the language is in Italian! So they have no choice to dub over the voices with their own.
It is so hilarious! I laugh myself to tears every time I watch it, Hercules and Samson are so hilarious and its just a brilliant Idea! The best Australian film ever!

as you can see I adore stupid comedy haha