Explain why you would hit the user above you with any object

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*Hits Droxy with an ostrich.*

Why? Because it's a fecking awesome weapon.
-hits argor with a piece of paper- sure seems like an undeadly weapon but just wait, the paper cut will make you squeal like a little girl
*Throws a Kitchen Sink at Crisis Core Escapee* Make sure to wash your hands !
/me hits Zknight7 with my F-ing english exam because he has an incredibly long and confusing name that none of us remembers, and what is that avatar?
Throws a frozen chicken at Firion's Babe because I like the sound of frozen chickens flying through the air majestically :wacky:
Throws a binder at Crimston Tear Drop because of his random . . . randomness.
Throws a frozen chicken at sneakerpimp441 because I like the sound of frozen chickens flying through the air majestically
Chucks a large mannequin at Crimson Tear Drop's head because of the fact that he repeated that ridiculous statement. Chickens don't fly majestically through the air at all.
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