Do you use Cheats?


ShinRa Guard
Aug 8, 2009
Akron, OH
I only took a quick glimpse to see if anyone posted a similar thread and didn't see any, so I apologize if someone else already made a thread of this.

I was wondering how many people use cheats and how do you feel about them? Me myself can't stand them, and I have friends who claim they beat games, but find out they use a shit load of cheats to beat the game, it actually aggravates me that they'd actually brag out beating a game they had to cheat to beat. Not only that, but I think it completely takes the fun out of a game, what is the point in buying a game if you're just going to cheat and go right through it with every power up and weapon or whatever it may be, it's just pointless to me.
Yes, after I've beaten the game the first time. Because the next time around, I can just enjoy sailing through it. :awesome:
Lol, yeah that would make sense. I admit I do that every once in awhile on like Grand Theft Auto or something, so I can feel ya there
I almost never use cheats, I find them boring. A game isn't any fun if you can't lose. I exploit glitches all the time though (unless they give me a ridiculously unfair advantage).

The only time I use cheats is when I borrow a 'pick up and play game' (I.E a casual game) and I want to unlock everything quickly so I can enjoy the game with the limited amount of time I have it. But I haven't even done this in years, because I usually have fun unlocking the features myself.

So I don't use cheats that often (if ever) any more.
Personally, the only "cheats" I've liked to use, throughout my gaming history was Sonic II, Resident Evil II, and if there's any more, they've faded from my memory. I've only used codes after beating said game though, cuz I really don't like to be a an entity who can't find a challenge. It'd be like playing Melee with invincibility all the time. Not fulfilling at all. Some code's still stuck in my head "X B A Y Up Lf, Dn, Rt, Dn" Must be a game cube game. Huh. >_>

WAIT! I looked it up! It's the SNES Mortal Kombat Kode to unlock Smoke! Haha... I haven't played that game in freakin' eons!
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I tend not to use cheats, infact, any of my games i haven't used cheats on. BUT on games like GTA and Saints Row once i have completed the storyline i will use cheats like the infinate ammo cheat, and get an RPG/Rocket Launcher and simply cause masses and masses of carnage, without fear of the consicuences. Other than that, no i don't use cheats in games
No, I don't use cheats. I used to be pretty heavy into using them, and I guess I just got tired of them? Now I won't ever use them, and shun then. Kind of like Toksik said, I can't stand peopel who brag about beating a game while they used cheats to beat it >.> (is proud of my GTAIV having the Cheats Used in my statistics at a steady 0)

That being said, however, I WILL consult the occasional guide, such as which chests not to open in FFXII for the Zodiac Spear. I suppose that's cheating as well, but I'll be damned if I can't get that spear cause of a dumbass treasure chest.
I don't really use cheats unless the game is so damn long. Then I start using cheats, but they're usually only for hard to get weapons, unlimited items, etc etc. Most of the time, though, I turn to the strategy guide should I need help with anything that's bugging me or something.
Whether it be frowned upon or not, I often use whatever is at my disposal to feel as unstoppable as I can in a game, I don't use many of those button press cheats, or glitchs, but moreso codes. :P

I used to use codes for Wii games, made games I already had beaten/unlocked all the stuff for more fresh and interesting, it was fun, but it started to cause my Wii to have a serious freezing problem right in the Wii Menu, so I had to remove The Homebrew channel and any replays were made using certain codes. >.>'
Huh, I never use cheats. I prefer playing cleanly and revealing all the game's secrets along the way without the use of cheats, which...regrettably, is nearly impossible to do. Why does good have to be so impossible?!
Lol, I admit that using cheats can be rather friendly sounding. I also consult to a strategy guide if I'm really stumped on something and can't just figure it out for the life of me, but I wouldn't really call it cheating, that's more like just getting help because you still have to take the time and effort to do the stuff, that's my opinion anyway.
I used to when I was little because it seemed more fun, like in Digimon World I had a screen at the beginning with max mp/hp and unlimited mp/hp and such like. Now I don't because a) I prefer the challenge, there's absolutely no pleasurable feeling about beating a game using cheats other than the fact you've finished it and b) cheats basically deactivate the trophies on the PS3 so you'd have wipe all the data off of that game and redo everything, not worth the bother imo.
Nope, only for fun after i have beaten the game first. Using them first time through just takes the fun and challenge out of the game, it makes it shorter in my opinion.

I can understand if there's a point in the game you just can't pass after numerous times i can see why they would be used then. Some games have their cheap parts where it just feels impossible to beat it and move on the next part.
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Depends on the game. Like GTA I will, but only when I'm not on a mission. And all other games only for fun after i have beaten the game first.
I only cheat after I finished the game the first time, and only in arcade esque games lke Tekken to unlock all the characters that I couldnt be arsed to get. I assume you mean cheats that tell you how to get things that would otherwise been imposible to get?
Example would be like after I beat,The Legend of Dragoon I found a cheat for having all party members at the beginning of the game, thus I used it. Leveled up faster, was kind of nice.
Nah I don't use cheats, I don't really see the point, though I did when I was younger on my mega drive when I was far too shite and couldnt beat Sonic 2 or Ghosts and Ghouls :rage:

I'd rather avoid cheats now, oh actually, Im telling a slight fib, I used to like whacking the cheats in the sims and GTA, because I just wanted to play rather than work through it. That and I just liked buying loads of shit or people squishing in the tank the odd day, instead of working up to those points... if Im making sense there ¬_¬

If I want to play through a game properly, I won't use cheats ever
Hum, I guess I have to be different.

I use cheats alot. Almost every game I've played, I've cheated once during the process, and not only after I've beaten the game. I like to cheat, I think it's fun. Of course, it does spoil the game a bit, but I usually rent games so I don't have a month to play them. I cheat through them.

Now if it's a good game, I'll buy it, and not cheat, but if it's only so-so, I'll cheat cheat cheat!!!!

So, I suppose I'm a dirty cheater.
I do not normally "cheat" on a game unless I have beaten it all the way or I am restarting it and need a few extra boosts since I've beaten it before. Ya know?

Now, sometimes I do go and look up a strategy guide for help when I am completely stuck or need help doing side-missions and acquiring ultimate weapons. I do not consider that cheating though. It is just a quick help to get you through.